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Xinjiang put on high alert after 20 deaths

Aren't those Turks Muslims ?.... you Chin liar...
What about these.. I guess these obnoxious Han terrorists rioters are also a fair game for Chin riot police and snipers. ?

When the riots kill the Indians, you should be glad.
This is not about religion, it is about ethnic and culture.
The Tadzhik and Kazakhstan and all the other ethnics that believe in Islam in Xingjiang love China and get very well with Han.
The Uighur terrorists' slogan is "Kill Han ,erase Hui,expel the Kazakhstan to th mountains."
Both Hui and Kazakhstan are Muslims.

Huis are ethnic Chinese but Kazakhs are Turkic people same like Uighurs sharing almost identical cultures and language with Uighurs. Why are they against Kazakhs.
do you understand the difference between lethal weapon such as knife, blade and a stick?

oh, let's don't forget, air/water in mumbai/new delhi is lethal weapon, your life expectancy is ~60, does this make your entire nation terrorists? probably yes.

Does that make any Difference... there are photos of puny little obnoxious han rioters with knives and blades and even lethal weapons.
And a man with a longer stick can kill the man with a small knife quite easily... may be hans are not used to such skills and got themselves killed.

Air/Water in Mumbai/Delhi is lot better than the polluted Beijing the most polluted venue for Olympics... hell they had to use cloud dispensers to clear smog and avoid embarrassment such a pity.
What happened before that? 184 innocent civilians(134 Han, 46 Uighur,1 Hui) were killed by the Uighur terrorists.
They are the civilians who took tools to protect themselves due to the bastard Xinjiang government's incapacity

Is the CCP govt. so incapable that its people have to act like the people of Somalia.... may be you are correct and all that fuss about governance and mighty Chin is crap.
Even on 134 hans killed does that justify them killing 46 Uyghurs and 1 Hui ?
If they were so engrossed in protecting themselves They would've better stayed home and followed instructions by riot police rather than roaming on the streets to kill Uyghurs and getting killed themselves in return.

When the riots kill the Indians, you should be glad.

How Big are you ?.. my cute little friend...
why not go and play some ping-pong with buddies and let the serious issues for the Bigger boys here.
Huis are ethnic Chinese but Kazakhs are Turkic people same like Uighurs sharing almost identical cultures and language with Uighurs. Why are they against Kazakhs.
Kazakhs and Uighurs are not the same ethnic and their culture are different!
Kazak is nomadic ethnic while Uyghur is agriculture and trading ethnic.
Kazak people do not think Uyghur is Turkic, this is what I heard form a Kazak Chinese.
As for the ethnic policy in China and the CCP's behavior in 2009 Urumuqi riot ,I will say the CCP is totally
They did not do what they should do to protect the innocent people from terrorist in a quick reaction
and thus the civilians had to stand out and protect themselves with sticks.
2 days after 7,5 terror attack, the terrorist still were killing people in the streets.
In China, the ethnic policy made by Hu Yaobang and Deng Xiaoping is a damn s**t
and CCP will have to pay for it one day.
I will support overthrowing the CCP governance if they do not change it in the next 20 years.
Did you read the article (Biased)??? It says terrorists were armed with knives. You are so biased that you didn't worried to query that whether they were terrorists or protesters???

Coz China say so, thats why it has to be... Now your relation is much important than Islam. Opportunist Pakistani establishment... :(
You are so stuipid to say using knife to kill innocent people isn't terrorist.
Kazakhs and Uighurs are not the same ethnic and their culture are different!
Kazak is nomadic ethnic while Uyghur is agriculture and trading ethnic.
Kazak people do not think Uyghur is Turkic, this is what I heard form a Kazak Chinese.

you and your friend need some education..
both Kazak and Uygur people are Turk and muslim.
Is the CCP govt. so incapable that its people have to act like the people of Somalia.... may be you are correct and all that fuss about governance and mighty Chin is crap.
Even on 134 hans killed does that justify them killing 46 Uyghurs and 1 Hui ?
If they were so engrossed in protecting themselves They would've better stayed home and followed instructions by riot police rather than roaming on the streets to kill Uyghurs and getting killed themselves in return.

How Big are you ?.. my cute little friend...
why not go and play some ping-pong with buddies and let the serious issues for the Bigger boys here.

We just keep wiping out those terrorist murderers, whatever you Indian like to say.
Kazakhs and Uighurs are not the same ethnic and their culture are different!
Kazak is nomadic ethnic while Uyghur is agriculture and trading ethnic.
Kazak people do not think Uyghur is Turkic, this is what I heard form a Kazak Chinese.
Kazak is mongoloid people just as the Han Chinese and Uyghur is mix-blood.
you and your friend need some education..
both Kazak and Uygur people are Turk and muslim.
What the hell Turkey want from Uigher, to be the hero of the Turkic? If Uigher want to leave, then go for Turkey.
terrorists with knives !!!:lol:
Does turkic law exempt a terrorist from acused murdering if he or she killed others by just using a knife? Damn you the motherfucker!!!!!!!!! You are the most disgust Turkic that i've ever come across in my life, i sure will beat up your *** if you stand infront of me. Turkey has no qualification to say anything **** about our domestic affairs. The more you talk BS, the more we kill those Uigher terrorists. We don't mind your protest, your protest not even woth a ****.
Send those terrorist some guns if you feel killing people with knife is not that satisfying.

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