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YouTube may return next month

8 years ago or a century ago.....its a fact to highlight the western double standards and thus was presented to make a valid point. Nothing was banned because it got removed.....Similarly if youtube hasnt been so racist and biased it would not have been banned here. Now dont tell me again that you dont know of Ashton Kutchers ad on youtube in which he only talked in indian accent and it was removed by youtube? :devil:
Double standards. No.
An anti-christianity ad was posted in a christian magazine, they had every right to remove it, no doubt it was privately owned.
Magazine owners pick and choose ads which are suitable, it is their right to do so. It has nothing to do with anything.
Racist and biased? In what way?
I can actually go on youtube, 'the holocaust is a lie' is actually a suggested search. The same for 'Christianity is a lie.'
There are whole documentaries on it.
And no, I don't know about his ad...
If you post hateful videos towards Muslims , then it can incite real violence towards American soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq, it can cause growth in anti Americanism, which may get their NATO supply blocked in Pakistan, Also can incite violence, like the Boston bombing.

So the violence, is very real.

Under youtube's own rules, videos containing hate and inciting violence, should be taken down. Thus these videos should be taken down under youtube's own rules.

PS: as for being offended, if you say something to my face one on one, which makes me offended, is some how wrong, but if you go on to media, and say the same thing, which millions of people can hear, it some how suppose to make me "less" offended? And it some how "alright" to do? It make no sense.
That is illogical.
Double standards. No.
An anti-christianity ad was posted in a christian magazine, they had every right to remove it, no doubt it was privately owned.
Magazine owners pick and choose ads which are suitable, it is their right to do so. It has nothing to do with anything.
Racist and biased? In what way?
I can actually go on youtube, 'the holocaust is a lie' is actually a suggested search. The same for 'Christianity is a lie.'
There are whole documentaries on it.
And no, I don't know about his ad...
Ashton Kutcher’s Popchips Ad Pulled After Racism Outcry - ABC News
Now you know that youtube does have these laws against "freedom of speech" but its their selective application which speak volumes of the double standards of the western media.
Hardly double standards if there are still hateful videos against the 'east' and 'west'

If there are hateful videoes then why was this removed? Why didnt they let it stay......it didnt even contain anything offensive..........why dont you comment on facts rather than your unwarranted subjective claims. Yeah only saying "double-standards" wont sum it all up well......islamophobia, libel and hypocrisy add more sense.
If there are hateful videoes then why was this removed? Why didnt they let it stay......it didnt even contain anything offensive..........why dont you comment on facts rather than your unwarranted subjective claims. Yeah only saying "double-standards" wont sum it all up well......islamophobia, libel and hypocrisy add more sense.
The ashton kutcher ad is still on youtube...I just watched it.
That's another of your so called 'facts' gone.
How many times...there are videos against every religion on youtube, so they acually pretty fair.
The ashton kutcher ad is still on youtube...I just watched it.
That's another of your so called 'facts' gone.
How many times...there are videos against every religion on youtube, so they acually pretty fair.

You saw the ad there because it may have been discreetly uploaded by anyone, however the official upload was taken down and if anyone reports this one it surely will be removed.........i dont see them talking about the innocence of christians and zionists while exposing their crimes committed against humanity......so are they being driven by anti islam agenda....Yes..no doubts here.
You saw the ad there because it may have been discreetly uploaded by anyone, however the official upload was taken down and if anyone reports this one it surely will be removed.........i dont see them talking about the innocence of christians and zionists while exposing their crimes committed against humanity......so are they being driven by anti islam agenda....Yes..no doubts here.
Hahahaha, so full of hate. Everyone is sick of people like you and your petty whining.
You think everything is some kind of anit-muslim agenda, bore off.
The video has over 2 million views, I'm pretty sure someone has reported it.
Maybe you should give it a watch sometime?
Or maybe not eh?
Night night.
Hahahaha, so full of hate. Everyone is sick of people like you and your petty whining.
You think everything is some kind of anit-muslim agenda, bore off.
The video has over 2 million views, I'm pretty sure someone has reported it.
Maybe you should give it a watch sometime?
Or maybe not eh?
Night night.
And you present a severe case of dementia.........the fact that you had to resort to personal attacks on me for rendering you speechless only indicate one thing that you are agitated for losing the arguement.......but to be fair I must admit.....it wasnt you...you just picked to represent the wrong side.
If youtube had taken down the official upload of the Anti-Islam film, then things would have been different.....like ashtons vid. But these are logical deductions and beyond your feeble comprehension.....so dont bother straining the puny thing you have in your head( two can play this game....so bring it on) :devil:
And you present a severe case of dementia.........the fact that you had to resort to personal attacks on me for rendering you speechless only indicate one thing that you are agitated for losing the arguement.......but to be fair I must admit.....it wasnt you...you just picked to represent the wrong side.
If youtube had taken down the official upload of the Anti-Islam film, then things would have been different.....like ashtons vid. But these are logical deductions and beyond your feeble comprehension.....so dont bother straining the puny thing you have in your head( two can play this game....so bring it on) :devil:
What exactly was your point in this argument? That youtube is biased against muslims?
I have explained that there are videos against every religion, therefore there are no double standards as you believe.
What more is there to say?
What exactly was your point in this argument? That youtube is biased against muslims?
I have explained that there are videos against every religion, therefore there are no double standards as you believe.
What more is there to say?
While I am not denying that youtube is filled with hateful stuff for all......Its selective censorship is the point of concern here. Random people post stuff there, some of which goes unnoticed for years....But its the official stance which proved to be very slanted in all aspects and thus was dealt with accordingly like a boycott to hurt them economically seems just fine and that is what happened. If a vendor is being offensive, I would simply ditch him........it has nothing to do with "supression of freedom" as you were making it look like and thats all.
KSA the country which has Sharia Law didnt even ban youtube because of that one video! But Pakistan did despite democracy! Its just ridiculous!
I think you can flag a video and take it down, if the video content is hateful and incites violence.

Would it be free speech if I say there was no holocaust?
There are plenty Holocaust denial videos on youtube.

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