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Zardari is only corrupt, but G.W. Bush was Dumb too


Jul 21, 2009
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Our beloved President Zardari is only one of the most corrupt but not the worst one.. we must see the good side of him, atlest we must keep trying to find with a hope that one day we will find some!

Have a look and enjoy.. one of the best compilation of another President of another country of the world.

YouTube - Stupid bush compilation
Bush was not smartest of US presidents, but he was not dumb either. He was just not good with words, and fumbled many times. He was just an average president. May be people have high expectation from a president simply because he is president of USA.
Bush was not smartest of US presidents, but he was not dumb either. He was just not good with words, and fumbled many times. He was just an average president. May be people have high expectation from a president simply because he is president of USA.

If you logic says "a common person with common intellect" should be president of a country.. you are sooooo wrong my friend! Can a common employee with a common intellect become President of a Multi Million Dollar Company and still able to lead it well? If not why you think Presidency of a multi-trillion dollars of worth with millions of residents is okay to be governed by a common man with common intellect? Nations are lead and built by wisest and best of a Nation who prove themselves as leader.. not by common men with common intellect.. specially when that common person cannot speak few lines straight. :rolleyes:
To do corruption one requires common sense, intelligence and the ability to lie through teeth on the face of evidence..zardari has them all..perfect president for a perfect nation.
if Mr Bush was a dumb then,how can he became the president ???:cheesy:
wonder. why are people still behind bush......
the difference is that zardari is still in power:Tdown:where as bush has been replaced:tup:
wonder. why are people still behind bush......

The alternative in 2000 was Al Gore, the fat jackass with personal carbon footprint of a small nation who wants us to all ride bicycles.

What would have happened post 9-11 with Gore? We'll never know.

In 2004, it was Kerry, another smooth talker who claimed medals for combat when his own comrades from Vietnam hated him and said he was a liar, and a loser.

Bush was less than perfect, but at least he was (for a politician) principled and honest compared to most, even if you don't like the principles. Don't want "weather-vane" presidents who simply follow popular opinion, get nookie on the side in the oval office... and then lie about it. A man breaks his wedding vows before God; how can we trust him to follow his vows of office?

I truly dislike it when politicians are elected simply because they are articulate, or (according to women) "handsome." They should be elected based upon their platforms and policies. Obama delivers a great speech with a teleprompter, but fumbles badly when simply talking off the cuff.
Please remember that the strength of the US political system, and indeed its everlasting beauty is the process of checks and balances that ensures that no ONE person, not even the President, can act on his own.

The USA is a TEAM effort! :D
Atleast Bush use to listen Musharraf alittle, Musharaf and Bush was a fine couple, some people used to call em "BUSHARAF", as Bush used to trust Mushi alot
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