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Zaid Hamid goes EPIC on Indians.

'Hindu Kush' is the reminder of how Muslims slaughtered Hindus mercilessly......
But we Hindus are very peaceful compared to them, we live happily side-by-side our Muslims........every day we kill one/two of them(fake encounters) just to keep their population in check....and it's for their own good, because, if they multiply rapidly, soon they'll start all kinds of trouble like sectarian violence etc......
Since their birth rate is high....sometimes it becomes necessary to kill them in lots....then we organize riots like in Gujarat.....
Everything is for the benefit of Muslims in India.....:tup:
You are an idiot.

'Hindu Kush' is the reminder of how Muslims slaughtered Hindus mercilessly......
But we Hindus are very peaceful compared to them, we live happily side-by-side our Muslims........every day we kill one/two of them(fake encounters) just to keep their population in check....and it's for their own good, because, if they multiply rapidly, soon they'll start all kinds of trouble like sectarian violence etc......
Since their birth rate is high....sometimes it becomes necessary to kill them in lots....then we organize riots like in Gujarat.....
Everything is for the benefit of Muslims in India.....:tup:
The ones supposedly killed in hindukush were not tamils or keralites or bengalis or biharis..Just the ancestors of present day pakistanis who belonged to dharmic religions before islam..And they,the present day pakistanis are celebrating the killings of their own ancestors just because they now belong to the religion of those killed their ancestors..How more pathetic can it get?

It's called the Stockholm syndrome.
Damn.....and I thought our nutjobs were bad.....This dude is in a whole different league than Jamat and Hefajot!!Shouldn't this guy be arrested for death-threats??
After reading this kind of massive trolls and ignorant comments , i feel good that we separated our ways back in 1947 .
'Hindu Kush' is the reminder of how Muslims slaughtered Hindus mercilessly......
But we Hindus are very peaceful compared to them, we live happily side-by-side our Muslims........every day we kill one/two of them(fake encounters) just to keep their population in check....and it's for their own good, because, if they multiply rapidly, soon they'll start all kinds of trouble like sectarian violence etc......
Since their birth rate is high....sometimes it becomes necessary to kill them in lots....then we organize riots like in Gujarat.....
Everything is for the benefit of Muslims in India.....:tup:

Been taking too many classes from ZH I see...

After reading this kind of massive trolls and ignorant comments , i feel good that we separated our ways back in 1947 .

Tell me about it... Pakistanis take crazy to a whole new level....
'Hindu Kush' is the reminder of how Muslims slaughtered Hindus mercilessly......
But we Hindus are very peaceful compared to them, we live happily side-by-side our Muslims........every day we kill one/two of them(fake encounters) just to keep their population in check....and it's for their own good, because, if they multiply rapidly, soon they'll start all kinds of trouble like sectarian violence etc......
Since their birth rate is high....sometimes it becomes necessary to kill them in lots....then we organize riots like in Gujarat.....
Everything is for the benefit of Muslims in India.....:tup:

Zaid Hamid has been able to decipher Indian propaganda and their geopolitical goals for the region and delivered it through eloquent arguments.

This is the only reason Indians hate him, because of his ability to present an argument he has been given a national platform to voice his opinions.

Thankfully we live in a free country and he is able to expose the Indians for what they really are.

If Indians had it their way Aman ki Asha would be running every day and Indians would keep stealing our waters, raping Kashmiri children, funding militancy in our country.

They live in a fools paradise and think they can buy affection through money.

Zaid will keep exposing them.
The irony is that his own ancestors were killed and not "Indians". Every ethnicity of Pakistan used to be Buddhist or Hindu before Islamic invasion.
mehhhh ...
heres what Historians believe my little pakistani freind.

It was called "Caucasus Indicus" or the "Indian Caucasus" but then changed the word to Hindu Kush , coz back int he days the slaves frm the sub continent were brought as slaves in the area , hence they died coz of harsh weather , which local afghans were well accustomed to..
Nothing to do with muslim- hindu fights or anything !!

sorry to burst your bubble.
But its good to see how excited you get by the name Hindu Kush.. It was all our land after all then the foreigners came in and changed your fore-father`s religion with threats. still Happy about it?

This will be rubbed on your face over and over till you come back to the native religion of the sub continent and not some foreign religion!!

I don't give a damn fcuking Sh!t to our fore-father's religion-----I just thank ALLAH (swt) that i have been blessed with religion like Islam, Al Hamdoulilah, i can never thank ALLAH (swt) for his kindness.
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