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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

independence?i can say,chinese have 1000 ways force your country be disintegrating,but you have less one way make xinjiang independent.
what is truth,the truth is so mang people here are giants of keyboard and dwarfs of reality.
i dont want to talk how is Uigur,i have been to Urumchi when my friend gained a university of shanghai,she told me some inviting and blessedly stories about the event of 7.5 in 2009.
i can say people here dont understand a real xinjiang.and they just judge according to media.
everyone think HAN bully and oppress Uigur,just check the population growth of Uigur?and the Uigur policy.
and what govt's wrong is that govt's given benifits is not Uigur' want.

Most Chinese know the western media is full of itself when it comes to Xinjiang. This Nihonjin guy thinks he knows Chinese society better than most of us Chinese posters who actually lives or lived in China.

Responding to him is just a waste of time. He's one of those 口蜜腹劍 type of people.

Racial Discrimination: The Mitsubishi, Japan Case

An Indian Worker Sues His Japanese Employer
If it's the Uighur's owners money and he is risking his money in a business, he can hire whomever he thinks will be able to perform the best job.

Your analogy is not good. How does the Uighur know this Chinese man spits all the time if they just met for an interview, unless of course you Turk believe all older Chinese men spit all the time?
I think the analogy is pretty good because in both cases the employer sees the potential employees condition as an obstacle.

So you are okay with traditional Han food ?

Yes if it is halal I would eat it.
Most Chinese know the western media is full of itself when it comes to Xinjiang. This Nihonjin guy thinks he knows Chinese society better than most of us Chinese posters who actually lives or lived in China.

Responding to him is just a waste of time. He's one of those 口蜜腹劍 type of people.

Racial Discrimination: The Mitsubishi, Japan Case

An Indian Worker Sues His Japanese Employer

Racial discrimination is an unfortunate circumstance for any organization, and in fact as a doctoral student who works in an academic environment that is richly intertwined with diversity initiative, I know very well the strengths diversity initiative provides in industry and in academia. A lot of research has provided information in how organizations that develop a culture of diversity can increase organizational effectiveness in conjunction with seminars that elucidates on cultural awareness.

We live in a multicultural world, globalization has ensured the magnanimity of human interaction and sharing of information. This is why I am a firm believer of organizations to have a more sensitive approach in hiring individuals with rich background. A lot of service sectors provide services to clients who come from various backgrounds and having employees with such backgrounds may prove invaluable for the organization as a whole. Case in point: Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Walmart, Kmart, Toyota, Honda, Mitsubishi, Hyundai, Tata Motors etc.

Lastly, my input merely provides my own conjecture , you make take it as a healthy point of view. Provision of constructive criticism doesn't necessarily have to be taken in such negative light, but should be received as a basis to build and improve upon.

Kind Regards,
I remain
a Nihonjin
This thread shows that you do not really know them. Uighers were always Sufis if today they are salafists it is because the CCP failed to integrate them properly, you do not force people to integrate you give then reason to do so thenselves.

Can you provide credible sources about their Islam sects? any data on when they turned to salafism or wahabi and the population portion of this sect. I will admit my knowledge about Islam is limited, that's why I asked for inputs.

The fact is first they cannot find work because they cannot speak Chinese then even if they learn Chinese they see signs saying hiring hans so what do you expect from them? They will remain in their traditional ways because they have no other option.

An honest question, have you lived in Xinjiang and seen it for yourself? or have you only read about these "oppressions and discriminations" propaganda from the Internet or heard it from a friend of a friend?
Yes if it is halal I would eat it.
The problem is traditional Han cuisine use pork , it is definitely not halal.
The poblem is traditional Han cuisine use pork , it is definitely not halal.
It can be replced with halal beef.

Dont you guys have vegiterian food too?
The fact of the matter is that there will always be radical groups whenever a nation state rules various peoples of differing ethnic and religious origin. Indonesia had fought wars in suppressing terrorist organizations such as JI (Jeremiyyah Islamiyah) as well as separatist groups from Irian Jaya, and even in Aceh (Sumatra), and with an inclusive policy, the country has been progressive. In fact, there is a lot China can learn from Indonesia.

The point i'm foraying to you is that China can learn from a paradigm shift of authoritarian rule to a more inclusive 'enligthened' policies that are conducive for the Han majority as well as the ethnic minorities in the People's Republic.

So you are blaming the situation on the way the CCP rule. But why are there no terrorists or separatist groups from other minorities like the Hui or Zhuang? they are under the same rule of the CCP and some of the town they live in are even less developed than in Xinjiang. Under your logic, there will be "radicals" rising up from this situation and the CCP is to blame. But clearly this is not true in these area. No terrorism from these minority group at all.

Your comparison between the Muslim in Xinjiang and the Muslim in Indonesia is silly. In Indonesia, they are the majority not minority. And the minority are discriminated there, like a non-muslim is not allowed to marry a Muslim. One human rights report I read said that minority religious group in some area are still getting murdered for no reason other than their religion. I don't think you can call that progressive lol.
To use one to counter another? No...this will bring more issues. I don't want to see any religion conflicts in China.
Traditional han food?

