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Young Chinese traveler popular in India, surprised by Indian hospitality

As some members said that VPN is free or next to free so then I ask what's the point of blocking? This is just stupid restriction
I also think it's stupid and half hearted, maybe the government only wants to show a gesture. and the govenrment knows that Chinese people don't care about non Chinese language websites .

I guess the western media will never tell you this simple fact that all Chinese can access all websites outside China with just one more click, but most Chinese choose not to cause not many Chinese like to check non Chinese language websites. Only foreigners living in China can pass the information to their brainwashed friends in the west.

Western media tries to manipulate people into believing that Chinese people can't access websites outside China and they know nothing about what's going on in the world. Whoever post anything good about China must be 50cent paid commuist bot and all Chinese people hate their government... I can see here first hand how many foreigners being brainwashed so deep and constantly say those lines to Chinese posters here.
What's the difference?

Clearly he doesn't know about synonyms. :D

Oh then what's the point of blocking / banning it? But I know that VPN can be used to by pass all such restrictions

They banned it cuz they thought it would bring a "revolution" in China. :lol:

You know, all the Chinese will know how shitty their draconian dictatorship state is like when they see how the rest of the world lives like.

Look at Hong Kong for example....they don't want to be part of China so much that they're protesting en masse. Now they're getting shot at with live bullets by the police....if that was mainland China, it would Tiananmen Square 2.0, just roll the tanks over the protestors. :D

As some members said that VPN is free or next to free so then I ask what's the point of blocking? This is just stupid restriction

They have banned Animal Farm (book) and 1987 (book) too. :rolleyes:

As some members said that VPN is free or next to free so then I ask what's the point of blocking? This is just stupid restriction


But then it should not be blocked in the first place..

Look what I found...


I guess all the rules are for the citizens....the govt. can break them at anytime without checks and balances. :rolleyes:

I can say the same thing about you, posting western lies about Uyghurs and being exposed , banned and came back. what makes you believe posting videos showing Indian girls liking Chinese guys is pro India? I m pro India? I guess you could be the only person in PDF believes so and I've been around in PDF for almost 10 years, no one before you had ever said that.

Posting "western lies"....the pot calling the kettle black heh? :lol:

All my claims have sources, independent ones, from Turkey, Indonesia and obviously yes, Western ones too. Whereas all your sources are Chinese ones...guess who's spreading "lies" on PDF? :D

I wasn't banned because I talked about the Uyghur issue, it was over something childish and that's in the past. I won't be banned again unless I do something really stupid, which I haven't on all my time here on PDF.

Posting videos in the OP makes you look pro-India when reality says otherwise about the state of India.

Like other members here have pointed out and even shared other YT videos....this guy was lucky. He didn't meet the Hindutvas who could have beaten him for simply being from China. :rolleyes:
Clearly he doesn't know about synonyms. :D
No, I think it is good to learn. He explained it to me though he himself is not convinced about this restriction since it is not seriously enforced by the Chinese govt.

They banned it cuz they thought it would bring a "revolution" in China. :lol:

You know, all the Chinese will know how shitty their draconian dictatorship state is like when they see how the rest of the world lives like.

Look at Hong Kong for example....they don't want to be part of China so much that they're protesting en masse. Now they're getting shot at with live bullets by the police....if that was mainland China, it would Tiananmen Square 2.0, just roll the tanks over the protestors. :D
Naah, Chinese are nationalist people and they will not become pawn in the hands of western exploiters. I have read their history and they are great people.

Without writing a single line of text.

They have banned Animal Farm (book) and 1987 (book) too. :rolleyes:
I have no idea but every country has the right to ban material and content that is deemed harmful for the society. Pakistan has banned many books by Islamphobes like Salman Kutta who was knighted by the queen of UK.
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Naah, Chinese are nationalist people and they will not become pawn in the hands of western exploiters. I have read their history and they are great people.

They have achieved great things I agree but at what cost(s)?

The Great Wall of China is standing monument to their resilience but its also the graveyard of thousands (if not hundred of thousands) of conscripted (more like forced) workers...

We, Muslims, on the other hand, have achieved very great things too but without the need of human sacrifice (on a large scale)...

The Pyramids and Ancient Egyptians are another example...

Let's come back to the modern age....look at Mao for example and his policies...they killed millions of Chinese (Han or otherwise). I can go on and on but yea, topic for another day or we can talk in the Whatever thread or by a private chat (if mods can set it up).

I still admire the Chinese people....their current govt.?? Well that's another matter. :D

Without writing a single line of text.

