Anger, negative thinking and stress are considered destructive factors for the health of heart and body, So Islam orders us to stay away and avoid them …
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him wasn’t be angry to any life matters. His satisfaction and anger were for Allah .He, therefore, was the happiest and the most stable and tranquility person, and gave us the best examples of this.
It's rarely for the Messenger of Allah to spend a day without facing events of anger and emotion and stress but we did not know he was angry except when someone exceed the limits of Allah. The Prophet deals with any problem calmly and patiently. This is what makes people entering the religion of Allah in crowds. Therefore, God praise him in the Holy Quran: "And you on an exalted standard of character"(Al-Qalam:4).
Recent scientific studies have shown that psychological tension, stress and anger are considered destructive factors to human health and heart and it may lead to serious diseases like cancer!
Researchers believe that, despite the fact that exercise and good diet and other factors which have vital importance to heart health, the social factors, happiness, a sense of satisfaction and perfection and work towards a goal in life have an impact in their turn.
The Prophet ordered his companions to repeat important words that express satisfaction, in mornings and evenings. This is:
"I declare to Accept Allah as my Lord, to accept Islam as a religion and to Muhammad as Prophet and Messenger" Who say it ten times in the morning and evening, it will be really on God to reward him in the Day of Resurrection.
The researchers maintain that satisfaction is one of the most important remedies for any mental illness.
Most mental disorders results from dissatisfaction, Anger is at the head of factors that are detrimental to humans, it causes sudden death, stroke and myocardial infarction and blood pressure
Stress affects the physical and mental health
U.S. research has revealed that stress and psychological pressures faced by individuals on a daily basis can cause some types of cancer. While a similar European study found that stress is harmful to heart health. The study carried out by researchers from the American University "Yale," that psychological stress may stimulate the daily growth of tumors, And that any shock, emotional or physical, Can serve as a "corridor" between cancerous mutations which eventually lead to serious tumors.
Many verses urging peace of mind
The one who contemplates the Koran noted that many of the verses telling us to be patient and not to be anger and urge for forgiveness. One of these verses says:
"The recompense for an injury is an injury equal thereto: but if a person forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah: for loves not those who do wrong". ( Consultation: 40) . Allah says also: " And if you do catch them out, catch them out no worse than they catch you out: but if you show patience that is indeed the best for those who are patient. And do you be patient, for your patience is but from Allah; nor grieve over them: and distress not yourself because of their plots. For Allah is with those who restrain themselves, and those who do good" ( Bees: 126-128).
He says about the righteous who promised them Paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth:
"Those who spend, whether in prosperity, or in adversity; who restrain anger, and pardon men; for Allah loves those who do good".( Al- IMRAN: 134)
The best way to treat the psychological pressure is Amnesty. Because Allah says:
"The remission is the nearest to righteousness. And do not forget liberality between yourselves. For Allah sees well all that you do."(Al- Baqara: 237)
Many daily pressures of human are caused by a sense of injustice and the inability to take from others. But once human practice "amnesty", the problem will evaporate like the heat when the water evaporates!
To remember the day of the conquest of Mecca when Allah grant victory over his enemies, who mocked, insulted, took and cursed him, But he pardoned them and said: “Go away you are free!”
This situation is a lesson for the believer who like the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him.
It is mercy of Allah towards His slaves that made the reward of tolerance and forgiveness in the Hereafter a very large one, and make its reward a great thing in this world which is enjoy better health and greater Psychological stability.
Look attentively at this wonderful text of the Quran:
"Nor can Goodness and Evil be equal. Repel with what is better: Then will he between whom and you was hatred become as it were your friend and intimate. And no one will be franted such goodness except those who exercise patience and self-restraintـــــ none but persons of the greatest good fortune."( Fosilate:34-35).
Whatever your problem with others is, it can be resolved as soon as the transaction in the best manner and with a little patience and with a good word. As Allah said:
“See you not how Allah sets forth a parable? A goodly Word like a goodly tree, whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches to the heavens. It brings forth its fruit at all times , by the leave of its Lord. So Allah sets forth parable for men, in order that they may receive admonition"
بريطاني متعصب يسب القرآن ويسب منصور لكن الرد كان مفحماً من منصور
لا يمكنكم أن تصلوا! محمد حجاب يرد بقوة على رجال شرطة يمنعون المسلمين من الصلاة