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  • oh thats great, what did you study? by the way you are first person who is spending his vacations on pdf, I see your love for Pakistan is true... I need not to say it, but I just wanted to appreciate :)
    Iam honored thanks i will surly let you know it would be my pleasure ;) do keep in touch .

    Your welcome Brother... i live somewhere else now but go to NY and Jersey here and there as i have family and many friends there no place like NY baby lolz.

    Whats up bro thx for the support towards these cowards indians... lolz btw i been to your home twon a few times as i use to live NY ..

    no worries bro i'm a guy and alot of people ask me about my avatars.She is just some random pretty patriotic pakistani girl (so ofcourse i had to have her as my avatar hehe).If u wanna find it just google image search pakistani cricket girl and it'll be there somewhere.
    the feeling is mutual thx alot man :) i really respect your opinions and enjoy reading your posts .I myself sometimes feel swamped by the the mullah brigade but good to know theres more of us out there.
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