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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

please, do start a thread and show us the rights Uyghurs have and the rights the Kurds have?

i would love to come and join and comment on it!

In all seriousness, someone ought to do that so we can all learn something, while the knowledge will hopefully go toward the improvement of the lot of the down-trodden everywhere.

Hu can do it and you can do it, too, Silko.

I, OTOH, am not here often enough ...
just goes to show that you ARE occupying their country, and have for years killed, massacred, denied them their rights and systematically watched them and killed their babies so they wont grow population wise!

You don't seem to see reality do you ? Xinjiang has been apart of China far before Uighurs ever came form mongolia and no they have rights just the same as everyone no special favors for anyone. Killing babies seems like something turkey would do with the Kurds after you occupation or kurdistan what is it 30,000 dead ? they are bombing turkey, capturing your soldiers and even today ? FYI your President also sold out the Uighurs for Trade with us.
By arguing this Point of Russia and Afghanistan, you are actually validating my point.

God, you are so genius :lol:

Best of luck with your Russian buddies, mate.

Anyway , you should at least sympathize with the people instead of looking for brownie points and an internet pat from your Chinese friends who consider you just another black low caste Hindu converted confused Muslim to be used as balance in the region.

Is that their perception or yours Mr. Indian? :lol: And for your information, I have a Persian-mainland Indian heritage. And in fact I've grown up in Singapore, Japan and Thailand. And they didn't give damn about my heritage.

They have already succeeded in buying off slaves in the western sub continent. don't just be another one of them.

Oh so at first you demonize China, and now you are complementing them(?)

Americans are now slaves of the Chinese. Yeah, we all believe you...

I can answer Kashmir and reasons for it be an Indian state. I can even talk about Bangladesh in similar terms but that's for a different thread.

Yeah, we know you funded the Shanti Bahini. And it failed miserably.

but seriously .. Europeans are occupying Australia and America? really ? doesn't it even make sense? didn't they declare independence long ago even when they are the same people? are you that desperate to rationalize Chinese actions?

I guess someone has skipped history classes :lol:

why so much fan boyism?

Fanboyism goes to you mate.
hmm... i think you forget to mention that there never war a "western Armenia" and no don't go offtopic with the "poor kurds" remark. go open a new thread as i said and then i'll join and debate with you.

you cannot deny the horrors that the Uyghur population has had to go through during the communist mao's era and after that.

They are stilling looking into it. everyone went through suffering during the Maoist revolution even us muslim huis left our religion but came back to it we are fine in China today, Uighurs have the same rights as Huis but if you wann call for East Turkemanstan we can for a Kurdistan and Western Armenia.

Difference is East Turkmenistan terror group is going dead while the PKK and Kurds are still fighting in Turkey oh yeah your president also sold out the Uyghurs for Trade.
This Indian troll fest is comical. Let's wait for more details first.

these trolls all have an advanced syndrome of chosen dementia about the oppressed rebels in the eastern,central; and norhern part of their land

This is a hideous plot trying to create skirmishes in China so that it will be used as a bargaining chip against the Chinese Government and the aim is to weaken China's stance for Syria and Iran! The culprit of all these is a member of nato which is damn easy to locate!
You don't seem to see reality do you ? Xinjiang has been apart of China far before Uighurs ever came form mongolia and no they have rights just the same as everyone no special favors for anyone. Killing babies seems like something turkey would do with the Kurds after you occupation or kurdistan what is it 30,000 dead ? they are bombing turkey, capturing your soldiers and even today ? FYI your President also sold out the Uighurs for Trade with us.

still going offtopic instead of opening a separate thread ehh?

and no, we don't sell out Uyghurs. we just improve ties with China.
still going offtopic instead of opening a separate thread ehh?

and no, we don't sell out Uyghurs. we just improve ties with China.

No off topic just giving you reality if you call for East Turkemanstan we call for a Kurdistan and Western Armenian happy ? yes you did your for trade.
please, do start a thread and show us the rights Uyghurs have and the rights the Kurds have?

i would love to come and join and comment on it!

