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  • "No matter what happens, you always deny the facts and twist it to the benefit of the oppressors."

    I do point out that facts don't always mean what people say they mean, but what facts have I denied? The Palestine situation is not only more complicated than you think, but I suspect much of what Muslims learn in school about it is false and almost always it is biased: the Israeli point of view is either misrepresented or not given any value at all, is that not so?

    "i hope you can say the same thing about palestine, which i know you wouldnt say."

    The Arabs' claims are exaggerated. But you would never investigate and report the truth of that, would you?
    "how can somebody justify demolishing the houses of the people because they are arabs and give to the other people who are jews? "

    How could Arabs justify expelling Jews to give their lands and wealth to others?

    "i am sure you would agree with me that those illegal settlers are not any peace loving people, they are viiolent and the most fanatic people, they go scott free, but palestinians get the punishment."

    No, I don't agree with you. Just like the "dire situation in Gaza", it is the difference between what things ARE and what they are CALLED.

    "i cant understand how to compare the rockets of hamas with the military might of israel."

    Israel demonstrably uses its weapons for self-defense; both the charter of Hamas and its actions point to the goals of Islamic militarist domination of Palestine and the elimination of Israel. Weapons are tools towards fulfilling such goals. Hamas has the arms to dominate its captive populace, but not destroy Israel; Israel has the arms to defend itself.

    "PLO has been negotiating with the successive israeli governments, what have they got in return?"

    They got Oslo, international recognition, the return of the PLO leadership from Tunis to Gaza, a bounty of Israeli and foreign economic and military aid, the release of thousands of prisoners, their own territory of self-determination...by any measure, the PLO got a great deal, and STILL its leadership calls for the destruction of Israel.

    "more settlements which is already declared illegal by the UN?"

    When the U.N. can declare which Israeli "settlements" are LEGAL and which ARAB settlements are illegal then I will pay greater regard to its announcements in this matter. How about you?
    "dont take their land and dont kill them."

    If both parties are agreeable and willing to discuss matters, property disputes can be resolved without war. (For example, when the early Zionists purchased land in Palestine in the 19th century they wanted to kick out their Arab tenants immediately; soon, however, they accepted as reasonable and just the local custom that if a farmer had planted his crop he was entitled to remain to harvest it, before being evicted.)

    If, however, I'm surrounded by five thugs who are out to kill me and keep stabbing me with knives, how am I in the wrong if I hurt them while defending myself?
    It used to be. Infact Asim, Webby and some more were members there and then they had got this own forum :) there you will see some critical analysis of own issues though some youngsters do use name calling with regards to Indians there
    Yes there is other PDF. They have opened registration now . They halted it because Indians have tried to hack it many times so they made tough rules for memberhsip
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