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You Think the Air in Beijing Is Bad? Try New Delhi

@gpit i have seen china's polluted air news in news channel.... Whole world was pulling leg of china including indian media.... The air looked like a building came down and dust covered city.... The BBC declared majority of china dont see sun.... Specialy in cities. Only lucky days our lord planet sun been seen over chinese cities.... Pollution big threat to humans. By 2030 there wont be much oxygen to breath....

First of all. the sun is not a planet. It is important to acknowledge the grave situation of the air quality problem, but also do not underestimate the will and capability to clean up. I am at least glad to see that, for the first time in history, our government is taking initiatives. If we can keep up with the enforcement of new rules, I think that, by 2030, China will be much better.
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All those idiotic and emotional rantings aside, a big problem in China (and I suspect being worse in India) is the refining techniques for oil. The US has a lots of cars but the pollution level has remained lower, because of the emission standard imposed on vehicles and the purity of their gasoline.

The refining technology in China is still behind of those Western countries, and hence the air pollution. Now another problem is our coal usage, which accounts for the majority of our energy output.

Now the last point, and this is a point that many Chinese men do not want to acknowledge, is the epidemic addition to cigarette, which emits lots of dangerous chemicals into the air. Money, greed are driving the cigarette companies and there is not enough anti-smoking awareness in China, of the many dangers it presents such as erectile dysfunction, lung cancer.
@gpit, India is probably a lot worse than China in terms of pollution, but that hardly is China's problem. The Himalaya is high enough to keep all the toxic air in the subcontinent. We should just take care of our own business. I have been to India only once, and once is enough. I will not go there again.

Then why only less polluted Beijing has SMOG,why not in Delhi :girl_wacko::cheesy:
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All those idiotic and emotional rantings aside, a big problem in China (and I suspect being worse in India) is the refining techniques for oil. The US has a lots of cars but the pollution level has remained lower, because of the emission standard imposed on vehicles and the purity of their gasoline.

The refining technology in China is still behind of those Western countries, and hence the air pollution. Now another problem is our coal usage, which accounts for the majority of our energy output.

Now the last point, and this is a point that many Chinese men do not want to acknowledge, is the epidemic addition to cigarette, which emits lots of dangerous chemicals into the air. Money, greed are driving the cigarette companies and there is not enough anti-smoking awareness in China, of the many dangers it presents such as erectile dysfunction, lung cancer.
@gpit, India is probably a lot worse than China in terms of pollution, but that hardly is China's problem. The Himalaya is high enough to keep all the toxic air in the subcontinent. We should just take care of our own business. I have been to India only once, and once is enough. I will not go there again.

For those who do not understand the actual problem and taking refuge in comparisons between delhi and bejing, the only different is that in delhi the problem is localized per time and some localities of higher polluted matter ppm while in beijing even if you go up to the 6th ring road and even up to yanjing, the pollution is perennial. Also would be wise to know that the massive construction in noida and gurgaon coupled with the proximity to rajasthan makes is a topical problem. no such comfort with beijing. 99% projects were finished with the olympics. no appetite for new construction for the last over an year. so this comparison is useless. delhi has its own problem which needs to be sorted out but if that makes people in beijing breathe better, suck on it all you can.

so get to the point and focus on the problem with beijing.

@conworldus : I am in beijing every couple of months and i assure you that the pollution in beijing is really worse than delhi irrespective of whether you have been to india or not or your future travel itineraries. You are however bang on target on the matter of the perenial smoking habit in china. what can I say. I too smoke so i really enjoy visiting china. Nowhere else in the world can I still smoke freely in restaurants, hotels and public offices. However, curbing this smoking situation in China could be difficult specially when we hear the stories about the PLA producing Marlboros (mind you. just stories I said).

Pakistani fanboys can now go about the dutiful ritual of thanking the responses to this.
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@gpit i hope you know difference between winter fog and air pollution.... Kindly read post of @timetravel....
timetravel mentioned everything....
china far polluted than whole world and we know better than anyone else....
i have millions of chinese air pollution pics.... Here are some.... Btw its my last reply in this thread.... i dont like arguments.... Specialy with paid ones.... Sorry....
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@conworldus do not teach me about planets.... Go read veda.... in veda sun is a king planet.... Veda older than your china. Chinese have indian genes....