Could you please answer my question in my other reply?
1. Do Kurds have a choice of NOT learning Turkish in school?
2. How many TV stations do Kurdish people have, broadcasting in their own languages before 2009 when Erdogan call the riot a Chinese genocide?

Aren't language the most important thing to keep the culture?

And killing babies to reduce the population, my goodness. Even the most anti-China media doesn't have this kind of imagination, what drugs are you on? If Chinese air force attack Uighurs like Turkish air force did on Kurdish villagers, I am sure you will jump to moon and calling that ethnic cleansing.
You don't seem to see reality do you ? Xinjiang has been apart of China far before Uighurs ever came form mongolia and no they have rights just the same as everyone no special favors for anyone. Killing babies seems like something turkey would do with the Kurds after you occupation or kurdistan what is it 30,000 dead ? they are bombing turkey, capturing your soldiers and even today ? FYI your President also sold out the Uighurs for Trade with us.

We are not hostile to Turkey, but if it wants to keep meddling into our business and steps our red line, then don't blame us for supporting Kurdistan.

China can create far more damages to Turkey than vice versa.

But we prefer to be nice with everyone, so they should also see the red line that they should not step on.
No off topic just giving you reality if you call for East Turkemanstan we call for a Kurdistan and Western Armenian happy ? yes you did your for trade.

idiot, really an idiot.

why are u going offtopic with your "west armenia" and "kurdistan" sentences? go open a new thread if you want to show support for them. which you dont even care about in reality. and believe BS lies that pkk says.

and no, improving ties doesn't mean selling someone out. in that case Chinas president have sold out the communist state by improving ties with oter democratic countries.
not my words. I got them from Chinese net warriors and paid trollers on other forums.

What other forums, cared to point out a link?

Otherwise people might think not only you are a "castist", but also a coward ...

BTW, would you stand in the middle of the busiest streets in Dhaka and call the passersby what you just did? And when a "forum" gathers around you quickly, would you just say ... "uh, I heard it from some 'yellow' C........"?

At least be brave, beta. Just keyboards here.
Could you please answer my question in my other reply?
1. Do Kurds have a choice of NOT learning Turkish in school?
2. How many TV stations do Kurdish people have, broadcasting in their own languages before 2009 when Erdogan call the riot a Chinese genocide?

Aren't language the most important thing to keep the culture?

And killing babies to reduce the population, my goodness. Even the most anti-China media doesn't have this kind of imagination, what drugs are you on? If Chinese air force attack Uighurs like Turkish air force did on Kurdish villagers, I am sure you will jump to moon and calling that ethnic cleansing.

Not to mention we never used chemical weapons on the Uighurs like Turkey did on the Kurds. we also never sent our airforce to bomb the East Turkmenistan terror groups hideouts in Afghanistan like Turkey does repeatedly bombing Iraqi kurdistan without warning.
Could you please answer my question in my other reply?
1. Do Kurds have a choice of NOT learning Turkish in school?
2. How many TV stations do Kurdish people have, broadcasting in their own languages before 2009 when Erdogan call the riot a Chinese genocide?

Aren't language the most important thing to keep the culture?

And killing babies to reduce the population, my goodness. Even the most anti-China media doesn't have this kind of imagination, what drugs are you on? If Chinese air force attack Uighurs like Turkish air force did on Kurdish villagers, I am sure you will jump to moon and calling that ethnic cleansing.

open a new thread about the rights of Kurds and i will happily answer it there, not here where the topic is Uyghurs.

We are not hostile to Turkey, but if it wants to keep meddling into our business and steps our red line, then don't blame us for supporting Kurdistan.

like u never meddle in other peoples business! mr perfect China.
idiot, really an idiot.

why are u going offtopic with your "west armenia" and "kurdistan" sentences? go open a new thread if you want to show support for them. which you dont even care about in reality. and believe BS lies that pkk says.

and no, improving ties doesn't mean selling someone out. in that case Chinas president have sold out the communist state by improving ties with oter democratic countries.

Again Name calling ? why not if you Call for East Turkmanstan built off terror we should do the same for Kurdistan and help Armenia with it's western half. what a dumb delusion person you are we are not communist, more of socialist/capitalist. the difference is you sold out the uighurs for trade.

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