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Xi’s Covid Retreat Shows China Masses They Have Real Power

Mao worked for the CIA?

How many does CCP say Mai kiiled? Zero?

We are sad for the oppressed Chinese population, may they be set free soon!
CCP does not count chinese as human, so you should ask how many cattle does CCP say they slaughtered and they can answer that.
Mao worked for the CIA?

How many does CCP say Mai kiiled? Zero?

We are sad for the oppressed Chinese population, may they be set free soon!
First, go save yourselves from the slum hell.
First, go save yourselves from the slum hell.
Chinese are trying real hard to get out from the slums govt put them into..you make sure to stay home and be safe.

CCP does not count chinese as human, so you should ask how many cattle does CCP say they slaughtered and they can answer that.
In China we have a joke. India can never compete with China in human population because India's population is 100 million Brahmin humans and 1000 million who live in sub-animal conditions.
lol, these Indians proved one thing that Indians have smallest brain in the world, worse yet, they don't even use it for thinking, they use it as small size trash can.

Chinese are trying real hard to get out from the slums govt put them into..you make sure to stay home and be safe.

Try to get out your hell first,


Let's hope chinese people re-learn to be free human beings after the scourge of CCP communism is eradicated from power. It's a long road and CCP goons and power hungry Xi et al won't give up their tyrannical fetish easily but history shows every dictator and cruel form of govt tumbles as it gets to peak justice.

Chinese people protest shows peak injustice has been reaches or close.

Once that's done chinese people can once again aspire to be the great civilization they once were. India will show the way.
Lol, You Indians have been slaves of the white masters for 3 hundred years and have the shame to call others slaves, everything in India now is what your white masters left for you and still managed to stay the world poorest and dirtiest nation till now.
We are sad for the oppressed Chinese population, may they be set free soon!
You are sad..? lol, you should be sorry, not sad, you keep sliding year on year


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China wins this one, their burning is much more environmentally friendly burning chinese within buildings
like this?


Are these numbers updated after covid?
Not even in the same league, you India is always in the league of your own.

An advice to those who try to reason with Indians, you can't debate with them as they don't have the concept of coherence; and you shouldn't argue with them as it will shrink your brain to their size.
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