Putting ISRO in your name and say the sun is a planet is just... pretty dumb...

@conworldus the truth is majority of humans are born through india.... They have indian genes.... Do not teach your mother india about history.... Without mother india there would had been no numbers and language.... May be you still would had playing with bow and arraw and stones.... My last reply....
The Hindu : Sci-Tech / Science : More than 50% of South Asians have Indian ancestry: study - The Hindu: Mobile Edition

Chinese are not South Asians. We are East Asians.
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When I learnt some Chinese medicine decades ago, the general teaching said: a set of medicines can be beneficial to one type of person, but it can potentially be a poison for another type of person.

Democracy seems working great for US, but not for some others, as revealed by FACTS.

BWT, I suggest your democratic government creates more 50c position so not so many kids would be starved to death.

comparing 65 year old young Indian democracy to the more mature and developed 200 years old US democracy?

Even if broken- Indian democracy is way better than Communism... same communism from which people like you ran away and looked for asylum.. :sick:
comparing 65 year old young Indian democracy to the more mature and developed 200 years old US democracy?

Even if broken- Indian democracy is way better than Communism... same communism from which people like you ran away and looked for asylum.. :sick:

How about comparing our 64 years of democracy with your 65 years of democracy? Yes, Germany's democracy is merely 64 years old. I didn't count the 15 years of the desastrous Weimar Republic, since that was one of the fundamental reason why Hitler rose to power.
Götterdämmerung;3873441 said:
How about comparing our 64 years of democracy with your 65 years of democracy? Yes, Germany's democracy is merely 64 years old. I didn't count the 15 years of the desastrous Weimar Republic, since that was one of the fundamental reason why Hitler rose to power.
there are several points why india can't be compare to germany
1.germany is a small country as compared to india(both population wise and land area).
2.we should also see that after the independence literacy rate of india was very much low(7% to 10%) as compared to war torn germany.
3.after independence india had faced 5 wars(in 62 we were defeated badly) and is currently facing fourth generation proxy war.so india gave more importance to it's security unlike germany which enjoyed full support of united states and uk.
4.india is a country of many ethnicities and languages which makes it difficult to govern but in case of germany there are maybe 2 or 3 ethnicities.

that's it for now if you want i can give you more points why india can't be compared to germany.
btw i have no hard feelings for germans.they are hard working people and this is the reason we are behind them in every aspect be it education or standard of living.

and this pllution thing is nothing but hyperbola bs.
everything is just fine in delhi.people ranting about smog should know there was no smog in delhi two days ago and as per weather forecast fog will be gone by the next week.
Then why only less polluted Beijing has SMOG,why not in Delhi :girl_wacko::cheesy:

because your owner told you its 'not' smog in India...who doesnt know Indians like to find funny excuses but that only works for less educated and simpleton indians````the whole city smell foul as soon as i step out the air plane every single time in India
@conworldus chinese dont have indian genes? How dare you insult your mother india? It doesnt matter.... Its ok if you dont want to accept you have indian genes.... Indians are pleiadian genes.... Native americans have chinese genes and chinese have indian genes.... India is your mother and father.... My last reply to brainwashed human....
Ancestors of Chinese came from India: Study - Times Of India
Chinese share Indian genes
It's time to take back our ancestral land! :china:

All those idiotic and emotional rantings aside, a big problem in China (and I suspect being worse in India) is the refining techniques for oil. The US has a lots of cars but the pollution level has remained lower, because of the emission standard imposed on vehicles and the purity of their gasoline.

The refining technology in China is still behind of those Western countries, and hence the air pollution. Now another problem is our coal usage, which accounts for the majority of our energy output.

Now the last point, and this is a point that many Chinese men do not want to acknowledge, is the epidemic addition to cigarette, which emits lots of dangerous chemicals into the air. Money, greed are driving the cigarette companies and there is not enough anti-smoking awareness in China, of the many dangers it presents such as erectile dysfunction, lung cancer.
@gpit, India is probably a lot worse than China in terms of pollution, but that hardly is China's problem. The Himalaya is high enough to keep all the toxic air in the subcontinent. We should just take care of our own business. I have been to India only once, and once is enough. I will not go there again.
India has the world's worse pollution without any factories or automobiles! :rofl:
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