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AgNoStiC MuSliM

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  • Well, if he has been warned earlier, then it would have been appreciated if you acted upon the warning this time round.
    anyways, Thanks
    Regarding the recently deleted posts and Warnings on Musharraf's statement thread:

    I have reported several posts from BL for using the same derogatory terms repeatedly, but never was any of the posts deleted / edited. And for once I replied, and I am showered with warnings??? How Come??

    If Injuns is a derogatory term to refer to Native Indians of America, similarly Pekkie is a derogatory African term used for Black males. If we are supposed not to take offence from Injuns why are mods so inflamed on being called Pekkies??
    agnostic muslim, you should know, when we are discussing a topic, there does not necessarily have to be ideas only for it, but there could be opinions against it. I did not hijack anything. I contributed to the thread with some realistic and logical arguments and comments. You probably did not get the meaning right, for some reason.
    Hey I need to load couple of videos and can't find the steps. Can you assist?
    You deleted "Why Pakistan Want Kashmir?" thread without proper discussion. .

    The thread was clean without any flames and trolls. For me what an average Pakistani thinks is more importance than whats written in books. The soul purpose of this forum is interaction from both the sides.Such threads will help people from both the sides to understand the views of an average joe.You conveniently deleted the thread.

    I will be happy if you reopen the thread. I believe you are neutral and are not biased. I hope you will not shake my belief.
    Hi , could you please tell me how to delete my profile , I dont want to be a part of PDF any more, Thanks.
    Well now i get it ;). Well surely yeah we need moderators here now.!! I would suggest Durrain3, he is really good.. and from his posts.. i think he can really add value to this site..!!! :) He is damn neutral and is from pakistan..!!! :)
    Oh..thats nice.. i think its becoming really hard 4 ya to moderate nowadays right..!!! ;)
    hi AM... How you doing??? I wanted to know about lamayuru..!! I think lamayuru was realy very critical about pakistan.... was that the reason he earned a BAN..????
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