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Yemen: more than 200 feared dead or injured after airstrike on prison

how is it working for Pakistan so far ?
If I remember correctly, you said you were of Yemeni origin.
How does it feel to see your people bombed to the stone age by your beloved leader whose photo is in your avatar?
You don't seem to care about it. I don't feel any sadness or sympathy in your posts.
If I remember correctly, you said you were of Yemeni origin.
How does it feel to see your people bombed to the stone age by your beloved leader whose photo is in your avatar?
You don't seem to care about it. I don't feel any sadness or sympathy in your posts.

I will leave the crocodile tears and heart felt support for the Yemeni people to your kind.
I will leave the crocodile tears and heart felt support for the Yemeni people to your kind.
Crocodile tears? I'm not shedding tears for Yemen, but let it be. Let's assume that my kind is shedding crocodile tears. After all, my kind is not of Yemeni origin.

But if you had even an ounce of honor and dignity in you as a person of Yemeni origin, you would've shed real tears for your people that are getting massacred by the a-hole you have in your avatar. It's very telling about you.
how is it working for Pakistan so far ?
Had it not been for Gulf monarchy guarantees we'd be rid of Nawaz Sharif by now. Gulf states are the sole reason we're still suffering him.
Crocodile tears? I'm not shedding tears for Yemen, but let it be. Let's assume that my kind is shedding crocodile tears. After all, my kind is not of Yemeni origin.

But if you had even an ounce of honor and dignity in you as a person of Yemeni origin, you would've shed real tears for your people that are getting massacred by the a-hole you have in your avatar. It's very telling about you.

I was being sarcastic. Of course i do not expect any sort of tears from you. Your kind is the main reason Arab nations are burning to the ground. All from behind curtains.

then you come here and question me ? I support the UAE 150% and would die for this country and i also LOVE yemen and the yemeni people and i am proud of my parents origins and wish this whole thing ended just like my leaders would like it to end because they are GOOD people.

however , Iranian tentacles must be severed

Had it not been for Gulf monarchy guarantees we'd be rid of Nawaz Sharif by now. Gulf states are the sole reason we're still suffering him.

aha , ok.
The Houtis militia is going to find it difficult to save it's civilians from the indiscriminate bombing of the Saudi UAE incompetent forces.
Crocodile tears? I'm not shedding tears for Yemen, but let it be. Let's assume that my kind is shedding crocodile tears. After all, my kind is not of Yemeni origin.

But if you had even an ounce of honor and dignity in you as a person of Yemeni origin, you would've shed real tears for your people that are getting massacred by the a-hole you have in your avatar. It's very telling about you.
The real Arabs actually come from Yemen, pure Arabs are found among Houthi Yemenis. The Arabs you see outside of Yemen only speak Arabic, they are a mix of a whole bunch of people e.g. compare a Syrian to a Kuwaiti etc.
The real Arabs actually come from Yemen, pure Arabs are found among Houthi Yemenis. The Arabs you see outside of Yemen only speak Arabic, they are a mix of a whole bunch of people e.g. compare a Syrian to a Kuwaiti etc.

using the term "pure" Arab shows me that you really do not know what you are talking about bro =/
using the term "pure" Arab shows me that you really do not know what you are talking about bro =/
You are a so called Arab but don't know the original Arabs came from Yemen.
using the term "pure" Arab shows me that you really do not know what you are talking about bro =/
Too much ignorance.. some even think that Yemen is just the Houthi tribe..one among so many..

You are a so called Arab but don't know the original Arabs came from Yemen.
Nope.. that is ignorance.. go educate yourself on Arabs' origins in Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent.. way before Persia the offshoot of Babylon..

Some Berber Amazigh people of North Africa trace their roots to a Yemeni tribe that was called Amazigh too..
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The real Arabs actually come from Yemen, pure Arabs are found among Houthi Yemenis. The Arabs you see outside of Yemen only speak Arabic, they are a mix of a whole bunch of people e.g. compare a Syrian to a Kuwaiti etc.
That’s a misconception all thanks to a stupid mind and poor comprehension.

Oldest Arabs migrated from Mesopotamia to Hadramut (Yemen area), And spread to various parts of the peninsula.
Too much ignorance.. some even think that Yemen is just the Houthi tribe..one among so many..

Nope.. that is ignorance.. go educate yourself on Arabs' origins in Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent.. way before Persia the offshoot of Babylon..

Some Berber Amazigh people of North Africa trace their roots to a Yemeni tribe that was called Amazigh too..
Pity that the ''Arabs'' today themselves today don't know anything about their origin. What is Arab nowadays? You think a white Syrian is the same as a brown/negro Saudi? You think except the language you speak you are culturally and ethnically the same people as the Syrians for example or the Algerians? LOL hilarious.

