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  • We've got extremes like my Uncle (a Wahabi) who thinks that Pakistan should adopt Arabic as our National language to the moderates who think that a Saudi Arabia styled Shari'ah is the answer to all our social and judicial problems to people like me who aren't that religious but the word 'loyalty' means a lot to us and so we'd go the extra mile for all those who went the extra-mile for us - GCC states, Indonesia, Iran (under the Shah), China and Sri Lanka top that list !
    I know ! You have no idea how much it pains me and more so shames me in knowing what the normal Pakistani thinks of the Arabs and then reading what Pakistanis on PDF think ! And that dichotomy eats away at me because you guys are going away with this view that Pakistanis think of Arabs as some kind of a 'sub-human' species who are responsible for all the ills of the Muslim world and I'm powerless to show you what the average Pakistani on the street thinks about Arabs in general and Saudis in particular.
    Mate, if you're still in contact with 'IbnAlwaleed' can you please pass on my sincerest apologies to him !
    I'm afraid I have to because I honestly don't know where these Pakistanis are coming from ! My friends and family who live in Saudi Arabia or the UAE (and they'd number around a 100 added all together) have nothing but good things to say about Arabs in general and Saudis in particular . The same can be said about almost all the Pakistanis that I've ever met here in my city...except a few Shi'ites !

    And call me an idealistic idiot...but I believe in this Pan-Islamism stuff - We are One ! Period ! In fact, Iqbal, a man I idolize once said :
    'Manaf-i-at eik hai iss qaum ki, nuqsaaan bhi eik - Eik hee sub ka nabi, deen bhi iman bhi eik - harmee pak bhi, Allah bhi Quran bhi eik - kuch baree baat thee hotee jo hojai Musalman bhi eik'

    Eng: 'The successes and failures of this Ummah are One, One Prophet, One Faith, One Ideology, One Kabah, One Quran...won't it be something if the Muslims were One as well ?'
    Yes, I know ! Imran Khan works in Saudi Arabia and I've often drawn a chuckle reading some of his posts. Either way - Thank your friends on that forum, from me, for treating my compatriot with respect...I'm afraid I can only apologize in case of your experience with PDF !
    بصراحة ما أتوقع يصير له شي. طالما أن المتكلم ما يطلع على التلفزيون ولا يكتب في الجرايد محد حيقربه. ياكثر السعوديين فالمنتديات الليبرالية يكتبون أسوأ ألف مرة من اللي كتبه سمبوزو.
    انت بتقول
    استحي على دمك يا ابن الحلال
    انا بقولك انت جبت سيرة شهدائنا فى حرب 1967 و دية مش هسيبك بسببها ابدا
    Meh...ignore them, it's pointless to keep arguing with them. it's best to just let them know of your belief and present them with the truth; it's up to them if they choose to ignore it or not. As far as S-19 goes, he supports Israel on one thread, and then bashes the same Israel, Zionists and Arabs for supposedly allying with them on another. Pretty contradicting things, really
    Baaahhh, Wahhabi this, Wahhabi that. I really can't tell if it's on purpose or they're serious about it
    Haaahaaa...! Alright, I'm off to bed in a few moments (its 4:00 in the morning here) because I have to wake up in a couple of hours for my class; lots of love to you and your loved ones...take care !
    Apparently you've never studied accounting before ! Bro, 'I'd rather go hug a suicide bomber then sit through an accounting lecture' :P Its that boring...!
    Are those likeable enough ? :P

    Cheers, take care ! Damn, I was supposed to study financial derivatives and here I am on PDF ! :(
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