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  • Afghanistan keshvar e jalebi hast. Man dost daram ke yek rooz Afghanistan ra bebinam. :)

    Shoghl e shoma chist? Man be onvane tajer kar mikonam.
    salam brother pasban, man dar UK zindagi mekonam. na wallah aslan herat ka na raftem, mtualid wa buzorg shoda kabul hastam
    And sorry I hadn't known that you had posted a reply on your own profile. I actually opened it up to ask you where had you gone. :)
    Salam, Ahmad jan...

    ...man khubam, mamnun. Man dar Paris zendegi mikonam. Shoma ahleh koja hastid? Herat?
    Hello Al Zakir brother, i deleted the quoted part of my post. i barely understood what he said, but from some parts of it, i think it wasnt something pleasant. it's gone now anyway. thanks.
    I was in Afghanistan for few weeks recently due to cultural programmes. My ancestors belongs to Afghanistan as well. My second home.
    Salam baradar pasban, shokir khodawand ka hama chez khob ast. hale shoma chetor ast? khodet dar iran zindagi mekone?
    Dear Creder, you are partly right and partly not. hating pakistanis is one thing and hating pakistan's foreign policies is somethng else. i personally hate pakistan's foreign policy with regards to afghanistna, but i never hate pakistanis as a nation. regarding the issue of NWFP, again, it depends on whom you are talking to.
    Hey bro, glad to see an afghan member here.. I was a part of an afghan forum, people there seemed to literally hate pakistanis.. i would like to see your views on subjects like pakhtunkhwa or the movement itself within Afghanistan and Pakistan and about the Afghan people here in Pakistan, they seem to despise Pakistan too..Im in the midst of trying to understand all this. I hope you can help

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