Besides the Arabs of Yemen, the other ''Arabs'' are all mixed. Btw, Babylon has nothing to do with barbaric arabized Iraqis now living there. Totally different civilization, culture, language, traditions etc.

No wonder you struggle against the Houthis, because they are the real Arabs.

That’s a misconception all thanks to a stupid mind and poor comprehension.

Oldest Arabs migrated from Mesopotamia to Hadramut (Yemen area), And spread to various parts of the peninsula.
Stay in South Asia and don't put your nose Indic nose into issues you have no knowledge of.

@The SC @Abu Dhabi

Read and learn your own history.

Are the Arabs of Arabia the real Arabs? How are they different from the Arabs of Egypt and Levant?

The only real pure Arabs in this world are the Arabs of Yemen, The rest are mixed with other groups even Saudi Arabia itself isn’t fully Arabic as you would imagine. I will explain why.

First of all, we have to understand who is an Arab and where did they come from.

The first mention of Arabs is from the mid-ninth century BCE as a tribal people in eastern and southern Syria and the north of the Arabian Peninsula.

The Arabs appear to have been under the vassalage of the Neo-Assyrian Empire (911–612 BCE), and the succeeding Neo-Babylonian (626–539 BCE), Achaemenid (539–332 BCE), Seleucid, and Parthian empires.

Arab tribes, most notably the Ghassanids and Lakhmids, begin to appear in the southern Syrian Desert from the mid 3rd century CE onward, during the mid to later stages of the Roman and Sasanian empires.

Based on Arabian historians like Ibn Khaldun - Wikipedia, there are three categories of Arabs. Arab Ba’edah (Extincted Arabs who are the first original Arabs) like ʿĀd - Wikipedia, Thamud - Wikipedia, Amalek - Wikipedia, أميم - ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة, and Jasim - Wikipedia. these tribes are the first to inhabit the Arabian peninsula and most of them have created great civilizations that have ended with time.

Then the Arab ‘Arebah(Original Arabs). and those the descendant from Qahtanite - Wikipedia tribes. The terms Qahtanite and Qahtani (Arabic: قَحْطَانِي‎; transliterated: Qahtani) refer to Arabs who originate from the southern region of the Arabian Peninsula, especially from Yemen.

The Qahtani tribes tree


Now let's come to the third category which is the Arabised Arabs. These are Adnani tribes Arabs. The Arab genealogical tradition holds that the Adnanites are "Arabized Arabs", descended from Adnan.

The Adnanites became Arabized when they migrated to the Arabian Peninsula, They mixed with the Qahtani Arabs and adopted the Arabic language,

whereas the Qahtanites of Southern Arabia are pure Arabs.

Adani tree


Based on my last name and my grandfather our family is descended from Rabi’ah.


I will have to note that According to some modern historians, the traditional distinction between Adnanites and Qahtanites lacks evidence and may have developed out of the later faction-fighting during the Umayyad period. But I have some historical support that the Adnani are different from Qahtanies.

The prophet Mohammed was from Quraysh - Wikipedia, which is a descendant from Adnan. Which means he was an Arabised Arab.

Understand Arabic genes will help you understand their origins and the major differences between them.

look here Genetic studies on Arabs - Wikipedia

The main Gene that makes up the entirety of the middle east is Y-DNA J. This gene was originated in the Caucasus region but it exists in sheer numbers in the Peninsula especially in southern Yemen.


Y-DNA J has tow main braches, J1, and J2, which the main distinction between the Arabs of the Levant and the Arabs of Arabia.



Both genes are indeed The main Arabic genes of today.

Y-DNA distribution through the entire Middle East countries.


In Arab countries, J1 peaks among Ahwar Arabs in southern Iraq (81.1%), Yemen (72.6%), Negev Bedouin (62%), Iraqi Arabs (60%), Qatar (58.3%), Jordan (48.7%), Northern Sudan (45%), Saudi Arabia (42%), Oman (38%), Palestine (38%), Algeria (35%), United Arab Emirates (34.8%), Tunisia (34.6%), Syria (33.6%), Assyrians (28.6%) (Christians of Iraq, Syria and Lebanon), Lebanon (25%), Egyptians (21.1%), Moroccans (20.4%).


Haplogroup J2 was found mainly in the Fertile Crescent, Mediterranean (including southern Europe and North Africa), Iran, and in Central Asia. Its highest frequency was in Iraq 29.7%, Lebanon 29.7%, Syria 29%, Ashkenazi Jews 25%, Sephardic Jews 29%, Kurds 28.4% and Iran 24%.

J *

The haplogroup J * includes the rest of J branches except J1 and J2.

Haplogroup J * is rare outside the island of Socotra where it recorded 71.4%. J * haplogroup frequencies were found poorly in Oman, among Ashkenazi Jews, in Pakistan and Greece, in the Czech Republic, and among Turks.


