The Colonel interviewed in the article also laughs at india for buying 10 C-17 at $580 million / aircraft, saying that india wants so badly to be a superpower but it can never catch up to China because it lacks industrialization.
Whatever, fake chinese. Keep up the China threat facade. Maybe it will work one day.
Anyhow. That's not what the Colonel said. The Colonel said that it is within reason to expect India to buy something like the C17, as India is expanding militarily. Also the infrastructure in India is bad, so something like the C17 can help India practically too in the transportation of goods.
Why are you posting as Chinese here if you can't even read chinese that well? Reading comprehension problems? or Google translate problems?
  答:印度为了争夺地区主导权,不断扩充军力,大量采购新型武器装备,采购C-17这样的大型军用运输机也在情理之中。这不单单是钱的问题。众所周知,印度的很多铁路、公路等基础设施比 较差,对大型军用运输机的需求非常迫切,而且C-17能在更短的跑道起飞,适应雪地、沙漠等环境,所以勒紧腰带也要买。