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  1. 5

    6 Terrorists from Afghanistan killed in another attack on Dir check post

    Unfortunately, given the porous border (not found in Sri Lanka); & the tribal culture on both sides of the border, & most importantly: a difficult terrain (something which wasn't found in Sri Lanka): it is difficult to have a conclusive, successful military operation that took place in Sri...
  2. 5

    20 rebels killed in massive Nuristan assault

    All of those were legal constitutionally. I was talking about being toppled by militant groups such as the Taliban etc.
  3. 5

    20 rebels killed in massive Nuristan assault

    Of course you are expected to grow, when you have no economy of your own, poppy is your cash crop, & cash has been flowing in from countries that invaded your country, & installed their puppet/proxy regime killing your own people. Actually, we kicked all of them out, closed down the supply...
  4. 5

    600 Afghan students to get free education in Pakistan

    Sher is the type of person that dislikes every bad news about Pakistan, where he doesn't like this news. And he starts quoting what other countries have done. Hmmm... Besides the 5 million illegal Afghan refugees we have here that are a burden on our economy, we have also donated $500 million...
  5. 5

    20 rebels killed in massive Nuristan assault

    At least there is little to no chance of our government being toppled, unlike yours. We have a growing economy with little dependence on foreign countries, we are in charge of our own state of affairs, we are not fighting a proxy war against our people on the behalf of foreign invaders. The...
  6. 5

    20 rebels killed in massive Nuristan assault

    Again, even on the events you posted, the terrorist violence is strictly confined to Pakistan's western regions, the ones bordering Afghanistan. No wonder that is the case, considering the training camps (for Baloch militants) you have in Afghanistan for them, as well as the safe havens in Kunar...
  7. 5

    Illegal US drone strike kills six people in Pakistan: officials

    I guess some people are unaware of these things: US drone strikes Drone strikes threaten 50 years of international law, says UN rapporteur | World news | guardian.co.uk
  8. 5

    20 rebels killed in massive Nuristan assault

    You can get most of your links here (subscription is required btw): Security and Crime | Pajhwok Afghan News You can find all your other links here, I won't do the spoonfeeding for you: Khaama Press (KP) | Afghan Online Newspaper - Afghan News, Afghanistan News, Kabul News, Afghan Online...
  9. 5

    20 rebels killed in massive Nuristan assault

    Kiddo, some pointers, as you don't know how to use your head: 1) You posted everything that has happened in Pakistan in 2012. Most of the 'attacks' you have posted are by the security forces against the terrorists, killing terrorists. You also posted incidents of ethnic/political/domestic...
  10. 5

    For Pakistanis, India bigger threat than Taliban, Al Qaeda: Survey

    Interesting some Indian members are posting links from the last 1-3 years. The fact of the matter is, violence from the Taliban is strictly confined to the Western border regions, & that too has decreased tremendously.
  11. 5

    20 rebels killed in massive Nuristan assault

    These are at the attacks that have taken place in Afghanistan in the last 10 days (Note: all of these headlines are taken from non-Taliban sources. I can post all the links if you want): Qarqeen district governor of Jouzjan abducted - June 29, 2012 Suicide Bombers Target Government...
  12. 5

    Failure to wind down/contain Afghan war

    The NATO Forces & ANA have failed to wind down, contain the WOT inside Afghanistan; and it has expanded all over Afghanistan. It's initial focus was the Eastern Afghanistan, but now, the conflict has expanded to all regions of Afghanistan, especially North & Western Afghanistan. Even if the...
  13. 5

    For Pakistanis, India bigger threat than Taliban, Al Qaeda: Survey

    Taliban is not a real threat to Pakistan, even though they are an enemy of Pakistan. They don't have much that can worry Pakistan.
  14. 5

    Failure to wind down/contain Afghan war

    The NATO Forces & ANA have failed to wind down, contain the WOT inside Afghanistan; and it has expanded all over Afghanistan. It's initial focus was the Eastern Afghanistan, but now, the conflict has expanded to all regions of Afghanistan, especially North & Western Afghanistan. Even if the...
  15. 5

    Pakistan’s Impending Defeat in Afghanistan

    When the Taliban becomes a legitimate part of government in Afghanistan & ends the conflict, the TTP, Al-Qaeda will not get 'material support' from them; & the TTP/Al-Qaeda will only seek ideological inspiration from them. This is a big advantage for Pakistan post-2014. The Taliban have shown...
  16. 5

    Pakistani Forces against Militants.

    11 soldiers, 14 militants killed Seven Pakistani soldiers beheaded: Military – The Express Tribune 7 Afghan nationals held in Chaman Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan Major terror bid foiled in Quetta Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan BRA behind...
  17. 5

    Pakistani Forces against Militants.

    15 terrorists killed in Dir Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
  18. 5

    Afghan gunmen attack Kabul hotel

    Yes, they believe a lot of things they have no proof for, that remain unsubstantiated. That is why the Pentagon says one thing, the White House says another thing, and the Congress another.
  19. 5

    How many Marathi members are here on PDF?

    swagat ahe, thu kasa ahes? mala maaf karaa, mulla thoree far Marathi bolta yete.
  20. 5

    Afghan gunmen attack Kabul hotel

    The Haqqani network is not a Pakistan based group, it's an Afghan insurgent group, based in Paktia, and Logar; having a significant presence in Wardak, Nangarhar, Kapisa, Ghazni, Kabul and Zabul.
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