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You cannot take India out of the hearts of the people of Karachi

This is only true for Altaf Hussein kind of people.
In a few years, there'll be more Pakhtuns than Muhajirs in Karachi and they dislike indian influence (saris, pans, etc..)

Great :mps:,this way you will help ANP(ANP a congress ally and was anti-AIML) to destroy PAKISTAN.

Here r some few information about ANP.

Haji Adeel of ANP says his heroes are Raja Dahir and Gandi not Muhammad Bin Qasim.

To me this only confirms what I always felt about them when I listened to them. munaaafiq and baydeen.

Both Raja Dahir and Muhammad Bin Qasim are pre -Pakistan characters so no baring on being anti or pro-Pakistani.

Bacha khan was against division of india so was Mullan Abu Alla Moududi, and Mulna ABdul Kalam ....

(1) ANP has max 15% vote bank in NWFP
(2) Raja Dahir was a traitor of Muslims
(3) Muhammad Bin Qasim was loyal to Muslims

Haji Adeel is openly announcing his desire for committing treason against Muslims.

It is interesting to note, a person is openly announcing his desire for committing treason, yet there's no reprisal against him from people of Pakistan.

@expakistani: Oh common!. What Al-Qaeda ? Western people are calling them 'Al-CIAeda', meaning CIA created false flag hoax.

Read more about False Flag on Wikipedia.

USA and its allies have imposed their oppression on Arabs through;

(a) their mass scale military presence in the region, as well as
(b) buying/backing/supporting criminals or traitors of Muslims

Don't you expect the Arabs to fight back ? ..and if they do, you'll call them 'terrorists' ?

In this era, terrorists organizations like CIA;

(a) topple regimes which are beneficial for their own people
(b) install regimes which are beneficial for interests of USA, which is in-fact Jews/Zionists behind the curtain, who's pulling the strings

(a) Have you not seen enough regime toppling examples in the last 110 years ?
(b) Who carried them out ?
(c) In who's interest were they carried out ?
(d) Who benefited from it ?
(e) Who suffered as a result of it ?

Regimes means governments.

Why is it so hard for you to gulp this reality ?

Here is some of the history of USA toppling regimes. Its from Wikipedia, which means their own people are writing about it;


(1) Covert United States foreign regime change actions

(2) CIA_sponsored_regime_change

PAKISTAN ZINDABAD:pakistan::china:
Still supporting ungrateful afghanis I see. We gave afghans another home to stay in and now they are trying to turn it into another taliban afghanistan.
That will be the day Karachi will become Afghanistan. Muhajirs have made Karachi the financial capital of the country. Even if Pathans do become the majority it wont matter because most Pathans live in poverty and are involved with the mafia like land mafia, transport mafia etc. Just hoping for the day when all the Afghani refugees will be shipped back to their homeland.

Please control your speech. Criminal elements are criminal. Rest of the people only there to make a living. Some of the best people I know from KPK (from both Pashtun and non-Pastun tribes) as I stayed in KPK for 4 years. Enjoyed the Kawa, Afghani pulaos, and salted tikkas (no Neswar though :no:)

KPK is a neglected province as GOP didn't invest much there. Once better opportunities are created nearer to home they won't need to move elsewhere. Still no one can stop any Pakistani citizens from moving anywhere they like. As for Afghans who have established themselves in Pakistan, just give them nationality. Can't go on a witch hunt now. Many illegal immigrant South Americans are living in US and make a decent living. Met a decent guy myself on trip to New York. Talk now is to to give some amnesty to deal with this issue. Similar thing can be done in Pak.
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Still supporting ungrateful afghanis I see. We gave afghans another home to stay in and now they are trying to turn it into another taliban afghanistan.

Don't base your opinion of Afghanis on internet warriors. Go out and meet one in real life. Have met some Afghanis here in Canada and had a good chat.
We don't need a pissing match here. Pani puri, bhel puri and sugarcane juice are famous which I believe is of Mumbai origin. Paan is popular though personally don't like it. Also not good for health if consumed excessively. Karachi, however, has its own unique culture which is amalgam of various Pak/Indian/Central Asian/Iranian cultural elements.

Also, many still have extended relations in India and this is no different when KPK people have relatives in Afghanistan. There is nothing wrong with maintaining relations with relatives. I myself have visited India couple of times. Been to Bombay, Delhi, Godhra (now infamous for you know why), Ahmedabad, Pune, Panj Gani, Matheran and several other places. Found common people to be quite friendly and understanding. For this reason, there is no hard feelings or personal enmity towards the common people. Liking food and soaps operas however doesn't translate into political support. People are very much pro Pakistani when it comes to Pak vs India issues. Same with KPK people who unambiguously support Pak when Afghan government messes around with us.

Hope you liked Matheran. It is a nice little getaway - haven't been there in eons though.
Don't base your opinion of Afghanis on internet warriors. Go out and meet one in real life. Have met some Afghanis here in Canada and had a good chat.

