What do you mean obsessed with Sectarian Hate?
I am just pointing out the facts. Sorry to burst your bubble but in the Middle East today, people are not singing kumbaya and celebrating differences.
Iraq just went through a bloody sunni vs shia civil war, Syria is undergoing one, Christians and minorities are being harassed in Egypt, Libya is divided between tribal lines, Lebanon is a powderkeg waiting to explode, Sunni rulers crushed the shia in bahrain, etc.
As for blocking YouTube. Pakistan has every right to do that and should do it. The fact of the matter is Pakistanis can be easily stirred to a panic induced mob which will unleash hate, violence, bigotry, riots, and deaths.
So to prevent all that if Pakistanis don't get to enjoy YouTube, then so be it.
Pakistanis are not mature enough not to click on something which they find offensive and the Government of Pakistan must act like a Parent keeping such things such things out of reach.