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Zaid Hamid - Aljazeera TV - True Defender of Pakistan in 4th Generation Med

OK, let's make him a non gay.......


Happy? :rofl:

What is this kaajal also? :rofl:

I encourage Indians to take a look at this picture at night If the goal is to stay up.

ha ha ha .............................this pic will definately keep my my little niece laughing all day......thanks for the pic......looks like "Suppandi" in arab costume
Doesn't show his ethnicity.

Yeah, he's Pushtun.

He is muhajir urdu speaker on both sides, so his parents ran away from that place he hates.

His mum is from Indian occupied Kashmir, His dad may have been a Pashtun who immigrated to there centuries ago but no one has given proof of this.
He is muhajir urdu speaker on both sides, so his parents ran away from that place he hates.

His mum is from Indian occupied Kashmir, His dad may have been a Pashtun who immigrated to there centuries ago but no one has given proof of this.

Sorry muhajir is term only for indians who migrated from UP, Bihar.
Firstly, this clown is called a 'security consultant'? Wow! To whom is he a security consultant? Gen kayani? :woot:

Clean your ears, he is part of an INDEPENDANT think tank, he doesn't need a certificate from you or anyone else. He will be judged by how well he dissects security threats.
Second, he say's 'illegitimate' Karzai regime? Ok, to an extent. But what would be a 'legitimate' regime? One ruled by the Taliban?

Valid point, maybe he wanted to say bastard karzai regime, then realized he was on tv so used a casual substitute.

Thirdly, this joker contends that the CIA has 'allowed' the RAW to wage a campaign against Pakistan? Has this Lal Topi got anything to show by way of PROOF? EVIDENCE? Nix. Nada. Nothing. So it's just a lot of hot air!

A security analyst doesn't require proof, it is based on a logical analysis. They're are hundreds of well respected analysts who say Pak supports Afghan taliban and to be honest they make sense; someone has to be supporting the Afghans either us or the Iranians or maybe someone on thier northern borders(China maybe)- maybe all of them. Likewise the Baloch insugency or TTP is getting funds from Afghanistan and then comes into Pakistan; someone from thier is supplying them, they don't have contacts with Mukesh ambani do they so who else is funding and equipping them, Indians being our enemies are the most likely canditate.
Fourthly, he contends that Osama was not at Abottabad when the U.S. Navy Seals struck! Where's the PROOF he wasn't there? EVIDENCE? Nix. Nada. Nothing!

Where is the proof he was there. Nix. Nada. Nothing. CIA told us so we believe them.

Fifthly, he says that the containment of China and Russia is part of America's war on terror!!!! :blink: What balderdash is this?
Not even worth replying to, you clearly don't know about the history.

Sixthly, he stresses that more than 5000 containers are full with weapons, ammo and explosives. :woot: Really? NATO does NOT ship weapons and ammo through Pakistan. Period! I thought he knew that? The amount of hot air he spews will surely add to global warming especially over Pakistan!

Well actually it is you who is coming with hot air, the northern routes have well been establish not to allow weapons to pass through them and the only other route supplying them was Pakistan so it was Pak only who allowed them to get thier weapons to get into Afghanistan. Unless you want to be a complete imbecile and suggest they have been flying tanks and Armed vehicles into Afghanistan.

Seventhly, this 'Fakeer of Allah' ( :blink: ) as the video shows, says that 15a0,000 NATO/US troops will be slaughtered and butchered by the Pakistan Army in Afghanistan!! :woot: Oh wow!
Again clear your ears, no were did he say Pak army will engage the Americans, he said they will be trapped like rats and be slaugtered which is true, ever since supplies have been closed, the media has been saying America is loosing the war and should leave.

Sorry muhajir is term only for indians who migrated from UP, Bihar.

My bad, but he did say that his family are urdu speakers and they both did hijrat in one of his videos. If what you say is correct maybe his Father was from UP, Bihar but his mum is def from IOK, he said in his writings.
I said in another thread that I respect him for his patriotism but this war mongering and hate spewing is too far.

Khan sahab
He is not a war monger....he never teaches anybody to attack or to start a war....He teaches to FIGHT BACK WHEN A WAR IS STARTED UPON PAKISTAN AND ISLAM
He is muhajir urdu speaker on both sides, so his parents ran away from that place he hates.

His mum is from Indian occupied Kashmir, His dad may have been a Pashtun who immigrated to there centuries ago but no one has given proof of this.
basically no one knows who is father is.... good one
Khan sahab
He is not a war monger....he never teaches anybody to attack or to start a war....He teaches to FIGHT BACK WHEN A WAR IS STARTED UPON PAKISTAN AND ISLAM
Pray tell me what Ghawaz -e-hind **** is all about?

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