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  • Hey AM! Thanks for the message.

    And yeah definitely, those were the days! *Sigh* lol
    Thanks you sir by deleting the post by him and I am sorry that I wrote wrong thing about that guy there...
    I'm sorry.
    But I thought the article is directly connected to the effects of terrorism and war on terror in Pakistan. So, I posted it in War of Pakistan section.
    I surely read full article before I posted it.
    Hi am,banned member raresouls,is posting from a fake id brotherbangladesh....please take notice
    Hope you are alright!
    I have seen some of your posts, and as well some of your warnings to other members of this forum. I really liked that.

    Pardon me, but this is what I felt - that - you are a Muslim but not an orthodox muslim. That you believe in equal rights, humanity and et al.
    I am an Indian as you might know, a Hindu, but not religious - I mean who has the time to be religious? Dude, it's time the enmity between Ind and Pak ceases. I would love to see people like you in top positions in Pakistan.

    May you become a decision maker in Pak someday!!!
    Dear AM,

    Thank you very much for your concern, it is great to be back. Things are hectic right now so activity on the web is poor (and i apologies for this).

    Your concerns are duly noted, INSHALLAH it will take a lot more than a bunch of Munafiq's to defeat the true Defenders of Pakistan. Inshallah we will prevail.

    You deleted that thread!
    Can u tell me where is that video in which pak army is fighting with talibans!
    Bcoz i want to discuss that!
    Hey AM i hope you doing good.....look seriously you gotta rein in your boy GROWLER!!!

    Originally Posted by Growler View Post
    I think its about time for you to shut up because lately your input in this forum is nothing but worth less 2 liners baseless arguments. Such contribution only degrades the threads and even the forum itself. I highly advise you to refrain from hitting the keyboard without knowing what you are talking about or unable to back up your argument with facts.

    how can he get away with stuff like this.... does he know what he is talking about and who made him the MOD that he can talk like this!!

    if i ain't welcome on this forum let me know! and if GROWLER is a mod then i think i should just walk away just like NEO & others did a while ago....
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