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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions


We are with China to fight against this global agenda pushed by devils of the world.
All you people should understand that this is just a start as Xinjiang gradually came into focus, mean while Boston tragedy couldn't be ruled out having any link to this if we put geopolitical scenarios on the table. In coming decades war will be shifted to CIS countries & to China as well.


you Chinese don't know most of the things happening in your country..only the little info your communist party allows you to know..
My memoir is from 1997,and i asked the same thing to the imam and he said exactly the same as i am saying to you...In china news is heavily controlled and censored.

The news was also confirmed independently by a bunch of Chinese Muslims i met at a halal restaurant i went in Guangzou (cheeky bugger served me soup with chop sticks,and i didn't have a clue how to have soup with chop stick)
I was in Germany at that time. and heard lot of these kind of bulsht stories. I believe, even it was true, we did the right thing.
I was in Guangzhou in 1997.There i went to "Abi waqas" mosque for Friday prayers.The mood in the mosque was tense,and the imam was very worried.
he wont let anybody even walk fast in the mosque..when asked he said that there are government agents in the mosque spying on us all the time and anything can get me in trouble.I asked him why he was being extra careful? He said that there has been a grand operation in some Muslim majority area of china in which army has crushed people under tanks and set their homes on fire. Reason was that Muslims of the area held protests against some new law the communist party imposed on their area...And along came the red army crushing them with brute force and no mercy.

very credible the whole story base on my friends told me:omghaha:
i don't know why every little Indian feels the urge to poke their nose without knowing jackshit about the topic at hand.
Retaliation is human nature.Its the way the retaliation is done,makes it justified or unjustified.
But there is always reasons behind it.Nobody just picks up a gun and starts firing,there is always an ongoing reason behind the action.

Extremists retaliate by killing innocent, it maybe human nature but so are so many other things - does not mean you do it!

very credible the whole story base on my friends told me:omghaha:

Of course it has to be credible, inside scoop if you know what I mean :P
I believe, even it was true, we did the right thing.
Running tanks on protesting crowd seems right to you,but the people who saw this happening to their friend and family might not agree with you,and hence the retaliation.
It happened to Muslims of china so they are retaliating..If it had happened to any other community,they too had retaliated..Now you can go on calling them terrorists and me as terrorists supporter :wave:

you Chinese don't know most of the things happening in your country..only the little info your communist party allows you to know..
My memoir is from 1997,and i asked the same thing to the imam and he said exactly the same as i am saying to you...In china news is heavily controlled and censored.

The news was also confirmed independently by a bunch of Chinese Muslims i met at a halal restaurant i went in Guangzou (cheeky bugger served me soup with chop sticks,and i didn't have a clue how to have soup with chop stick)

always funny to hear this classic layman's argument of you chinese dont know many things that we 'know', can you people even have the basic line of commen logic?

If the Chinese didnt know, then how d hell do foreigners know?

I actually fell for this kind of stupid stereotype before I came to the U.K 12 years ago```as I always heard from others (from multi medias like Voice of America, BBC and relatives from Taiwan) saying that we 'dont know' many things about the 'dark side'of China```

so I had this curiosity coming to the U.K trying to find out what we actually didnt 'know'````but disappointingly what I found out was that all the China-bashing-frenzy materials kept recycling in western media were too familar```and I actually knew way more than they have, I'd make some serious contribution to add few 'third-party sources'``

in 'theory' I am supposed to be 'brainwashed' as I was born and bred in China until 20s```but why I know so many 'dirty' stuff about my 'censored' and 'controlled' country??? ``can you tell me why???
I think its the right time to test Wing Loong uav to hunt them down

So you are claiming that Chinese media is uncensored and you are told the truth all the time?

Plus they are "terrorists" now.
But back then,they were only protesting about something and were crushed with "Iron fist" or Iron chains.

keep assuming that makes your argument even more 'creditble'

to your stereotyped and ignorant mind Chinese media=state media```but in reality only few people reading those shyte, and do you know where do most people read news from?

keep assuming, you will get there

you Chinese don't know most of the things happening in your country..only the little info your communist party allows you to know..
My memoir is from 1997,and i asked the same thing to the imam and he said exactly the same as i am saying to you...In china news is heavily controlled and censored.