There's so many kinds of Chinese food, bro. You want spicy, you get Sichuan style, if you want brothy you get Beijing style, if you want something as close to south east asian food, you get Cantonese style.

I think the term you mean is "chinese food" ? I mean, even the concept of Chinese food is vast.
I mean most kinds of Chinese cuisine use pork or lard .No matter it is Sichuan or Beijing or some other city.
Traditional han food?

There's so many kinds of Chinese food, bro. You want spicy, you get Sichuan style, if you want brothy you get Beijing style, if you want something as close to south east asian food, you get Cantonese style.

I think the term you mean is "chinese food" ? I mean, even the concept of Chinese food is vast.

I watch 孤独のグルメ
It can be replced with halal beef.

Dont you guys have vegiterian food too?

If you cook yourself or you have personal chef , no problem .

We have vegiterian , but such kind of restaurant is not very popular.

Only a few big companies have halal chef , and it cost too much for small companies to hire halal chef for a few employee.
If you cook yourself or you have personal chef , no problem .

We have vegiterian , but such kind of restaurant is not very popular.

Only a few big companies have halal chef , and it cost too much for small companies to hire halal chef for a few employee.

Some employees can also bring food from home to work. For example, in my work place, one of the professors who teaches management always brings Indian food that his wife cooks for him. Also for me, I don't usually buy food at the college cafeteria, but rather bring food that I cook from my house.
ETIM is considered a terrorist organization in Pakistan and are being decimated presently in our Tribal areas of FATA.
In the field of economics and business management this is called bias and preferential treatment. Not only is this unethical, but negates the organization's diversity initiative. Chinese companies should provide job opportunities for the minorities.

And you are talking from a super inclusionary Japanese society and business, right, my friend? :)

Most Chinese know the western media is full of itself when it comes to Xinjiang. This Nihonjin guy thinks he knows Chinese society better than most of us Chinese posters who actually lives or lived in China.

Responding to him is just a waste of time. He's one of those 口蜜腹劍 type of people.

Racial Discrimination: The Mitsubishi, Japan Case

An Indian Worker Sues His Japanese Employer

In fact, Japanese companies are famous for their xenophobic and sexist/ageist policies. Nihonjin is preaching for China what he does not believe in. Chinese companies will certainly go for whatever they think is profitable. We will not cry over some Uighur terrorist wannabes that feel discriminated. They can go and join the s

I am in agreement with this, it would be counterproductive if the Chinese security forces were to use profiling , in fact, the blanketed term of 'terrorist' could be used by Chinese security forces to commit heinous acts or even abuses on Uighyur peoples who may be innocent of crimes.

Anything that works in Washington, works in China.

All China's neighbors will support independence of Uighur and Tibetans, including some Chinese regions that want to break free from Beijing too. I think Japan will have a great role in liberating these regions. Also India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thai and other regional powers will have a say in this before the end.

Iron hand will only work so long. People will feel more and more alienated and only need one chance to brake free. Even some Chinese regions feel alienated from Beijing. I wouldn't be surprised if they show the hand to Beijing and do business with Japan.

I do honestly hope all Turks are on\ly as smart as you are. Together with your FM, it makes at least two. Good going.

A referendum may will not be recognized by Beijing's authoritarian regime.

Just as Tokyo's right wing regime would not recognize a referendum on Okinawa.

More strict control will make the situation even worse and accelate the brake up of East-Turkistan and Tibet.

That will not happen, we can assure you. But, as we speak, a new Kurdistan has born and is becoming a de jure state, doing business with other nations as a sovereign.
Most Chinese know the western media is full of itself when it comes to Xinjiang. This Nihonjin guy thinks he knows Chinese society better than most of us Chinese posters who actually lives or lived in China.

Responding to him is just a waste of time. He's one of those 口蜜腹劍 type of people.

Racial Discrimination: The Mitsubishi, Japan Case

An Indian Worker Sues His Japanese Employer
thanks,but no matter others how twist the truth,we chinese should spread positive energy and truth which we can free see and touch,while the foreigners can only read on the paper.
the west media like to propagate what they want to not what they real see.because what?because they dont want to see we chinese rise up and challenge their position.
so we can see so many people look chinese and china negatively,they can jump to conclusions against china without understanding the truth.they even not been to china,never talked with a chinese in reality.
as long as chinese make a mistake,they will overstate it.
so i dont expect a fair discuss,a chinese born without a fair appraising.
when we were weak,the west invaded us.when we rising up,they slander us.

the world's propagating is under the west's control,we should face the truth.in this fourm i feel ridiculous with some members,one day they come to xinjiang or shanghai,they will know what are chinese and how the hell is china.

for example,they say chinese in internet cant make free speachs,i invite they to chinese fourm"tianya""tieba",they can see how many people criticize the CCP,then they shut up.
they say chinese cant visit facebook,i tell him that chinese almost can use a VPN visit facebook,and we have a similar website"weibo"which is more convenient for chinese.and a chinese officer tell me why china govts do this?they said:govts dont want to limit chinese go out,and they just dont want "google""facebook"etc free into china,they want protect local chinese company,so today we can see"alibaba""qq""baidu""wechat"etc.
when the internet market is occupied by USA company,chinese internet company is rising up,i have to say this is a smart policy
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