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Zero birth rate by 2030 : Pledges Khaleda

Zero population growth may be achievable in the present context of Bangladesh. Without getting a suitable employment in the country YOUNG male populaation are going abroad. This has caused late marriages and absenteism, which has resulted, upto a certain extent, a lowered expansion of population.

Who knows, BKZ wants to send another 10 million young men to the Arab countries as labours so that they can contribute to her 2030 vision of zero growth. BKZ is certainly a visionery although she failed to foresee an upsurge of electricity demand in the future during her tenure.

Acording to CIA factbook, bangladesh's fertility rate is 2.55, just 1 place above the world average. I think a fertility rate of bangladesh should be around 2.1 and it is easily achieveable within 2030.

But bro, if we are a higher middle income group by 2030, why would we need to send our youth to the arab countries or south east asia as labourers?? IMO BKZ should focus on creating new industries as well as expand our manufacturing and tertiary sectors.
I don't know what she is talking about, but if you look at the current trend, Middle class families don't have more than 2 kids, at
best sometimes 3. But still 0% growth rate (2 families/couple) by 2030 seems impractical.

I don't understand what Japan's problem. Can't they encourage couples to take more childs. Russia is doing something like that,
like giving monetary and tax benefits to couples taking more kids. Japan can also increase skilled man power import like AUS
and canada but they really xenophobic to outsiders. Ultimately they will have no other choice but to increase immigration.

Japan is a small country for about a 126 million people to live in. This country can support this figure because of an economic development. Without much development it cannot support more than 50 to 55 million people. Japanese economy can no more grow. It has reached its limitation, it can no more produce goods and sell these to America and europe. Western countries want Japan a self-sustained country without exporting much to their countries.

As a result of this shrinking of their economy, Japanese are seriously thinking about the future course of their country. This could be the reason that whatever the govt people say, individual couples are averse to having more than one or two children.
I think she was trying to say 0% growth rate not birth rate. To attain that couple need to have 2.1 children to replace the old population. But as average living age of the people are increasing that's why it will require slightly less then 2.1 children per couple to have 0% growth rate. Current growth rate is 1.38%.

My opinion is having 2-3 children is fair. .... Bangladesh needs to convert these human resources to an asset.

There are many scientific ways and following them Bangladesh got some success. My unscientific say is:

* Control unemployment rate within 5-6%, career centric people are simply late in marriage and also they don't like more than 1/2 children

* Stop underaged marriage, if one gets married at the age of 18 (not only females, there are many males too in rural area getting married at this age) and his/her child gets married at that age again (parents are only at mid 30 now), it automatically creates pressure on population even if the couple has only one child. On the other hand if one gets married after 30, it's automatically lightens the pressure.

* Make the people 100% literate (not only who can sign own name) and then literate people will take their responsibility.

BTW, I think jamat is going to divorce bnp, they surely will depend on god and curse Khaleda :tongue: .
who will stop them at night ?:rofl:

This guy.....

I don't know what she is talking about, but if you look at the current trend, Middle class families don't have more than 2 kids, at
best sometimes 3. But still 0% growth rate (2 families/couple) by 2030 seems impractical.

I don't understand what Japan's problem. Can't they encourage couples to take more childs. Russia is doing something like that,
like giving monetary and tax benefits to couples taking more kids. Japan can also increase skilled man power import like AUS
and canada but they really xenophobic to outsiders. Ultimately they will have no other choice but to increase immigration.

Japanese is a workaholic nation and this is why this nation has gone nuts....now suffering this problem. Other than Japan all other nations you state are geographically huge, so they encourage both birth benefits and invite immigrants from outside (Aus,Canada).
Japanese is a workaholic nation and this is why this nation has gone nuts....now suffering this problem. Other than Japan all other nations you state are geographically huge, so they encourage both birth benefits and invite immigrants from outside (Aus,Canada).

Actually, it is very expensive to raise a child in Japan.
If cost of raising Children become high, then people will start thinking twice before attempting to take more children. Literacy and Career oriented people are another factor.
Follow the China model, whats wrong.
BD has worst per capita deNsity than China.
Be pragmatic, and dont follow religious edicts or fatwas.
its not 7th century codes that you should be adhering to.
old testament is history.
Change is the name of the game.
Reform in Islam is crying need...
Welcome condom, goodbye maulvees and muftis..
You people can live without them..
Islam like many others, is a man made religion....
Follow the China model, whats wrong.
BD has worst per capita deNsity than China.
Be pragmatic, and dont follow religious edicts or fatwas.
its not 7th century codes that you should be adhering to.
old testament is history.
Change is the name of the game.
Reform in Islam is crying need...
Welcome condom, goodbye maulvees and muftis..
You people can live without them..
Islam like many others, is a man made religion....
What is wrong with you? Have you lost your mind? Do you have to take a jibe at Islam every chance you get? Indian and bangladeshi border is also a so called man made imaginary boundary but it doesn stop your bsf from shooting random people. DUmbass
What is wrong with you? Have you lost your mind? Do you have to take a jibe at Islam every chance you get? Indian and bangladeshi border is also a so called man made imaginary boundary but it doesn stop your bsf from shooting random people. DUmbass

Whats yr logical stand, without religion. Mish mash?
China, you think is stupid to hv followed such a policy?
Cant you be a pragmatic, without mullah mentality?
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