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yemeni's storm us embassy

So a short film can cause such a turmoil?
Man..these people need an excuse to turn a spark into a fire!
So a short film can cause such a turmoil?
Man..these people need an excuse to turn a spark into a fire!

indians should stay away from "these people" and recall millions indians working among these people through out middle east. When can we hear the indian recall?
Yes, Muslims get riled up over, what seems to most of the world, as relatively minor offenses. I wish that was not the case. But it is. It is a fact. Much like some centuries ago Christians were burning women alive for being 'witches'. One day Islam and Muslims too will evolve. The dogmatic interpretation of Scriptures can't survive close examination of human intellect. Islam is about 600 younger than Christianity. Go back six centuries to see the dogmatic hold of Christianity over millions.

Having said that I think the makers of this video intentionally meant to stir up trouble. This would serve no purpose except to 'enlighten' a few about Muslims. But since when disturbing a hornets' nest a good thing? What were the objectives? Also, I take exception to someone belittling other human beings as primitive or violent because they don't allow their revered figures to be ridiculed: Is the assumption correct that all human beings should be thinking alike? On same level of distance from religions? I don't think so.

BTW, those who think that American involvement in the regions from northwest Africa through Pakistan has not resulted in great distress and violence are just about equally ignorant and dogmatic as, say, these rioters are. One drops a huge bomb to secure its resources and one carries a Molotov Cocktail. To quote one of my favorite movies "Wolfen": "In the end it is all about the hunting ground".
Protesting and rioting are occuring in Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Sudan, Tunisia and Morocco as of now.
If anyone talk bad about Islam..Muslim or Non Muslim..he is going down..it is as simple as that..whoever made this film will now going to live his whole life like a rat...n i wish he die like one too..

Your very statement is an insult to Islam so what do you plan to do about that.

Your biggest mistake is thinking religion trumps ethnic, national, racial lines. You could not be futher from the truth.

You are talking to a Pakistani who would never agree to it, even if its true, as what you called a fallacy is the very basis of his nation !.

Amd take it from me, the south asian muslims are the biggest proponents of this Ummah bs. Not Malaysians, not Arabs, not Iranians, not Central Asians. Why, I honestly dont know.
So a short film can cause such a turmoil?
Man..these people need an excuse to turn a spark into a fire!
1- We are mad because 'they' made a film about our prophet.

2- We cover our women because their exposed flesh will temp our men to sin.

3- We are backwards because others stole our oil and colonized our land -- even though it was a long time ago.

And the list of blame/excuses goes on and on...
yes... if that is the case, your muslim brethren are really dumb and easily controlled??

but that is not the case, there is no conspiracy, other then muslims hate america.. and they are using pathetic excuses to cause violence..

they could protest peacefully?... this is what would speak louder to americans etc... but violence?? this will just fuel the fire.. and comedians etc will make fun of muslims etc .. and muslims will again be violent..

It is a well known fact that people who don't have much access to education, do tend to assort to rioting. Why don't you consider this? That rioting of these people if provoked enough from Turkey to Indonesia is a definite?
i believe violence has its place... but violence for almost any reason at all?? seems muslims just resort to violence at any instance... so much for a peaceful religion.

and i know people can say, ohh you can't pluck a few apples from a tree and say the whole tree is rotten..

Oh stop your stupid rants. Over a billion Muslims on the world and how many came out to protest? A few thousand and out of which a handful gone violent and you and your prejudiced media start your rants of violent Muslims and violent Islam. Need I remind you that your christian armies have killed millions of Muslims since 9/11. They have burnt Qurans, raped little girls, snuck into villages and shot civilians, pissed on dead people, humiliated and tortured prisoners.

Protesting and rioting are occuring in Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Sudan, Tunisia and Morocco as of now.

Sort of like The Arab spring. I think Arabs have started to enjoy the taste of coming out on the street in protest. They might be organizing and enouraging each other through social media outlets.
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