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Zaid Hamid: BrassTacks-Enlightening the Current Scenario in Pakistan

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^^ In your opinion, when did CIA hired Musharraf?
Before kicking indian but in Kargil or when Clinton said some thing to Sharif?
Go tell Sharif don't stop acting like a pet of Zardari.

It's amazing how Mushy fans depend so much on dear Zardari and dear Sharif to make up for the shortcomings of their dear idol Mushy. What would Mushy be without Zardari and Sharif in comparison, a mere mortal? :rofl:

I have not formed a firm opinion on the relationship between Mushy and the CIA. I don't know if the CIA hired Mushy, blackmailed Mushy or if they ever had more of a grip on Mushy than they did on the rest of the Pak military. But no matter what the truth is I am sure every single loyal fan of Mushy would never even suspect it even if the evidence was staring them in the face. Just like a loyal Mushy fan would never ever suspect that Kargil itself was an act of treachery by Mushy--to harm pakistan. :tsk:
Jana already admitted to being a pupil of Zaid Hamid in another thread. I cannot find the post but I think you can get her to confirm it when she logs in the next time.

Jana also claims to be a professional journalist but evidently cannot read nor write English properly even at the 9th grade level. :cry:
Sure, if accusing Ahmed Qureshi as being an ISI agent wasn't enough now you'll start picking on every other person that doesn't support your pipply agenda?

Learn to live with the opposing point of view oh upholders of 'democracy'. Come to think of it, you haven't really brought forward a single "argument" yet, other than "look look he/she support Mush so must be an ISI agent".

There's no way in hell that people just support Musharraf? Without being on his payroll?

Also people who've worked in the print media would tell you that they usually type with horrible spellings/grammar. Typos happen. That's what PROOF READERS are for.

chuba said:
That crazy jihadi Zahid Hamid is notorious for his participation of Afghan Jihad.
notorious: Known widely and usually unfavorably; infamous: a notorious gangster; a district notorious for vice.

Participation in Afghan Jihad... hmmm Show me a picture of him weilding an AK-47 and I'd believe you. Otherwise this was just petty defamation.

It was CIA who recruited all jihadis for Afghan war and those with some education and good English become direct agents of CIA....rather then jihadi organisations.
And you worked in CIA HR right? You know the spy criteria!

By that logic Taliban and CIA are in bed with each other. They bombed themselves on 9/11! CIA is Al Qaeda. It's ludicrous. They encouraged them during the Soviet war, provided them with weapons through Pakistan. Buuuuut, most of them pretty much hate each other.

A few of them might be CIA, but then so are some members of our government! (now at whom would I be pointing at?) It has nothing to do with the Afghan-Soviet war.

Osama and Al Zawari..... can you figure out, for who they work? IS not it CIA?
Look that theory is around, but so far its ridiculous to assume so with the present body of evidence. So far all 9/11 debunkers have been thoroughly debunked themselves. Sure there is this weird sexual tension between CIA and Osama, but that's understandable after a bad breakup.
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