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Your top ten favorite English movies of all time?

i like horror movies. but none of them are good enough to make a top 10.

the greatest weakness of horro movies is that u can only enjoy them once. you wont get any satisfaction watching them again.

same case with murder mysteries.

I got pretty scared after watching Poltergeist and Exorcist when I watched them as a kid but both failed to impress me when I watched them again last year.

My favorite horror movies are Aliens part 1 + 2 and Constantin with Keanu Reeves.
I got pretty scared after watching Poltergeist and Exorcist when I watched them as a kid but both failed to impress me when I watched them again last year.

My favorite horror movies are Aliens part 1 + 2 and Constantin with Keanu Reeves.

I liked Ring 1. What freaked me out wasn't the ghost or the killings, but the thought of the little girl suffering for days in total darkness in that well.

I also like Disturbia. Its not a horror movie, rather a thriller, but it does send a chill down one's spine, due to the fact that it is possible that it could happen to you.

Movies that really freak me out are ones that involve people going mental. I am very scared of mad people and mental diseases in general. The idea of a mental disease is much scarier to me than the idea of death. and unlike ghosts or demons, mental disease is something that can happen to anyone. that's what scares me the most. to me any movie involving mental diseases is several times scarier than any horror movie.

ironically, my favourite movie of all time is a Malayalam movie in which the heroine goes mental and gets a dual personality!
1) There will be Blood
2) No Country for Old MAN
3) 300
4) The Queen
5) Atonement
6) Saving Private Ryan
7) The Other Boleyn Girl
8) V for Vendetta
9) Titanic
10) Ocean 11 , 12 , 13 ( Trilogy )
I liked Ring 1. What freaked me out wasn't the ghost or the killings, but the thought of the little girl suffering for days in total darkness in that well.
The Ring was a new and pretty good concept, I remember reading about atleast two cases where people got heart attack in USA when they recieved fake 'death messages' from friends who wanted to scared them. :lol:

I also like Disturbia. Its not a horror movie, rather a thriller, but it does send a chill down one's spine, due to the fact that it is possible that it could happen to you.
Never get too nosy in your neighbors business. ;)

Movies that really freak me out are ones that involve people going mental. I am very scared of mad people and mental diseases in general. The idea of a mental disease is much scarier to me than the idea of death. and unlike ghosts or demons, mental disease is something that can happen to anyone. that's what scares me the most. to me any movie involving mental diseases is several times scarier than any horror movie.

ironically, my favourite movie of all time is a Malayalam movie in which the heroine goes mental and gets a dual personality!
I don't know how I'd react if some airborn virus is released. I work at the airport in Amsterdam, we've had quite a few socalled ' try outs' from terrorists, but some day they might succeed in exploding a device or releasing a virus or something.
Amsterdam is a big hub for US airlines; Norwest, Delta, Continental, United and US Airways aswell as El Al serve several daily between Amsterdam, USA and Israel.
I don't know how I'd react if some airborn virus is released. I work at the airport in Amsterdam, we've had quite a few socalled ' try outs' from terrorists, but some day they might succeed in exploding a device or releasing a virus or something.
Amsterdam is a big hub for US airlines; Norwest, Delta, Continental, United and US Airways aswell as El Al serve several daily between Amsterdam, USA and Israel.

Neo, i was talking about mental diseases, not viral ones.

though if you want to watch a movie with viral diseases, i recommend 'cabin Fever'. Its not scary, but it is more possible than being attacked by a ghost.
@su-47 >> I don't think movies with phsyco killers or plague scenarios are really horror movies. But yes Ring and Exorcist on the other hand are really scary.

