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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

Simple solution integration, other than that much can't be done. It's already past no return the Han population in Xinjiang is the majority 40-45% it's going to continue rising with migration as well by 2020 Han population will be 60%.
. .
As far as i know.

Uyghur Turks are pbliged take Chinese education for 12 years in boarded schools.

FYI, China's obligatory education is 9 years.

BTW, I suggest that you use Turkic Uighur instead, as Uighurs are mixed ethnic group using an Altai/Turkic language. They aren't Turks!
FYI, China's obligatory education is 9 years.

Yes, the article i have read said the same thing but it recently got 12 years for the Uyghurs... and they are obliqued to attend boarding schools, seperated from their family to make them forget their language.

And you guys say, Uyghurs are happy in China. :disagree:
Yes, the article i have read said the same thing but it recently got 12 years for the Uyghurs... and they are obliqued to attend boarding schools, seperated from their family to make them forget their language.

BS! :disagree:
. .
Go visit Xinjiang and converse with Uighurs there before making trollish claims.

Full article but it is Turkish

Çin’den Uygurlara şimdi de eğitimde asimilasyon uyguluyor
Çin işgal altında tutuğu Doğu Türkistanda Doğu Türkistanlıları asimile etmek için Çince Eğitimi zorunlu hale getirdi.
Çin’in Doğu Türkistan’da zorunlu eğitimi liseyi de kapsayacak şekilde 12 yıla çıkarması ve Çince eğitim verilen okullarda yatılı olarak okumayı zorunlu kılması Uygur Müslümanlarının tepkisine neden oldu. Washington merkezli Uygur-Amerika Derneği Başkan Yardımcısı ve eski Karamay Üniversitesi öğretim üyesi Dr. İlşat Hasan Müslüman Uygur Türklerinin Doğu Türkistan’da genç evlatlarını işgalci Çin yönetiminin pençesinden kurtarmaya çalıştığını ve bunun savaşını verdiğini söyledi.

Çin işgal yönetimi Hoten merkezli güney vilayetlerinde yürüttüğü son askeri operasyonla birlikte 9 yıl olan zorunlu eğitimi, lise öğrenimini de kapsayacak şekilde 12 yıla çıkardığını açıkladı. Bu kararı 2015’te bütün bölgeyi kapsayacak şekilde yaygınlaştıracağını bildirdi. Çin ayrıca, lise öğrenimi esnasında öğrencilerin toplu olarak ve zorunlu şekilde yurtlarda kalacaklarını öğretim öğrenim ile ilgili her türlü giderlerinin ve beslenmelerinin de devletçe karşılanacağını bildirdi.

Hür Asya Radyosuna konuşan Dr.Hasan, Çin işgal güçlerinin son Urumçi saldırısını bahane ederek Uygur Türklerinin çoğunlukta olduğu, Türk İslam kültürünün korunup yaşandığı Kaşgar, Aksu, Yarkent, Kuçar gibi güney vilayetlerinde Hoten merkezli başlattığı “Terörle Mücadele Operasyonu” ile birlikte 9 yıl olan zorunlu eğitimin liseyi de kapsayacak şekilde 12 yıla çıkarılması kararı hakkında görüşlerini açıkladı.

Çin yönetiminin esas amacının Uygurları eğitmek olmadığını, bu kararın tamamen siyasi ve asimilasyon amaçlı olduğunu belirten Hasan, ailelerince büyük maddi fedakarlıklar yapılarak ve onbinlerce yen masraf edilerek okutulan Uygur gençlerinin Çinlilerin oturduğu ücra köylerde ancak, kendilerine güvenilmedikleri için silahsız yardımcı polis yapıldıklarını da belirtti.

