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you have taken oath from musharraf: qadri

Qadri have shown the mirror to MR Respectable Chief Justice sahib, CJ cud easily have declined the petition but instead he accepted it just to insult Qadri infront of media and people of pakistan, he shud have realized earlier that qadri is not gilani he is a scholar who travels to 93 countries and now u can see the end result, no one dare to ask from CJ that what happened to arsalan iftikhar case ? why there is no follow up on decisions that has been given by SC on various cases in last few years ? why Raja rental and others not arrested ? No media anchor have guts to ask these questions on media from CJ cuz might is always right.

you are wrong here, you know what he did. What every other patriotic PAkistani should have done, including the so called politicians. He showed his true colors to the world, and now that dramaybaaz and his supporters are running around like a headless chicken, and the biggest looser in this entire drama was imran khan, only if he had they brains. PAkistan ka Allah hi hafiz.

And PS I am not supporting one party over another, but the one that I did dont do that anymore either. In case if u were wondering he is in ur pic.
you are wrong here, you know what he did. What every other patriotic PAkistani should have done, including the so called politicians. He showed his true colors to the world, and now that dramaybaaz and his supporters are running around like a headless chicken, and the biggest looser in this entire drama was imran khan, only if he had they brains. PAkistan ka Allah hi hafiz.

And PS I am not supporting one party over another, but the one that I did dont do that anymore either. In case if u were wondering he is in ur pic.

Bro i just know one thing that one can point out finger at others if his own character is clean, i think these words r more than enough, plus its ur choice who do u support.
Bro i just know one thing that one can point out finger at others if his own character is clean, i think these words r more than enough, plus its ur choice who do u support.
You are right and I know the one and 3 finger rule, and that same one applies on TUQ as well, lets just put it like this, he is shouting at the top of his voice, forgetting that he himself is also nanga in this hamam. :D
You are right and I know the one and 3 finger rule, and that same one applies on TUQ as well, lets just put it like this, he is shouting at the top of his voice, forgetting that he himself is also nanga in this hamam. :D

Look qadri himself is controversial i know that but the petition that he took to SC was for the free and fair elections, i am just supporting his cause not him.
Look qadri himself is controversial i know that but the petition that he took to SC was for the free and fair elections, i am just supporting his cause not him.

Well I dont trust the clown for his twisting of religion for his own personal gains, and he has to first makeup his mind on what is he trying to do, he hates the gov then he loves them, then he loves the courts and now he hates them. He made a deal with the gov so how is he against them now. This whole elections commission thing is also another ploy of his with the zardari gov to delay the elections.
i guess everyone has a point here. Firstly, SC is wrong in saying that Dr. Qadri could not explain the merits of his petition because the only merit which was discussed was the merit of dual nationality and not of the petition. Secondly, if dual nationality was such an issue then Dr. Qadri should have given up his nationality (he is not bound to though). Thirdly, Dr. Qadri went a bit overboard by deciding to fight this case all by himself and that also after a long while since he left his legal career.

i guess everyone has a point here. Firstly, SC is wrong in saying that Dr. Qadri could not explain the merits of his petition because the only merit which was discussed was the merit of dual nationality and not of the petition. Secondly, if dual nationality was such an issue then Dr. Qadri should have given up his nationality (he is not bound to though). Thirdly, Dr. Qadri went a bit overboard by deciding to fight this case all by himself and that also after a long while since he left his legal career.

SC never stated TuQ could not explain the merits of his petition. He filed his petition under article 184(3), article that allows SC to exercise its discretionary jurisdiction, and asked SC to order reconstitution of EC as its constitution was violating his fundamental rights. He filed his petition for one reason (infringement of his fundamental rights) and argued for another (public interest) hence he could not prove his locus standi (where his rights were being violated). Please do not analyse the verdict through the prism of dual nationality.

If Qadri had showed such tantrums in a western court he would have sent to the jail for contempt of the court!
SC never stated TuQ could not explain the merits of his petition. He filed his petition under article 184(3), article that allows SC to exercise its discretionary jurisdiction, and asked SC to order reconstitution of EC as its constitution was violating his fundamental rights. He filed his petition for one reason (infringement of his fundamental rights) and argued for another (public interest) hence he could not prove his locus standi (where his rights were being violated). Please do not analyse the verdict through the prism of dual nationality.

