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Young Sikh boy racially abused in US, video goes viral

The 'turban and beard' look of Osama has become a pain in the a** for Sikhs......
Such incidents will only increase as the 'war on terror' rages on.....Sikhs must do something about it, engage actively in spreading awareness....
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@C 130 well it happens in all societies including Americans.im not see it different from us regular Indian who be racist to NE indians not all but some folks you know there kind
You really can't blame these kids, media, misinformation and no information is enough for any kid on earth to say this sort of stuff. Hell, it seems it's enough for some adults too.
they are kids. their little minds are impressionable. just like jihadists go for little kids and brainwash them with hate.
We know your concern mate its universal fact depending country to country.
May Almighty bless you my son. May Almighty give you power to stay calm and prove what you are upto. Stay blessed my child.

No doubt Americans are a piece of shit.

And your views on Americans put you in the same category as these kids.

and then they US is tolerant :P lol BS

If US is not tolerant, all those Indians won't be able to come to America.
Such irreprobate behavior should not be tolerated. They need a school-based program , presented by school administration to address this issue to both students and parents.
If US is not tolerant, all those Indians won't be able to come to America.
And when I go back to work, I am going to tell all the Indian engineers I work with daily to return to India, where they will be much 'safer', especially a few of the ladies who are quite the eye candies. Am sure they will be very 'safe' back home.
The Sikh kid has class, not many adults can be that calm. Something to admire. I wouldn't be too harsh about the behavior of other kids, they are kids after all and political correctness is something alien to them. Kids can be very nasty, adults usually forget all the nasty things they said as kids.:lol: I also feel sorry for the little girl, online media can be equally harsh and make us forget that we are talking about very young kids here. Hopefully this will all blow over with a bit of educating.
And when I go back to work, I am going to tell all the Indian engineers I work with daily to return to India, where they will be much 'safer', especially a few of the ladies who are quite the eye candies. Am sure they will be very 'safe' back home.

They will be.

All crime in India: 162.3/100000 (2006)
VIOLENT crime in the US: 387.1/100000 (2011)

Let me guess, poor reporting, etc, etc?
America has over 2 million people in jail.That's half the population of New Zealand
They will be.

All crime in India: 162.3/100000 (2006)
VIOLENT crime in the US: 387.1/100000 (2011)

Let me guess, poor reporting, etc, etc?
They will be.

All crime in India: 162.3/100000 (2006)
VIOLENT crime in the US: 387.1/100000 (2011)

Let me guess, poor reporting, etc, etc?

I bet most Americans font know about this. Otherwise,most Americans would try to go to India. But the again, all these Indian professionals are also ignorant about this fact as well. They should have just stayed home.
I bet most Americans font know about this. Otherwise,most Americans would try to go to India. But the again, all these Indian professionals are also ignorant about this fact as well. They should have just stayed home.
Actually, it is very terrible for our Indian engineers here at work. Everyday, company security have to accompany each Indian to his/her car and at the plant's gate, the local police have escorts readied to take each to his/her home. Once at home, the men/women are discouraged from venturing outside after sunset, other than emergencies.

I do not know why the Indians in the US do not tell their stories to Indian newspapers back in India. Several Indian women I talked to tearfully admitted they hated their parents for forcing them to work almost like slaves in the US to send monies home. I am so sad that my country have deteriorated to this. :sick:
The black kid at the back was like thank god i am spared today lol
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