Üniversite tamamlamış Uygur gençlerin işsizliğe mahkum edildiklerini ifade eden Dr. Hasan sözlerini şöyle tamamladı:
“Aileler çocuklarını Çince öğretim yapan okullara vermek yerine kendi yanlarında tutmak istiyorlar. Ailelerinin yanında kalan Çocuklar onların işlerine yardımcı olduklarının yanında Uygur Türk dilini örf adetlerini, ahlak ve faziletini en önemlisi mukaddes İslam dinini aile bireylerinden öğreniyorlar ve Müslüman Uygur Türk terbiyesi ile yetişiyorlar. Açıkçası asimile olmaktan korunmuş oluyorlar. Çin yönetimi Uygurların eğitim seviyelerini yükseltmek istiyorsa ve bunda samimi ise, öncelikli olarak bu kampanyaya sarf edecekleri bütçenin bir kısmını Uygur Türkçesi ile eğitim veren okulların tamiri ve şartlarının iyileştirilmesi için harcasınlar. Eğitimin kalitesini yükseltsinler. Bugün binlerce Üniversiteli Uygur genci sokaklarda boş gezmekte, ekonomik ve psikolojik sorunlar yaşamakta. Bunların gelecekleri karartılmakta ve ümitsizliğe itilmektedirler. Bunların yerine Çin’den getirilen etnik Çinliler her kademedeki Çinli yöneticilerin etnik ayırımcılık yapması ve kayırması ile öncelikli olarak ve anında işe yerleştirilmektedir.

Doğu Türkistan’ı Çinli göçmenler istila etmiş durumda. Çin yönetimi eğer bölgede istikrarı sağlamak ve herkesin huzur içinde yaşamasını temin etmek istiyorsa, öncelikli olarak bölgenin tarihi gerçek sakinleri ve sahipleri olan Uygurlara de Çinli göçmenlere tanıdığı hakları tanımalıdır. Adil ve eşit davranmalıdır. Ayrıca, Çin yasalarına da aykırı olan bu etnik ayırımcılığa en kısa zamanda son vermelidir.”
Simple solution integration, other than that much can't be done. It's already past no return the Han population in Xinjiang is the majority 40-45% it's going to continue rising with migration as well by 2020 Han population will be 60%.
What does integration mean in your opinion?
That is good but I'm talking specifically about Islamic education where the government should actively introduce a pacifist Islamic sect to counter the other extremist sect. Right now, I think they only monitor (and sometime regulate) the Islamic schools in Xinjiang but they need to introduce something new to actively rival it.

Ahmaddiyya or ismaili shia are very peaceful
What does integration mean in your opinion?

Becoming apart of Chinese society, learning Chinese, opening their communities up instead of keeping them closed off both the( radicalism exists in Uighur Society) Kazakh, Tajiks, Hui in Xinjiang are doing that while maintaining their traditions and religion. Right now the CPC is allowing Uighur language in schools I'm not opposed to it but they will need to learn Chinese for high quality jobs. The Government now is spending millions on this integrating the Uighurs.

Xinjiang is at the crossroads of development and modernization, Oil and Gas finds and development, trade with Central Asia countries and a possible Oil pipeline from Pakistan to Xinjiang, this is bringing more migrants to Xinjiang from all of China and the Han population in Xinjiang will rise even further. There is no way Han, Hui, Kazakhs, or Tajiks are going to leave Xinjiang with these opportunities, if the Uighurs don't they will not benefit from these and become poorer.
Becoming apart of Chinese society, learning Chinese, opening their communities up instead of keeping them closed off both the( radicalism exists in Uighur Society) Kazakh, Tajiks, Hui in Xinjiang are doing that while maintaining their traditions and religion. Right now the CPC is allowing Uighur language in schools I'm not opposed to it but they will need to learn Chinese for high quality jobs. The Government now is spending millions on this integrating the Uighurs.

Xinjiang is at the crossroads of development and modernization, Oil and Gas finds and development, trade with Central Asia countries and a possible Oil pipeline from Pakistan to Xinjiang, this is bringing more migrants to Xinjiang from all of China and the Han population in Xinjiang will rise even further. There is no way Han, Hui, Kazakhs, or Tajiks are going to leave Xinjiang with these opportunities, if the Uighurs don't they will not benefit from these and become poorer.