If Qadri had showed such tantrums in a western court he would have sent to the jail for contempt of the court!

Well sending him to jail will just make a hero of him, but they def should have slapped him with a cost of clean up after his Islamabad drama. And should have asked him to pay for it.
Best solution for dual nationality & crouption in pakistan!
Amend the law, & ban dual nationals to hve any right other thn free incoming & going back without visas, no right to buy properties,no political rights,or no rights to marry even & their money sending shouldn't be acceptable ?lol lol lol
While ban all the pakistani politicians & govt officials even judges frm politics & active govt duties,who hve dual nationalities or hve any close relative as sons daughters, brothers ,sisters,mothers,fathers or those politicians who,has purchased any properties or secret accounts abroad ?
Any aid given by any country,organization,& accociation for any purpose?lol lol lol
Can pakistani political parties & govt officials survive this there should a simple law for everyone who have a wish to rule pakistan by any means,so let's become true patriotic & stop pick & chose just for self intersts???lol lol lol
No one will agree, cause it will end their freedom in london & monte carlo,tours & also for those who are hidding their swiss accounts?

Perhaps you got carried away, for very reason you are contorting and mixing simple tings. Let me present some facts, every Pakistani (who is not a dual national) cannot become the member of the parliament - one who holds a public office or one who is in civil or military bureaucracy is not eligible for becoming a parliamentarian. People of cited categories have to resign/retire and wait for 2 years in order to be considered as eligible for contesting elections.

To boot, every overseas Pakistani is not a dual national, kindly make a note of it - overseas Pakistanis by all means are Pakistanis, no one questions their loyalty. It's just that constitution of Pakistan only bars any person who is a dual nationality holder (not every overseas Pakistani) from representation in any legislature of the country. But still a dual national can surrender other nationality and can become a legislator, exactly the same way a public servant can become a legislator.

Why so much of demagoguery? Surrender your nationality other than Pakistani and become a parliamentarian and undo every odd in the system!

BTW loyal Pakistanis do not choose a non-green travel document specifically for the relaxation in the visa process, like TuQ sahib.
Well sending him to jail will just make a hero of him, but they def should have slapped him with a cost of clean up after his Islamabad drama. And should have asked him to pay for it.

Law must be equal for everyone. If SC can punish a sitting PM then why not Qadri? After all every Pakistani enjoys equal rights, what say you? He must also be asked for reimbursement for the loss of billions of rupees on the account KSE crashing.

How pathetic! The SC which was hailed lavishly when it issued an order on filing a reference against Raja, whole of the D square went gangnam on this decision, is now being declared biased!
Law must be equal for everyone. If SC can punish a sitting PM then why not Qadri? After all every Pakistani enjoys equal rights, what say you? He must also be asked for reimbursement for the loss of billions of rupees on the account KSE crashing.

How pathetic! The SC which was hailed lavishly when it issued an order on filing a reference against Raja, whole of the D square went gangnam on this decision, is now being declared biased!

Totally on the same page as you sir. I said what I said because our people have a habit of forgetting to soon. But u are right non the less.
SC never stated TuQ could not explain the merits of his petition. He filed his petition under article 184(3), article that allows SC to exercise its discretionary jurisdiction, and asked SC to order reconstitution of EC as its constitution was violating his fundamental rights. He filed his petition for one reason (infringement of his fundamental rights) and argued for another (public interest) hence he could not prove his locus standi (where his rights were being violated). Please do not analyse the verdict through the prism of dual nationality.

If Qadri had showed such tantrums in a western court he would have sent to the jail for contempt of the court!