BTW About "No country for old men". I was really looking forward to it because of the hype surrounding its release and then the reviews said how great the movie was! And when I watched it on DVD I felt like I just wasted my time. It was one of the crapiest movies I'v ever seen!
Am I alone in this? :what:
@su-47 >> I don't think movies with phsyco killers or plague scenarios are really horror movies. But yes Ring and Exorcist on the other hand are really scary.

they are not. but i find them better than ghost stories. they are more realistic

i find ghost movies pretty dull as well nowadays. i just dont believe in ghosts or the supernatural.
yesterday saw a hilarious comedy movie on the US intelligence community starring George Clooney, John Malcovich and Brad Pitt called "Burn Before Reading".
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yesterday saw a hilarious comedy movie on the US intelligence community starring George Clooney, John Malcovich and Brad Pitt called "Burn Before Reading".

burn after reading is next on my to-watch list. directed by the coen brothers, who also directed no country for old men, big lebowski, fargo, barton fink, raising arizona, and oh brother where art thou, among others. yeah, their movies kick ***.

1. batman dark knight. a good movie whose awesome financial success makes it great and gives me hope that american culture isn't as dumbed down as cable t.v. would have you believe.

2. escape from new york. kurt russell: badass soulja seized by the feds and implanted with a chip that will detonate unless he rescues the hostage president. president held in future state of new york, which has been turned into a maximum security prison, sort of. anyone who liked blade runner will like this

3. texas chainsaw massacre. thorosius wanted a horror flick, here it is. carefree college friends on a roadtrip pick up whackjob hitchhiker, one of an inbred family with a taste for human flesh. it was after this movie that parents stopped letting their hippie kids hitchhike or pick up hitchhikers.

edit: what the hell

4. freaks. tod browning, 1932. this movie was censored for a while because its cast is composed of real-life carni-freaks, and the ending would make any pre-king kong's housewife's head explode.

5. amadeus. mozart as the in-movie soundtrack. prague theater behind the iron curtain. and a hero seeking vengence against god (fittingly, 'amadeus' means 'love of god').

6. one flew over the cuckoo's nest. another milos foreman flick. jack nicholson with a bunch of jokers cooped up in a loony bin. nuff said.

7. the unforgiven. for anyone who likes mystic river, this is another clint eastwood directed, except its a western. 1992 i believe, so its a more nuanced, sophistocated western.

8. funny games. very nihilistic sinister movie adapted word-for-word, scene for scene from the 1997 original, a german made movie. directed by michael haneke, all of his other movies are in my queue because of this one.

9. fight club. a quaint little picture whose popular success again i find heartening. plus the final scene plays pixies' where is my mind

10. big lebowski. coen bros doing their thang. i have never laughed so hard.
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1) Jinnah (1998 - yes it was in English)
2) Gaslight (1944)
3) Gattaca (1997)
4) The Postman (1997)
5) Equilibrium (2002)
6) Princess Mononoke (1997)
7) Monte Carlo or Bust! (1969)
8) Scarface (1983)
9) Apocalypse Now (1979)
10) Guns at Batasi (1964)
Hi Fatman,

So what were you thinking when Clooney takes the woman down stairs to the basement, opens thechin link door and shows her the chair----what went through your mind----what is he going to do to her---is he going to strap her to the chair and torture her or what----is he a psycho killer or what-----!!!!!

People people people----you guys are missing one of the most recent hilarious comedy movie-----------

Superman returns
Wonders of Ali baba
City of Angels
Devil's advocate
My boyfriend's Back
Lethal Lady
Karate Kid
@ bellicose.mcbein >> Oh, I'v already seen "Texas Chainsaw Massacre". But its not a horror, rather more of a blood and gore type, if there is such a genere.
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Hi Fatman,

So what were you thinking when Clooney takes the woman down stairs to the basement, opens thechin link door and shows her the chair----what went through your mind----what is he going to do to her---is he going to strap her to the chair and torture her or what----is he a psycho killer or what-----!!!!!

People people people----you guys are missing one of the most recent hilarious comedy movie-----------


at that point i was falling off my seat with laughter!
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Hi Fatman,

So what were you thinking when Clooney takes the woman down stairs to the basement, opens thechin link door and shows her the chair----what went through your mind----what is he going to do to her---is he going to strap her to the chair and torture her or what----is he a psycho killer or what-----!!!!!

People people people----you guys are missing one of the most recent hilarious comedy movie-----------


yes indeed!

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