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  • Man I live here in the uk and I the same colour as them, what is your definition of white?
    actually I am sort of pink, that picture has been given effect which darkens it a bit.

    anyway as I said, I have no beef with arabs, just try and reduce your hostility and we will be friends.
    I have nothing against arabs, one of my dear friends is an iraqi.
    I just dont like people who talk about us like we're some thing.
    its much better for you to try and reduce you level of hostility.

    anyway go on my profile page and see my pic I am not brow :P
    كفو والله لكن ريح شويه ابسط افضل كويس للمخ و يفك الذهن:
    احترس من البان لان الخوميني و الخاميني يعتبروا شخصيات مقدسه عند الشيعه فاحترس.
    We are not angels who would have the knowledge of unseen and suddenly appear on any thread before someone starts insulting each other. Please keep using the report button and we will try to take action as soon as possible
    I just don't like jealous bashers with nothing to d other than bashing others for their jealousy and religious ideoly... And Mosa is my friend :D

    Oh and think nothing of it :) You are very welcome.
    انا فخور اني سعودي. انا فخور انه بلدي تعمل فهيدي الاشكال هيك. شفت تدريب واحد ايش سوى فيهم؟؟ والله العظيم نكته. والله السعوديه من جد مستهدفه و الله السعوديه انشاءالله فوق كل كاره و حاسد. و تبقى الكلاب كلابا و تبقى الاسود اسود
    No worries brother! It is always nice talking with you. We just have to settle our interior problems, and work together, and accept eachother. Only that will make us have a better future.
    I have seen a lat of debates and talks about these stuff. And I the result was the opposite of what you said. But doesn't matter.

    You should know that "debates" cannot be the final basis of judgments for many reasons.

    You have to finally to the MAIN sources, and read them on your own and decide. You'll see the world looks a lot different at that level.

    But if you are specifically referring to issue of mut'a you should know that we have many hadeeth from ahlulbait with different isnaad that prove it legal. But it's in your books too, that Umar abrogated it.
    But I always say a debate betwen shia-sunni about mut'a is stupid, as it won't have any useful outcome. The debate should be about the Beliefs and fundamental stuff and the rest will be solved automatically.

    Well if want to know what's forbidden, what's not we should ask Allah and his messenger.

    أَمْ لَهُمْ شُرَكَـٰٓؤُا۟ شَرَعُوا۟ لَهُم مِّنَ ٱلدِّينِ مَا لَمْ يَأْذَنۢ بِهِ ٱللَّهُ ۚ وَلَوْلَا كَلِمَةُ ٱلْفَصْلِ لَقُضِىَ بَيْنَهُمْ ۗ وَإِنَّ ٱلظَّـٰلِمِينَ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌۭ

    We can't make halaal, haraam or the other way around.

    I have spent a lot of time researching this, and at the end everything boils down to that Umar abrogated it. There are even evidence supporting our position in Bukhaari (and also Muslim if I am not mistaken)

    Did you know some of the Sahaba were born through mut''a?
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