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Yemen: Pakistan's right policy vs. wrong direction

If the war takes a sectarian turn, which it undeniably did, long, long ago. This was will be far uglier, Iraq should be a fine example. And under this condition, I do not see even our intervention or even US intervention any good, this will make the war unwinnable.
Its been many months my close friends hasn't recovered from the scars of APS, Peshawar. How many more youths we will sacrifice for others. These shiekhs kids live lavish life , what we are giving to coming generation.....Please end fighting these others war. Don't take the curse of dying Yemani childrens .
You guys talk of war so openly, did you ever visit a family, whose member is victim of terrorism ? .
Its been many months my close friends hasn't recovered from the scars of APS, Peshawar. How many more youths we will sacrifice for others. These shiekhs kids live lavish life , what we are giving to coming generation.....Please end fighting these others war. Don't take the curse of dying Yemani childrens .
You guys talk of war so openly, did you ever visit a family, whose member is victim of terrorism ? .

It was people like Imran Khan who gave space to Talib-astards and anarchy in Pakistan.
It is people like Imran Khan who now are giving space to anarchy in other parts of the region.

Please do not use APS to support IK.

one day he will be tried for his criminal support of Islamist anarchy.

Sorry to say.

Any military deployment should only be limited to Mecca and Medina. .

Please study geography before commenting on this. Thank you.

Kahan Makkah Madina, Kahan yaman ka border.

Bhai Jaan. Kuch to khuda ka khauf karo
Guys, FaujHistorian is entitled to his opinions just as all of us are. If he thinks Pakistan should deploy troops on Yemen/KSA border, great, that's what he thinks. Doesn't mean we have to agree with it. Pakistani Parliament and others disagree.
Sometimes you do things to bring peace and stability.
Provide help beyond your own 4 walls.

Like giving up half a loaf of bread for a hungry neighbor.

To send or not to send is a Pak option & best left to Pakistan alone for they would eventually face the effects of sending troops or not sending them.

I am keen to know who is this ' hungry neighbor" whom half a loaf is being given up for ?
*Hindu fanatic governing Delhi

N mullahs slitting throats of their brethren without any remorse across ME to Pakistan still bringing"Hindu Fanatics" into non relevant debate ..... India would have been more appropriate word....
Btw catastrophe of mullah rule in Pakistan since inception is visible to rest of the world for quite some time now.....
Pakistani's Policy as well as Direction is right. No need to change it. Any change shall be desastrous.
It could be work if we have a allied Muslim force like NATO, Pakistan/Indonesia/Turkey/Malaysia/Bangladesh etc for deploying troops or Military help for other Muslim countries, so the out come of it even minus or plus not finger out towards a specific country. The Gulf area is massively engaged in sectarian hate and wars Pakistan should avoid to act there individually.
It could be work if we have a allied Muslim force like NATO, Pakistan/Indonesia/Turkey/Malaysia/Bangladesh etc for deploying troops or Military help for other Muslim countries, so the out come of it even minus or plus not finger out towards a specific country. The Gulf area is massively engaged in sectarian hate and wars Pakistan should avoid to act there individually.

na 9 mund tail ho ga
Nah Radha Naachay gi

(Bring me the moon first).

Oh bhai jaan

We must start at some point with an alliance that we have.
Not what we hope for.

GCC + Pakistan could be the version 1.0 of such grand alliance.

Hope you understand.


I am keen to know who is this ' hungry neighbor" whom half a loaf is being given up for ?

Excellent question

Any country in the neighborhood who suffers from anarchy,
and thus can use our expertise in dealing with it.
Whats in it for us???
All they need is to deport the work force and all of sudden everyone will start seeing our benefit in this. Sometime you need to make decisions you don't like and that's the case here.
..... given Saudi's sponsorship for Global Terrorism and plenty other misadventures,.

you now talk like an Ayatullah. Sorry to say.

This type of Ayatullahtic or Mullahtic thinking can cloud someone's judgement rendering them without emotionally charged biases.

Thank you

All they need is to deport the work force and all of sudden everyone will start seeing our benefit in this. Sometime you need to make decisions you don't like and that's the case here.


no one is kicking anyone out..

It will be more like reduction in military to military ties (in the worst possible outcome).

There are millions of BDeshis and Indians in GCC. With zero link to military policies of India or BDesh.

Having said that, Pakistani army must support our GCC brothers at this point as suggested in OP.
I suggests Pakistan deploy at least 3000 soldiers on Yemen KSA border to discourage any adventurism by Houthies and Qaida against our Saudi brothers.

However this should accompany by a ship load of food and medicine for Yemenies.

Pak navy should have strong presence around port of Aden to ensure that Houthies know we are there to help them move out of major cities and in return provide food and medical assistance to Yemenies.

If Houthies agree, Pakistan can ensure that air bombing is stopped soon.

If on the other hand Houthies do not agree, then Pakistan should deploy combat troops in the port of Aden and expand from there.

Right !

You do know what happens when you are just defending right ? THe enemy can be lucky on nth instance ;)

That is completely against neutrality vote our parliament decided on.

No one is neutral.

Only our parliamentarians think they are neutral.

It is like the whole world knows us that we have green color,
only those who live in their own make belief world think it is blue.

Sort of living in a parallel universe.

Right !

You do know what happens when you are just defending right ? THe enemy can be lucky on nth instance ;)

Not sure what you are talking about.

Please elaborate.

saaf chuptay bhi nahi
Saamnay aatay bhi nahi

na 9 mund tail ho ga
Nah Radha Naachay gi

(Bring me the moon first).

Oh bhai jaan

We must start at some point with an alliance that we have.
Not what we hope for.

GCC + Pakistan could be the version 1.0 of such grand alliance.

Hope you understand.

Excellent question

Any country in the neighborhood who suffers from anarchy,
and thus can use our expertise in dealing with it.
Bhai jan I understand what you saying and I'm also agree to deploy few thousand our soldier on desert border of two countries INCASE of few thousand try to attack a well armed/equipped/rich country( I don't think it happen ) I'm against of our soldiers deploy in land to land fight with militants ( both youthies/AQ)
Our jawan's lives more precious and can not be waste on third country behalf.
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