The news was also confirmed independently by a bunch of Chinese Muslims i met at a halal restaurant i went in Guangzou (cheeky bugger served me soup with chop sticks,and i didn't have a clue how to have soup with chop stick)
First they r Chinese, then they r Chinese Muslim. Whatever u r Muslim or non-Muslim here, u must (have to) obey China laws, there'r no any privilege for some special groups of ppl. Take ur regilous ideas out from China coz we r a non-Muslim China not ur poor country.

If push the China to the other side, maybe the Allah could save u.
He said that there has been a grand operation in some Muslim majority area of china in which army has crushed people under tanks and set their homes on fire. Reason was that Muslims of the area held protests against some new law the communist party imposed on their area...And along came the red army crushing them with brute force and no mercy.

and you think crushing them under tanks is justified?

Still no sources for this ridiculous claim?

If there was even 1% truth in this claim, don't you think our enemies in the West would print it in their newspapers right away?
Still no sources for this ridiculous claim?

If there was even 1% truth in this claim, don't you think our enemies in the West would print it in their newspapers right away?

Google is your friend..
But if you insist,here is one,and there are many you can find.

ARCHIVED: Commentary No. 73: Islamic Unrest In the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region

Abstract: Beijing's central authority has been under increasing challenge from Muslim separatists in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region of western China in recent years. Although less well known than the anti-Chinese struggle in Tibet, the low-key conflict which has been simmering in Xinjiang since the late 1980s has resulted in significant loss of life and reliably documented human rights violations. In April 1990, for example, Chinese government forces reportedly killed some 50 protestors in putting down a five-day uprising by religious extremists in the Baren district south of Kashgar. - Spring 1998. Author: Paul George.

and this was not an isolated incident..Chinese forces have been killing en mass in the area...

since 1980s
Running tanks on protesting crowd seems right to you,but the people who saw this happening to their friend and family might not agree with you,and hence the retaliation.
It happened to Muslims of china so they are retaliating..If it had happened to any other community,they too had retaliated..Now you can go on calling them terrorists and me as terrorists supporter :wave:

Still can’t explain why they kill other muslims like Hui,Kazakh or even uyghur themselves
Still can’t explain why they kill other muslims like Hui,Kazakh or even uyghur themselves

I cant explain that and wont.
But needless to say that Chinese forces are also to be blamed and their heavy handed tactics.
If china wants to go the way USA went,then good luck its been 20 years since they been fighting their WOT and they achieved nothing.
China can try brute force as they been doing since 1980s,but that wont solve the issue.
Giving more religious rights and more freedom and economic reforms will win hearts and minds and isolate the miscreants.

I don't know about now,but back in 90s when i was a regular visitor to china,the Muslims were p.iss poor,normally found selling stuff by roadside in big Chinese cities.

make people rich and they will forget their grievances even religious ones. Thats human nature..But hungry man is always an angry man..religious or otherwise.
To be honest, you think CCP give a fxxk to what those islam terrorists think???

I would like CCP to get another iron fist guy like general wang zhen appointed there, who basically eradicated the islam separatists for many years since basically he has massacred all of those nutcases then.

Now looking at those islam nutcases keeping jumping out like clowns, we need put them down quickly with powerful demonstration.

I asked some Muslim members here like KingMamba, and he said that according to the Koran, any "restrictions" on their rightful Islamic activities means that they MUST fight back.

And since there are restrictions on religious activities in Xinjiang, we have to watch out for more attacks.

The stated goal of ETIM is to create an "Islamic state" in Xinjiang called East Turkestan, obviously we cannot allow them to do that. So there is no way to appease them.

Any extremists or terrorists need to be wiped out.
Indeed and the fact supports my statement shiv Sena and BJP are well known Hindu terrorist. Fiction only Muslims are terrorist there is countless non Muslim terrorist since this isn't the topic i would leave it at that.
Can you please define how BJP and Shiv Sena are terrorist....and don't start with godhra..it was an administrative incompetency???I would suggest you read the defination of terrorism.
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