A web of lies/deceit or a propped up deck of card is very easy to collapse. :enjoy:

I have no idea but every country has the right to ban material and content that is deemed harmful for the society. Pakistan has banned many books by Islamphobes like Salman Kutta who was knighted by the queen of UK.

Both Animal Farm and 1987 are books about/against Communism and Communist thought written by George Orwell (lived from 1903 - 1950), an English Novelist.

Read this about 1987, the book:


You can now understand why these 2 books are banned in China. :lol:
We, Muslims, on the other hand, have achieved very great things too but without the need of human sacrifice (on a large scale)...

The Pyramids and Ancient Egyptians are another example...
Last time you claimed that Singapore is a Muslim country and now you claim Muslims built pyramids in Egypt..May I know where you went to shcool?
Send a Chinese female to India alone and you will be posting a totally different story here :enjoy:
India is 1.35 Billion you will get bad experience in North but rest of India like South,west and north east. go and travel you will understand how much good Indians are for hospitality.
Last time you claimed that Singapore is a Muslim country and now you claim Muslims built pyramids in Egypt..May I know where you went to shcool?

ooofff...you really need to understand English :lol:

I never said Muslims built Egypt. :lol:
ooofff...you really need to understand English :lol:

I never said Muslims built Egypt. :lol:

denial is not just a river in Egypt , can you explain your this statement
We, Muslims, on the other hand, have achieved very great things too but without the need of human sacrifice (on a large scale)...

The Pyramids and Ancient Egyptians are another example...

And where did you learn that Singapore is a Muslim country?
denial is not just a river in Egypt , can you explain your this statement

And where did you learn that Singapore is a Muslim country?

They have achieved great things I agree but at what cost(s)?

The Great Wall of China is standing monument to their resilience but its also the graveyard of thousands (if not hundred of thousands) of conscripted (more like forced) workers...

We, Muslims, on the other hand, have achieved very great things too but without the need of human sacrifice (on a large scale)...

The Pyramids and Ancient Egyptians are another example...

You really need to understand "context" :lol:

Read it again until you understand or don't. Not my problem.

And where did you learn that Singapore is a Muslim country?

Holding onto it like a last straw? Pathetic...it's been more than a month since I said that. :lol:
I'll tell friends which US school should be avoided, especially in geography and history.
Nah, anyone just needs to look at the daily headlines coming out of India to know what really would have gone on if the YT'er was a Chinese female.

This guy regularly posts videos of Uyghurs living in paradise in China. He's been exposed, banned and came back. Looks like now he's having his "revenge" by posting pro-India YT videos...

And you're right, as a upright Chinese citizen, this begs the question of what is he doing snooping on YT ( a banned website) looking for/at pro-India stuff? :D

I'm sure his Social Credit can't tank posting pro-India stuff even after posting pro-China stuff for the many last years. :rolleyes:

That is to say if the use of VPN's....even to spread the pro-China stuff on PDF is allowed in China??

What a lot of contradictions these guys must be living in. :lol:

Also, isn't posting non-English videos on PDF a bannable offense?

I watched the whole video...no English subtitles or speech...how can 99% of PDF know what he's (the Youtuber) saying??

@Dubious the OP is posting non-English videos...with a agenda...it seems.
@waz @The Eagle what's the forum rule about non English posts?

I think this is better in members club but I leave it to you
This young Chinese guy from Guangdong travels alone in India and was surprised by how friendly Indian people are. when he asked for direction on a street in Calcutta, a bunch of Indian guys and girls offered to help and they stopped a taxi and bargined over the taxi fare for him.
Later on he met those guys and girls again downtown and those college students told him that they worried about his safety being a lone traveler, so they took a taxi to come looking for him, they offered to take him to dinner, some girls explicitly tell him they want to have a Chinese boyfriend...

Thanks for posting. I subbed to this guys channel....he looks to be having some other good content I'll look at later.

My take on stuff like this is:

Past all the geopolitics, politics, military posturing etc stuff....regular Chinese and Indians generally get along fine...just like they have for millenia in history (we have traded, exchanged ideas and philosophies, recognised our heritages and approaches...and used mature civilisational approach overall in the larger appropriate timeframe)

As India develops more (and China will play its role in this too), definitely we would like more Chinese tourism, commerce and business. This will be also quite helpful in smoothing out and solving points of difference and friction.

I think number (last I checked) stands right now at around 300k or so visitors from PRC to India....it has huge potential to grow lot more....given how many chinese tourists visit ASEAN, East Asia and further abroad.

@GeraltofRivia @rott @Dungeness (just checking which you guys still around on PDF hehe). @Genesis @serenity

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