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  • Its a fire that will blow your Key forever :rofl:

    and you won't be able to make any success :rofl:
    true... agreed

    pehle yeh baat kehte sharam aa rahi thee? hahaha

    but if he can satisfy both of his women, provide full financial support, provide accommodation and everything that she demands... if he can take care of his children's and all is well - i mean all is literally well

    You can opt for second marriage :rofl: (i won't) but not everybody thinks alike
    of course, nowadays they (women) just have sex with anybody. Its no longer 1 man 1 wife concept only... or 1 man 2-3 women concept of old days. Now you start your Bharti pure india concept but that does not apply in western nations. You know what I mean

    All I was saying in my last message is, we Muslims have taken Islam too lightly. Islam encouraged man to have more wives during the early period of Islam. Nowadays its no longer that case. We already have strong Muslim population of 1.5 billion in the world so that rule must be softened. Islam sets criteria to allow more than 1 marriage that I think nobody or hardly any man can fulfill that criteria be it from any nation of the world.

    I am strictly not in favor of more than 1 marriage like i said before but special cases do exist and I won't prohibit the entire ruling by looking at the incompetency of majority (99% Muslims).
    Ahhh your fellow mates had the contention of that man are justified having 4 wives where as women does not and were shying away with the religon to rescue. And practically it is well know how women in Pakistan and elsewhere are treated for adultery and same very people justify it again taking the religon out of books again.

    See you have to know the background of allowing such relationships.

    You know Muslims had a first battle when they were only few. In the first battle of Muslim vs Non-Muslims (Jang-e-Badr...that is also known as the battle of Survival) Muslims were only 313 vs thousands of Non-Muslims willing to crush this deen.

    Those days we were too little in numbers so it was encouraged by the Prophet to marry as much as you can so that the population of Muslim can be increased in no time and they can stand to defend their religion. Those were different times....

    It is still allowed but it is said, marry only if you can justify with each of your women. Otherwise technically its not allowed for them. I know many peoples in Islamic World + India marries keep more than 1 women but it is highly desired to make sure that the man can afford, justify and fulfill their physical desires or not.

    The rule is basically too strict that hardly any human being should get keep more than a single wife
    Welcum back girl!
    Phir bazz nhi aai :\
    You posts are too violent and direct.
    It will cause you to be banned forever.
    Hi Divya, How are you doing....? Yea just wanted to inform you that do not reply to any of the ajtr posts. We have formed a group who would ignore ajtr's post and make it null and void. Please cooperate and restrain from any further replies to ajtr. We are not asking to add him to ignore list though. Just ignore his post and move on. This will teach him a lesson.

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