J1 one is a basal gene, which means its features will be seen with the least portion of it.

You can see that Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, And UAE genetics test proofs that they are not fully Arabs like Yemnies or Marsh Arabs - Wikipedia. the map also shows you that Arabs have spread all over the Arab world and intermixed with the people. The entire Levant carry the same Arabic genes as Saudi does, they are Arabs just like Saudi are. Remember that only Yemen is Original Arabs and the rest are Arabised Arabs or Migrated from Yemen.

I need to note that the height portion of the J1 gene (Main Arabia DNA) to exist in the biggest portion alone in a group is found in Marsh Arabs - Wikipedia in Iraq. The portion of J1 is 81.1%. Which we can say that this group is literally the most original Arabs of all Arabs.

So who is a real Arab these days? Anyone who carry Arabic genes and speaks Arabic as his main language is Arabic. Saudi Arabia Arabs are just like Lebanean Arabs. They are mixed with different genetics origins but they carry the biggest portion of the J gene.

As you can be Qahtani Arab or Adnani Arab, you can be Egyptian Arab, Sudani Arab, or Moroccan Arab. The three are very different in genes and ethnicity, but they all share the same language and similar culture. which what makes all of them Arabs.

Also, Arabs have lived and ruled the Levant several decades before Islam, they built several kingdoms and civilizations in this area and they are the indigos people of the Levant with other groups like Kurds, Assyrians, Arameans, and Phoenicians. See here the map of pre-Islamic Arabia shows the several kingdoms That Arabs built there.


The Arabic world is Arabic because it speaks the Arabic language as its main language and follows Arabic culture. Cultures and civilizations change throw times and these places have become Arabis the same way Adnani Arabs have become Arabs. Arab has mixed with none Arabs even before Islam and their kids where Arabs too even if they where black or red or white. Antarah ibn Shaddad - Wikipedia one of the most famous Arabic figures before Islam where the son of black Ethiopian princes and he was Black and no one ever says he is not Real Arab.

The Arabic language itself has changed as it wasn't always one language until Islam came. The old Arabi Alphabet is very different than the new one. and Yemen didn't speak the Arabic of Quraish before Islam rather they spooked Old South Arabian - Wikipedia. There wasn't one Dialect in Arabia before Islam. Instead, every tribe was speaking a different dialect. Like Himyaritic language - Wikipedia. Islam unified all of this under Quraish dialect as it was the dialect that the Quran was revealed in.

This is the old Arabic alphabet That Yemen used.




This shows the similarities between Semitic Alphabets.


The entire Levant and Arabian peninsula and Egyptians are Semitic people. They all carry the same genes and spoked similar languages and followed a similar culture. Unifying all of this under one flag wasn't hard. read this answer to show you how the people of these lands adopted Arabic culture and language. ‎Orem Frien (أوْرِم فْرِيَن ܐܘܪܡ ܦܪܝܢ)‎'s answer to Do Arabs see the existence of Arabs outside of the Arabian Peninsula as colonization?.

Even Arabs themselves got Arabised as Yemeni Arabs spooked different language than modern Arabic was.

Arabic isn't only an ethnicity now as no one in this world is pure and we are all mixed. the language and the Culture decide what you are. I am Arabic even though I was born in Cairo (Arab built this city) far away from Yemen or Arabia. my primary language is Arabic my culture is Arabic. I am Arabic as my culture and language and genes say.

So if someone is not fully ethnically Arab, does that means he can not be Arab as will? The answer is No.

Ahmed Shawqi - Wikipedia was mixed Turkish, Arab, Circassian, Kurdish, and Greek roots. and He was the Prince of Arabic Poets and the reviver of classical Arabic poems. and he was famed by how much he is proud of being an Arab.

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt - Wikipedia The Son of Muhammad Ali of Egypt - Wikipedia was an Albanian who ruled Egypt after his father, He Was Heavily Arabized And Considered Himself An Egyptian Arab He Even Said :

I'm Not A Turk, I Came To Egypt When I Was A Child And Since That Time, The Sun Of Egypt Has Changed My Blood And Made It All Arab
All that it needs for someone to be an Arab is to adopt Arabic culture and speaks the Arabic language as his own language. It's not related to genes anymore as Eventually, there is no one pure in this world.

You will find some people pick some pictures and tell you these are the real Arabs and the rest are not. While the truth is the entire Semitic people looks alike with slite differences. Even North Africans and the Amazish people Are originated from the Middle East and Iberian peninsula. they are closer to Semitic people than any other race. see here my answer ‎Ahmed Rabee' (أَحْمَدْ رَبِيع)‎'s answer to Is it a Eurocentric lie to say that Copts are direct descendants of ancient Egyptians?.

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