When I lived in Canada I knew many Afghanis. All of them hated Pakistan and blamed it for their problems. Recently I met one afghani refugee here in Karachi and he again had the same thing to say and I asked him if you hate Pakistan why don't you leave? And he didn't have an answer. I'm sorry but these Afghanis are very ungrateful. On the other hand Indians in real life don't hate Pakistanis like the way on the internet. I've been to Mumbai and everyone was so welcoming to me. Idk if I would get the same response if I were in Kabul.
Please control your speech. Criminal elements are criminal. Rest of the people only there to make a living. Some of the best people I know from KPK (from both Pashtun and non-Pastun tribes) as I stayed in KPK for 4 years. Enjoyed the Kawa, Afghani pulaos, and salted tikkas (no Neswar though :no:)

KPK is a neglected province as GOP didn't invest much there. Once better opportunities are created nearer to home they won't need to move elsewhere. Still no one can stop any Pakistani citizens from moving anywhere they like. As for Afghans who have established themselves in Pakistan, just give them nationality. Can't go on a witch hunt now. Many illegal immigrant South Americans are living in US and make a decent living. Met a decent guy myself on trip to New York. Talk now is to to give some amnesty to deal with this issue. Similar thing can be done in Pak.

I don't hate Pakhtuns or any other ethnic group in Pakistan. I just hate these illegal Afghanis giving a local pakthun a bad name. The south Americans you speak of don't blow up embassies up or recruit young men to blow them selves up.
Hope you liked Matheran. It is a nice little getaway - haven't been there in eons though.

I remember Matheran clearly. Went up and came down in the Choo Choo mini train. Rolling hills were nice. Been to Lunawala Khandala as well, now of "Aati kya khandala" fame :partay: Saw a lot of greedy monkeys at both places :lol: Tried to snatch my snacks :angry:

Been to PanchGani Mahabaleshwar and some Jain palace, but that was on earlier trip so too young too remember.
When I lived in Canada I knew many Afghanis. All of them hated Pakistan and blamed it for their problems. Recently I met one afghani refugee here in Karachi and he again had the same thing to say and I asked him if you hate Pakistan why don't you leave? And he didn't have an answer. I'm sorry but these Afghanis are very ungrateful. On the other hand Indians in real life don't hate Pakistanis like the way on the internet. I've been to Mumbai and everyone was so welcoming to me. Idk if I would get the same response if I were in Kabul.

bhai problem is leteracy and achievement, afghans lack both of them, on one hand i agree with you for afghans being racist, but its because their nation id grossly illeterate and without proper knowledge you will always discriminate other races and people,

second, afghanis dont have any achievement from past hundreds of years which gives rise to sense of inferiority

you cant blame them, as soon as afghans get educated, start producing some thing, they will all forget what racism is,
problem is pathans come to karachi and get educated, where as afghans still want to be titled immigrants, and illeterate, they prefer physical work more than mental work.. thats the thing

lastly, its due to karachi people stereotyping that afghans hate us, karachi people dont even regard them equal to animals, and afghans have very low respect in karachi, these things need to be eliminated, the discrimination will automatically disappear
Yes thanks to MQM "bhiayas" their pride and loyality is still Indian!
However India is our neighbour we should have problem and maintain friendly ties even if there are conflicts of intrest..bilateral trade and exchange will benefit both parties..will kick Pakistani industry in competition and efficiency!
If MQM's loyalty was with India then they wouldn't have developed Karachi so much. Compare 90's Karachi and the Karachi now.

Haji Adeel of ANP says his heroes are Raja Dahir and Gandi not Muhammad Bin Qasim.

How is Muhammad Bin Qasim related to modern day Pakistan? Did he say anything bad about Jinnah or Iqbal?

To me this only confirms what I always felt about them when I listened to them. munaaafiq and baydeen.

ANP is one of the bulwarks against Taliban extremists who are the real muafiqs.

Haji Adeel is openly announcing his desire for committing treason against Muslims.


Rest of your post is illegible gibberish.
My inlaws are urdu speaking and yes their elder generation who immigrated from India do feel nostalgic about their cities plus they had families and friends there. 2nd generation had some nostalgic feeling now the third generation, from which my wife belong, i feel no nostalgia about India. They have never seen their cities, have no relations with the families in India. The link is either no more or is very weak.

I think that is the same feeling i felt in two elderly couple from Dehli, whom i met at Istanbul airport. The lady asked me " hun ve gujranwala dey looki pehalwan hondey ney." I told her " Jee antie jee, una da hor koi kaam jay nai ". She was also nostalgic about her city of Gujranwala :)
My inlaws are urdu speaking and yes their elder generation who immigrated from India do feel nostalgic about their cities plus they had families and friends there. 2nd generation had some nostalgic feeling now the third generation, from which my wife belong, i feel no nostalgia about India. They have never seen their cities, have no relations with the families in India. The link is either no more or is very weak.

I think that is the same feeling i felt in two elderly couple from Dehli, whom i met at Istanbul airport. The lady asked me " hun ve gujranwala dey looki pehalwan hondey ney." I told her " Jee antie jee, una da hor koi kaam jay nai ". She was also nostalgic about her city of Gujranwala :)

That was funny. You really said that?
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