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  • Gosh ma'am, you're embarrassing me. Turkey has done more than enough for Pakistan too and we are truly indebted towards the concern that average Turkish men and women (and in some cases children too) showed for Pakistan in last years floods.

    But enough of about that, tell me about Cyprus. I remember reading in an edition of the Economist (I think) that the Island is facing a chronic water shortage and that water desalination plants are still not being constructed quickly enough to cover the ever rising water consumption. Is that true ?
    Well I'm glad to hear that. And in the future if you ever come across someone like that remember we, in Pakistan, love both the Turks and the Saudis quite a bit. In fact, the only two countries in the Muslim world that you'd find us not very warm towards are either Afghanistan or Iran, but things are improving for the latter.
    adam beni gulmekten ødurecek! hahaha

    he is in my mind the best political comedian out there.
    Ignore NeutralCitizen he is a professional troll here. He doesn't stand up for anything or anyone he is just here to troll.
    Ma'am, how does a lady end up on a defense forum ? Not that there is anything wrong with that...but Emmm, I just can't recall a single lady, who I've known, who was interested in the armed forces or their equipments.
    Evet evet Allahin izniyle hic suphesiz yani evvellah ustesinden geliriz imanimiz tam, mesela "muhtac oldugunuz kudret damarlarinizdaki asil kanda mevcuttur" sozu tamda bu noktaya istaret etmekte. Bunu yasayip gormus bizzat sahit olmus Gazi, bu sozde nice sirlar var ama kapali, gerektiginde aciga cikartiyo bu millet o Ilahi kudretleri.
    Kusura bakmayin mesajinizi tam okuyamadim iphonedan girdiim icin rahat yazamiom, evet ecet ermeniler doguda yunanlilar batida,sonra siplar hirvatlar bilmemne balkanlarda, kafkaslarda heryerde resmen kesmisler dogramislar Turkleri, ellerinden gelse zaten profda diyo Turkleri tamamen yok etme noktasina gelmisler yani gerisini biz dusunelim. Acaip bisey ya, biz millet olarak ne zorluklardan, sinavlardan gecmisiz degerini bilebilsek, emanete hiyanet etmessek.
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