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Xinjiang Starts Harvesting Cotton.. Uyghurs are forced to control the drones with remote

I am forced to publish at least two SSCI articles per year...
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Look you might have some comprehension problem, I'm not talking about china, your friend @ToddBing argue that China is not persecuting muslims in Xinjiang because muslim countries side with china on the issue, the thing is this "muslim countries"couldn't be the standard on how we view china. consider that these "muslim countries" are known to be $ licker, they'll side with whoever has the $ , including china. Just look at the atmosphere towards UAE among our Pakistani friend and deep in their hearts they'll actually agree with me.
Muslims in Xinjiang lives a much happier life than those who lives in India, except some extremists.

GT reporters visited the factory with which a @BBC report accused China of using “forced labor” in its #Xinjiang region. But what we found in the factory may disappoint BBC reporters and those who are hyping “forced labor” topics about Xinjiang. See this:
In Western countries you cannot even stop your vehicle on the highway except at designated spots, every inch is staked ,owned and protected as private or government property. But they will go out to the rest of the world and act as royalty .
All the videos of Westerners complaining of trouble, beating or harassment in China ( or East Asia) invariably show the local authorities and public being almost deferential to the Westerners. You guys should give them a taste of their own medicine and stop being so apologetic .
**BTW the first and last videos look almost alien, like something out of the Star Wars
Publicly many countries are mindful of criticising China's policies in xinjiang and HK, but privately there is probably misgivings. Xi should realise China's image has taken a beating, which will have long term consequences.

Critics of chinese government have plenty of ammunition. Pro chinese figures, globally have become less active. In Pakistan case, relations predate President Xi and has important strategic value inregards to India. Hence difficult to publicly say anything.
Publicly many countries are mindful of criticising America's policies in Iraq and Afghanistan, but privately there is probably misgivings. Trump should realise Americas image has taken a beating, which will have long term consequences.

Critics of US government have plenty of ammunition. Pro US figures, globally have become less active. In Pakistan case, relations predate Trump and has important strategic value inregards to India. Hence difficult to publicly say anything.
* I just modified it to demonstrate that if you are rich and powerful, peoples will follow you regardless.
Belt and Road is opening up Xinjiang province to the world.

Development trend cannot be stopped.

While the US-led West is trying to create new Libyas and Syrias, they are turning into one.

They better stop ideological fascism, and reflect upon their history of plunder and blood in the past 400 years.
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