While that may be so, it was the supreme court which brought up the issue of dual nationality asking him to read his Canadian oath. Thus they questioned him that on what basis should a dual national be allowed to intervene in domestic politics? should we not say then that the SC was looking through the prism of dual nationality? Also he did not ask the SC to intervene because 'fundamental rights' were being violated rather he asked for intervention as the procedure laid down in the constitution and therefore the constitution was being violated. And i must confess im not a lawyer so i dont know the technical details regarding what is classified as fundamental rights and if they are similar to the violation of the constitution or not.
Furthermore, i do not have any problem with the verdict if that is how the constitution is interpreted when it comes to dual nationals.
While that may be so, it was the supreme court which brought up the issue of dual nationality asking him to read his Canadian oath. Thus they questioned him that on what basis should a dual national be allowed to intervene in domestic politics? should we not say then that the SC was looking through the prism of dual nationality? Also he did not ask the SC to intervene because 'fundamental rights' were being violated rather he asked for intervention as the procedure laid down in the constitution and therefore the constitution was being violated. And i must confess im not a lawyer so i dont know the technical details regarding what is classified as fundamental rights and if they are similar to the violation of the constitution or not.
Furthermore, i do not have any problem with the verdict if that is how the constitution is interpreted when it comes to dual nationals.

A petition has to have a reason for supreme court or any court to consider it worth hearing, it got to mention the ability of a party to bring a petition/case. If I am to file a petition against something I will have to prove my eligibility, with what respect I am concern with the petition. Plus, courts have certain limits, their interventions are based on their jurisdiction which are defined by the constitution. Supreme court per see cannot nullify/reconstitute the EC - to do so it needs to broaden the spectrum of its jurisdiction, article 184 (3) allows it to extend its jurisdiction but for that it needs strong reasons.

TuQ filed his petition under article 184 (3) and sought the reconstitution according to article 213 and 218. He could not prove his locus standi (the very basic) on the basis of 184, therefore court did consider what he sought in his petition.

184. Original jurisdiction of Supreme Court.-(1) The Supreme Court shall, to the exclusion of every other Court, have original jurisdiction in any dispute between any two or more Governments.
Explanation.-In this clause, “Governments” means the Federal Government and the Provincial Governments.

(2) In the exercise of the jurisdiction conferred on it by clause (1), the Supreme Court shall pronounce declaratory judgments only.

(3) Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 199, the Supreme Court shall, if it considers that a question of public importance with reference to the enforcement of any of the Fundamental Rights conferred by Chapter I of Part II is involved, have the power to make an order of the nature mentioned in the said Article.http://pakistanconstitutionlaw.com/article-184-original-jurisdiction-of-supreme-court/

But I agree with you SC perhaps went a bit overboard.
A petition has to have a reason for supreme court or any court to consider it worth hearing, it got to mention the ability of a party to bring a petition/case. If I am to file a petition against something I will have to prove my eligibility, with what respect I am concern with the petition. Plus, courts have certain limits, their interventions are based on their jurisdiction which are defined by the constitution. Supreme court per see cannot nullify/reconstitute the EC - to do so it needs to broaden the spectrum of its jurisdiction, article 184 (3) allows it to extend its jurisdiction but for that it needs strong reasons.

TuQ filed his petition under article 184 (3) and sought the reconstitution according to article 213 and 218. He could not prove his locus standi (the very basic) on the basis of 184, therefore court did consider what he sought in his petition.

But I agree with you SC perhaps went a bit overboard.

thanks for the quotation regarding the jurisdiction of the SC. I can see where your point of view is coming from. i agree with most of wat you are saying except that in my understanding the discussion never really took place on the article under which the petition was filed. Rather SC was most interested in questioning as to what right does Dr. Qadri has to interfere in the process. And this is what they have termed as the 'Locus standi' in the concerned case.

If you read the following article, you will get the feel of what I am saying. The discussion is more about proving Dr. Qadri's sincerity; his right to file a petition of such nature; why is filing it when no one else has filed it; he declares himself Canadian rather than Pakistani when outside Pak; and, why has he returned to Pakistan all of a sudden?
The only question which seem relevant and is of legal nature is the one which questions his right to file a petition of such nature. All the other questions seems very opinionated to me rather than based on any legal grounds.

Now lets agree for the sake of it that the verdict is legitimate but im finding it terribly hard to deny that this was a very unimpressive show from both sides and lacked professionalism.

Court casts away Qadri
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