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Zaid Hamid Banned on Facebook without any reason !

no buddy mushy had just recenty opened a fb account !.was refering to that....he already has some 45000 fans and still counting.

Than would you mind if may ask why this stupid looking lady branding guns in cold?
Is she inaugurating custodial killings of Kashmiris?
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^ Neither her name is Zaid Hamid nor that gun is called Facebook.

But the gun she is branding is recovered from TTP! and that is what Zaid Hamid is trying to do... unearthing indo-US terrorist alliance against Pakistan!
But the gun she is branding is recovered from TTP!

It is called a Kalshnikov, the most widely used gun in the world, and is know to be pirated the most in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Sold for average price of Rs 35,000 in Pakistan, no questions asked.

That lady (how someone's looks can be stupid, only you may know, for your bias has made you completely blind), is President of India and the guns of those kind in Indian army are very much meant for shooting down the Pakistani soldiers in case of a war.

Anymore questions about that picture?
How come you did not recognised Hon. President Musharraf while calling names? don't you remember he offered friendship hand to vajpayee.
How come you did not recognised Hon. President Musharraf while calling names? don't you remember he offered friendship hand to vajpayee.

I checked haawk's post that you are referring to. Please read carefully, whom he is calling a fool and whom he is not. Your derogatory statement does no harm to anyone but to your own credibility.

Keep it up. :cheers:
What ever...he should learn to respect forum rules as we do!
Remember when you call names to any Pakistan celebraty... than there is no limit to.
What ever...he should learn to respect forum rules as we do!
Remember when you call names to any Pakistan celebraty... than there is no limit to.

No problem BATMAN. When I point out something in your post, 'does not mean that I want you to stop or continue. Please do what you feel is right.

Now let us get back to the topic and talk about Zaid Hamid, whom haawk called a fool. Have you watched his episodes on Economic Terrorism? They have been edited by none other than his staff and himself. So am I the only one, or have you also noticed his ignorance about the functioning of the Word Bank and the IMF? Have you not noticed that he does not even know what the logo of IMF looks like, that he ends up showing the logo of Illinois Mortgage Funding, when what he means is International Monetary Fund?

At best, his theories can be entertaining. Any sane person who has studied economics would know what garbage he has been talking in his episodes.

Let me try to make you understand with an amusing example:

He claims that distribution of Gold can solve the problem of inflation, on the sole reason that God has a value, whereas currency, made of paper, does not.

However, the cause of inflation is not degradation in the value of currency. It is mere an effect. A major one though. The main cause behind inflation is shortage in production/availability of resources (led by factors as bad weather or black marketing).

For instance, when there is a great surplus of wheat, the price of one quintal of the grain might fall down to 50 paise. On the other hand, when there is acute shortage of wheat and people are dying of hunger, then the price of one roti can escalate to one kg of gold (people can't eat Gold, they can only eat Rotis). That is inflation! And in such situation inflation will be unstoppable, whether the rotis are traded with Gold or paper currency.

Implementation of Gold as instrument of exchange can in no way save you from inflation if it is to come, because inflation comes from shortage of resources and not surplus of currency notes or Gold reserves.

In my view, he uses baseless stories by using some truth to sell some lie to instigate the youth against forces that may or may not be working against Pakistan. If he says R&AW is working against Pakistan, he is right, and such statements, used with flammable words, earn him strong goodwill and credibility in the eyes of the young people who are still maturing.

But then, he uses the same goodwill/credibility to speak a lie, that cannot be verified easily, and those who admire him, take those words as truth.

This is nothing but an age old marketing technique, that makes others fall for it unless they are extremely careful and highly skeptical at each and every step, irrespective of how promising it looks.

If they really did ban his fan page from FB, then it did not happen for no reason.

I am not saying you should respect or disrespect Zaid Hamid. All I request you to spend some time and use your own acumen and view to analyze his statements. If he is really great, then why there be only one Zaid Hamid, you too should up your level enough and be as smart as you think he is.

Afterall, ek se bhale do, right?
How come you did not recognised Hon. President Musharraf while calling names? don't you remember he offered friendship hand to vajpayee.
Right after he back stabbed the same man, when he was offering friendship in Lahore.
Omar, the USA only goes to bat for freedom of speech for USA citizens, in public, in the USA. Zaid Hamid is a nutcase whose speech is "free" but not worth listening to. In his case you definitely get what you pay for, which is zero.

Dear, if we go by your definition that no one but Pakistanis should survive on this site. Instead a number of non Pakistanis are saying what they wish to say.

This is called freedom of speech and tolerance. It seems USA is running out of it or because a lot of what others say is true.
Here is the heating debate , friends Zaid's account was blocked on Zaid's own request because it was not his account , someone was pretending to be him so upon his request Facebook closed the account .This was the voilation of the terms described by Facebook..

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