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  • And what's exactly wrong with that?

    mut'a has been mentioned in Quran.

    Your scholars believe that the second Caliph abrogated mut'a. (some say prophet Muhammad did so)

    But we believe it has not been abrogated.

    What's your problem, now??
    That looks horrible ! I hope that the situation in Syria is settled as per the will of the people.
    Well Good to have you back, brother...but I got 2 infractions too because I lost my cool against some of the racists Pakistanis who couldn't help but insult other Pakistanis ! :D
    I like to offer my sincere apologizes about yesterday. After reviewing some of my posts, I understand how some of them may have been misunderstood by you and Mosamania. And used as instigators by others in the forum.

    As with any society, there are the "bad eggs".

    I like to clarify that I have would not engage in or condone discriminatory behavior against anyone. As I have been raised by my parents and grandparents to behave better than that. Not to generalize because of the actions of 1 person, is what I have attempted to do over my 20 years of life. Well... maturity hit me kind of late so lets say over my last 8 years.

    If you feel I have digressed from my statements above I do apologize. And ask for your forgiveness.
    انت شو اسمك هناك عشان اكتب ريفير منك
    اوكي نعمل الاينس في منتدى العربي للدفاع انا و انت و انا دحين بسوي اكاونت هناك اشوفك هناك و لا تنسى تضيفني هناك Mosamania ترى كمان دا ايميلي لو حابب نتكلم بالمسن برضو
    انا ودي اشارك في الساحات و الدفاع العربي لكن انا فكري ليبرالي و البدو هناك راح يقطعوني للاسف. كمان الساحات مقفل و اكره الانترفايس حقت الدفاع العربي
    Well I hope that we transcend these ethnic, linguistic and sectarian differences that have crippled us Muslims into what we are today. Iqbal, the poet-philosopher of Pakistan who was very big on pan-islamism once said :

    'Manf-e-at Eik Hai Is Qaum Ki Nuqsaan Bhi Eik

    Eik Hi Sub Ka Nabi, Deen Bhi, Imaan Bhi Eik

    Haram-e-Paak Bhi, Allah Bhi, Quran Bhi Eik

    Kuch Bari Baat Thi Hote Jo Musalmaan Bhi Eik

    Meaning : The successes and failures of this community (the Muslims) are the same, One Prophet, One Deen, One Faith, One Haram, One Allah and One Quran, Wouldn't it be something if the Muslims were One too.
    I'm glad to hear that; I love shwarmas too :P But they way some Pakistanis have talked about Arabs was extremely racist and condescending and must have hurt quite a bit.
    Eagle, I sincerely apologize for my countrymen's racism and bigotry towards the Arabs and as soon as a MOD comes online I'd talk to them about that and try to get them to act against this !
    يا اخي يا هم كارهين السعوديه كره. هذا الدليل الوحيد اللي احتاجه لاحب ال سعود ههههه
    hello ... thanks for posting in israel in photos but ... you know ... it doesn't work
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