Will integration allow them to fast while at work the same as millions of other muslims do everyday in ramadan?

"The Chinese Medicine Hospital in Yining, also known as Ghulja, a city in the traditionally Uighur province of East Turkestan (Xinjiang), has asked its Muslim staff not to fast this Ramadan “in order not to affect normal work and life.”

Sina Weibo reported that the county’s health department had made the request just three weeks before fasting for the Islamic holy month is due to begin on June 28 [2014].

Being asked to sign a pledge of compliance in a “responsibility book,” the Sina Weibo website published photographs hospital staff members of ethnic minority background, mainly female nurses, sitting in front of two large tables with their hands folded.

The region's native Uighur Muslims, an ethnic Turkic people, are likely to be offended by the request. They already blame curbs on Uighur religion and culture by the Han Chinese Communist Party for rising ethnic tensions in the region."

UNPO: East Turkestan: Muslim Hospital Staff Face Ramadan Discrimination
Will integration allow them to fast while at work the same as millions of other muslims do everyday in ramadan?

"The Chinese Medicine Hospital in Yining, also known as Ghulja, a city in the traditionally Uighur province of East Turkestan (Xinjiang), has asked its Muslim staff not to fast this Ramadan “in order not to affect normal work and life.”

Sina Weibo reported that the county’s health department had made the request just three weeks before fasting for the Islamic holy month is due to begin on June 28 [2014].

Being asked to sign a pledge of compliance in a “responsibility book,” the Sina Weibo website published photographs hospital staff members of ethnic minority background, mainly female nurses, sitting in front of two large tables with their hands folded.

The region's native Uighur Muslims, an ethnic Turkic people, are likely to be offended by the request. They already blame curbs on Uighur religion and culture by the Han Chinese Communist Party for rising ethnic tensions in the region."

UNPO: East Turkestan: Muslim Hospital Staff Face Ramadan Discrimination

Yes restrictions and discrimination will be eliminated as the government is working hard now to integrate Uighurs.

Also I suggest not to feed trolls.
Yes restrictions and discrimination will be eliminated as the government is working hard now to integrate Uighurs.

Also I suggest not to feed trolls.
We have to wait and see how everything goes. Right now it doesn't look to pretty.
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Will integration allow them to fast while at work the same as millions of other muslims do everyday in ramadan?

"The Chinese Medicine Hospital in Yining, also known as Ghulja, a city in the traditionally Uighur province of East Turkestan (Xinjiang), has asked its Muslim staff not to fast this Ramadan “in order not to affect normal work and life.”

Sina Weibo reported that the county’s health department had made the request just three weeks before fasting for the Islamic holy month is due to begin on June 28 [2014].

Being asked to sign a pledge of compliance in a “responsibility book,” the Sina Weibo website published photographs hospital staff members of ethnic minority background, mainly female nurses, sitting in front of two large tables with their hands folded.

The region's native Uighur Muslims, an ethnic Turkic people, are likely to be offended by the request. They already blame curbs on Uighur religion and culture by the Han Chinese Communist Party for rising ethnic tensions in the region."

UNPO: East Turkestan: Muslim Hospital Staff Face Ramadan Discrimination

Did you knew that Chinese authoroties prevented Uyghur Turks from attending Friday prayers in a mosque...there was a photo in Turkic World thread if you are eager to dig up.

I mean ramadan should be least of your worries.
Some employees can also bring food from home to work. For example, in my work place, one of the professors who teaches management always brings Indian food that his wife cooks for him. Also for me, I don't usually buy food at the college cafeteria, but rather bring food that I cook from my house.
That 's a way to go for senior officer .

But most of the young guys work in factory , not behind desk , on a assembly line.

They do not have time to reheat their food.

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