This is a most interesting detail … the Y-20A serial number 20241 has the construction number 0051 on its tail.
So most likely it is the 51st Y-20A built.
@Deino I appreciate very well your work, in my view, U are among the very rare westerner besides Tom Cooper to be respected. But please don't become a new Janes, FlightGlobal, etc...Outlet. They all deserved to be despised. Please stay as U are, as U were.
Just simple questions. Do U think China will allow you to know the exact number of not only a strategic, but a vital asset such as Y-20 number so easily? Indeed, U can see
0051 but why not
51? Thus, why did "Globaltime "not mention this number?
My job is database designer, and it is important I think to tell you this story. At the beginning of my work, as a beginner
, I worked for a client that sold books. When I designed the database, in the primary key for the first article I set 1. I increment by 1, so that the 100° article, did have as primary key
100. Thus my chief at that time rushed to me, and asked me, to never do that again. Because he said to me,
it was not serious. I talked about a simple client that sold books. U can realize we are talking here about a far more serious topic, the Chinese Air Force. This number
0051 was certainly -and not only likely- caught from a database.
At this stage, U are not able to tell me the exact number of neither F-22, nor B-2. Humm....what did I say, U cannot provide me the exact number of the Typhoon belonging to the Luftwaffe. Because it is a strategic question.
None among us can know how many Y-20 were built. Even the CIA, and NSA all Western intelligence
services can not know exactly the number of any aircraft in the Chinese air force.
A thing is absolutely sure and certain, Chinese know-how is sky-rocketing. The stupid, and imbecile western behavior against Russia since 2010, has been pushing Russian leaders into Chinese arms. Thus huge, nevertheless very secret technologies transfers between Moscow and Beijing happened. The real number of Y-20 built is certainly far above 100, if not hundreds.
For those who are interested by database here are some useful links :
Using Sql Express Management Studio 2008 GUI (not with coding), how can I make a primary key auto-incremented? Let me explain: there is a table which has a column named "id" and the items of this ...
Learn to set up an auto increment primary key in Oracle using sequences, triggers, and IDENTITY columns for optimal database efficiency.