I think we need to seriously look at ways of how to govern Pakistan.........Democracy just may not be for us.......Just because other countries enbrace it does not mean it must be forced upon others, China seems to get along, and maybe, a Khilafa is the right way forward, as long every rag tag Imam doesn't stand up thinking he can issue a fatwa here there and everywhere.........the true Islamic system allows freedom of speech (to an extent, as long as it does not insult others), it allows women to work and actively encourages education for all genders........
We are at a cross road and in urgent need of self soul searching now..........
Whatever the path, we must live with the huge responsibilty that we are now a Nuclear Power, and that also carries commitment.........
I became rather disturbed rather, when I saw the Iranian news channel PRESS TV yesterday airing footage of Libya and the Middle East uprising which they titled "Islamic awakening"...........