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Abu Zolfiqar
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  • Taimur, I heard you have an example in your driveway. Is it true?

    What does this means bro ??

    I was somewhat interested in your profile name, 'Abu Zolfiqar,' and wanted to ask the reasoning behind it. In Arabic, it literally reads, 'father of the Zolfiqar' and would translate to 'father of the sword of Zolfiqar.' Hence, it sounds rather odd.
    ill ask webby though i very much doubt if he will agree to any quota system.

    about multiple IDs well we block the IPs after than it becomes impossible to figure out if someone is using multiple IDs via some other computer. only guess work can help us get rid of these trolls.
    thanks brother,

    i have written down your name in signature just to let peoples know where i got this video from. I will remove your name in a day or two.

    Thanks for the video i liked the video because a Sikh is singing this song and it could really see signs of patriotism in the way he was singing. I liked his attitude

    I could smell a real Pakistani in him :D
    Salaam bhai jaan i copied the youtube link from your signature and using it in my signature also.

    Do you mind?
    Thanks brother, i also enjoy your posts a lot. Whenever i come to defence.pk If i see Abu Zolfiqar, Sparklingway, Ajpirzada and few other members name i feel like spending some time around.

    Very informative posts you guyz make. I love it

    Thanks for your precious time
    W.A.S. brother,

    Alhamdullilah everything is fine. It was a great day for me enjoyed a lot

    Thanks and how is everything on your side
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