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  • Tired of - Incessant Arab bashing, Pakistan-India and Arab-Persian d*ck measuring contests ! What I missed most of all were the innocent and funny threads that Cheeky, Imran Khan, Guru Dutt and many Indian and Pakistanis used to come up with every morning and the heated debates that were going on in the Turkish Section - I miss them...I dearly miss those guys !
    Alright...I'm back ! But I probably won't be posting as often as previously did because of my exams coming up and the 'weariness' that I mentioned ! Now wheres my 'Mansaf' ! Can you do that too a chicken because I don't eat Mutton :P ?
    Oye, mate ! I'm not angry at you...I swear it ! I don't begrudge you, if anything I empathize with you ! I'd probably had been a lot more caustic and short-tempered had I been subjected to the same abuse as you guys were ! So again I say, I don't have anything against you; I'm just tired..very tired and so I need a break from PDF ! Preferably for a few months and hopefully one that is not indefinite !

    So, Take Care and maybe if I ever visit Jordan I'd look you up ! :)
    Mate, its not because of the thread ! If anything I understand where you're coming from; I just need a break right now...! Maybe in a few months time I'd log back in ! Take care !
    Well..I read that India-Arab thread...I'm sorry if you feel that way...

    I'll just say one thing...most Pakistanis on this forum do not represent most Pakistanis in real life...the rest is up to you =/
    I say this to you because I really like your sweet posts, I saw nothing but generosity in your posts and I want to congratulate you for that.

    God bless you.
    Black Eagle, what is up with that recent thread? There is no need to take out your anger like that, brother.

    Do not take forums/online opinions that seriously. Pakistanis and Arabs are brothers in faith, and we will always remain that way.
    ااااه يا مصعابني ااااااه

    طول بالك. ما تخلي كلمتين توديك و تجيبك خصوصا كلمتين بمنتدى. انا ادوني بان في المنتدى العربي لا يرفع و حجبوا الي بي حق بيتي بالكليه على فكره ههههههههه
    Oye...! I'm not talking about whether its right or wrong so you don't have to justify it ! :P

    Its their country...their laws; I was simply saying that it comes as a shock to some of us because its an unusual thing that even Canada or the United States don't have ! I'm not saying that its right or wrong...simply something that some of us can't really relate to...but of course they accept it as the law of the land !
    I know...I know ! And thats why I wasn't judging it either way; I was simply saying that when Pakistanis realize that others would like to find unity in something other than 'because we're all Muslims' that comes as a shock to us because thats not how it works in our country ! I'm not saying whether its right or wrong...simply that its different ! And so when UAE tells Pakistanis that you can't be our citizen because we'd like to preserve our Arab identity and the fact that you're Muslim is not enough to give you citizenship comes as a shock to most Pakistanis !
    Yes well such an over-arching affinity for one's own ethno-linguistic group is, as I've come to understand, common amongst every other Muslim nation barring Pakistan ! But here because our Nationalism isn't based on a common ethnicity or a common linguistic group because a country as diverse as Pakistan where the largest ethnic group (nearing 100M) which is more than the population of Egypt, Jordan and Kuwait combined constitutes only 45-50% of Pakistan's population and so the rest of the ethno-linguisitc groups are a lot in numbers, and so most of us can't really understand where the Arabs are coming from when they say 'No Nationality' for others because from Day1 we've been taught 'We're Muslims as so we're One' and thats essentially the glue that keeps countless dozens of ethnic and linguistic groups in Pakistan together as one Nation ! And yeah thats also one of the reasons that some Pakistanis are putt-off by Arabs and then in turn question our 'skewed view of Nationalism' !
    Thanks ! :) And thats exactly the reason why I ask you guys to come to Pakistan and see for yourselves...there are far, far many of us; in fact one of the greatest tragedies of Pak-Arab relations is that we didn't foster greater people-to-people relations ! Had Jordanians, Saudis, Egyptians, Emiraties etc. visited Pakistan and Pakistanis visited those countries regularly whether it was as part of student-exchange programs, joint-ventures, site-seeing (we've got some pretty darn good stuff here ! and I love the Pyramids) or business...we wouldn't be having this conversation right now...I'd probably be getting asked by Mosa and you to go and bring some 'Naan-Chaanass - a morning delicacy' ! :P
    And lastly if anecdotal evidence is anything to go by I know around a 100 people who are happily settled in KSA, UAE or Kuwait ! If that were to include my father's acquaintances the number would be approaching the 200 figure ! The worst that I've heard from them are usually 2 things - They've been there for the better part of 2-3 decades and they're still not considered nationals and that the Royal Family has wasted so much wealth on extravagances that had they invested it into their countries - Israel wouldn't be able to breath and the Muslims the world over wouldn't be pushed around and treated like dirt as we are !
    On the Battle of Yarmouk and that fellow - I don't understand his/her logic either! As for Yarmouk being an Arab victory...hell No ! :P It was a Muslim victory ! And that my friend is the very essence of Pakistan...how can the vast majority of us have anything but goodwill for the Muslims when an overwhelming number of Pakistanis (as per the recent Gallup) identify themselves as Muslims first and then Pakistanis...! Heck we even have a soft-spot for Indian Muslims who've, on more than one occasion, made their disdain known to us...we even talk about 'brotherhood' with Bangladesh who broke away as a separate country from us in '71 and we hold no ill-will towards them ! We gave (and still do) refuge to 3-4 million Afghans and continue to like them (I don't !) despite many of them disliking us ! In fact one of the greatest shortcomings of Pakistan's foreign policy, as pointed out by our critics is, that we go too much over-board with this Ummah thing ! How can we then dislike the Arabs ?
    And then we've got some Pakistanis who are either parroting someone else's rhetoric when they keep on blaming Saudis to those who have adhere to a different religious ideology (I'm sure you can understand what I'm trying to imply here) but most of these are a minority in the educated class which in itself is a minority at less than 5-10 % of Pakistan's population !
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