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  • bhagathsingh, I'm afraid there's too much there to answer in this format. Why don't you start a thread? There are some good questions there that would be excellent discussion material.

    sir i have few questions about bvr air combat..please spare some time.

    1)how often will we see a bvr combat compared to mid range or short range missile fights(in 4.5 gen fighters )
    2)what are the chances of escaping a bvr missile fired at 70- 80 km.if it's very less then short range and medium range missiles are of not much use ?
    3)if detecting and firing first is the most important turning point i see a jf17 or LCA can kill mki or F15 (big rcs)?
    4)how is awac actually help a battle between to fighters ?

    5)i read modern heat seeking missiles are smart enough to distinguish between fake flares and fighter jet.
    Yes, I made a hobby web site which I haven't updated in a long time. The military pictures are on the web, but not in any HTML document.


    You have to have the index.htm in the address or it goes to a corporate splash screen. It's all just hobby stuff, no military.
    Late 1980's... it was my first assignment. Note the colored roundels on the jet. Those went away a bit later. My wife is a tall lady, she was a volleyball player.

    It's pretty odd, but I don't have all that many pics from those days. I know I have more, but they are packed away somewhere. These are scanned paper prints too, no digital cameras then!

    The harness is for the ACES2 seat. The parachute is inside the seat. Basically, you clip your harness into the seat and it becomes one unit. This is infinitely better than dragging a 40 pound parachute around, like you'd do with a T-38.
    great pics, though i cannot see you closely. but u sure are a handsome man. seems mid 80s pics from the hair style - not your hair i mean :)

    its a huge aircraft (u cant realize that if bird is parked alone). but if u r are standing with it then you know its SIZE.

    are you wearing a parachute, isn't that part of ejection seat (may be in viper it is).

    keep the pics which u selected for gallery. may be after few days u can try uploading.
    is your album approved. search is not working in this new outlook of forum. i dont like this.

    it is still not fully up. so we have to wait. may be u have to wait for few days and after that you can upload pics again.
    Thank you Pritamkonar, I appreciate that. I try to stay even and honest as much as I can. We all can learn from each other! :-)
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