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Xbox One Discussions

Next-gen console specs: PS4 vs. Xbox One vs. Wii U


Now that the Xbox One has been officially revealed, let’s have a look at the specs between all three systems. We know what the Wii U and the Xbox One look like, but Sony has chosen not to reveal their console except in elusive clips. Still, the spec list fore each console is now available. Both the Xbox and the PlayStation seem to stack up similarly in regards to specs, though the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 has a massive eight-core processor.

All three consoles have AMD powered GPUs, while the Xbox One and Playstation 4 have an AMD powered CPU. The Wii U is powered by IBM’s PowerPC architecture, leaving nVidia solely to mobile and PC graphics. As far as features go, the Xbox One followed Nintendo’s direction by including live TV in their console, including a guide view that Nintendo made popular with TVii. Currently it looks like Microsoft is stepping on Nintendo’s toes quite a bit with the Wii U’s TVii system.

A look at the next-gen console specs | Wii U



PS4 is not even announced yet, wait for E3 '13.
Bad impression of the Xbox one, not only a stupid and misleading name with no creativity whatsoever in the name, but the design of the Xbox One is hideous. It is larger and bulkier than the Xbox 360, and looks like a large blu-ray player, most likely it will be heavier as well; all negatives about the Xbox One. The worst part is the Xbox One is not backwards-compatible from what I am reading, and I think Microsoft confirmed this as well- a major negative. Another problem is although cloud gaming is good, but if you want to share games with your friends there is a fee the friend or you have to pay to access the game! This fee in additional to the money you already pay to get Xbox Live...

Overall, I can't believe how badly Microsoft botched this, sure on paper Xbox One has good performance but comes with many strings attached and is a really controlled system with restrictions. I will wait for PS4, I currently have the Xbox 360 Slim and the online experience is much better than PS3/PSN.

Although Sony really needs to improve user interface and online experience of PSN--I wouldn't mind paying for it if they do a better job at it and improve it's security.

As for Xbox One, they better come out with a slim version of like they did for Xbox 360 otherwise I think many 360 users will not go for the new Xbox One but may even opt for PS4 which is what I am thinking...
PS4 is not even announced yet, wait for E3 '13.

meray bahi kindly keep up with the news

are announced in press conference over 3 month ago along with games to be released

ON E3 2013 SONY will showcase PS4 physically that they did not show earlier



PlayStation 4 Revealed
PlayStation 4 Revealed - IGN

Everything PS4 in 1.5 Minutes
Everything PS4 in 1.5 Minutes - IGN Video

Sony Details PlayStation 4 Processing Specs, DualShock 4, and Eye
New light shed on the system's internals and peripherals.

Sony Details PlayStation 4 Processing Specs, DualShock 4, and Eye - IGN

PlayStation 4 Games

PlayStation 4 Games - PlayStation 4 Wiki Guide - IGN

Sony Shows Off PS4 Controller, Eye Accessory

Sony Shows Off PS4 Controller, Eye Accessory - IGN


Andrew House, President and Group CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment, in front of a screen showing games being developed for the firm's new PS4 console


The new Dualshock controller - the only piece of hardware Sony revealed during the two hour press conference


Mark Cerny, lead system architect for the Sony Playstation 4, shows off the new Dualshock 4 controller, which has a built in touchscreen controller


The new PS4 controller has a touchpad and a light sensor so it can be tracked by cameras on the console, allowing players to simply move it around to play games without having to press buttons
not only a stupid and misleading name with no creativity whatsoever in the name, but the design of the Xbox One is hideous. It is larger and bulkier than the Xbox 360, and looks like a large blu-ray player, most likely it will be heavier as well; all negatives about the Xbox One. The worst part is the Xbox One is not backwards-compatible from what I am reading, and I think Microsoft confirmed this as well- a major negative. Another problem is although cloud gaming is good, but if you want to share games with your friends there is a fee the friend or you have to pay to access the game! This fee in additional to the money you already pay to get Xbox Live...

Overall, I can't believe how badly Microsoft botched this, sure on paper Xbox One has good performance but comes with many strings attached and is a really controlled system with restrictions. I will wait for PS4, I currently have the Xbox 360 Slim and the online experience is much better than PS3/PSN.

Although Sony really needs to improve user interface and online experience of PSN--I wouldn't mind paying for it if they do a better job at it and improve it's security.

As for Xbox One, they better come out with a slim version of like they did for Xbox 360 otherwise I think many 360 users will not go for the new Xbox One but may even opt for PS4 which is what I am thinking...

What else creative do you want when you can watch all sorts of movies and TV programs on Xbox One and play next generation games on Xbox One, why should Microsoft stick to backward compatibility even so they keep in mind their customers they have their profit earning business model many of 2-3 year old Titles will come in blue ray modified upgraded for to play on Xbox One so get the money ready and buy it for the newer console I don't see any problem.

Its a powerful machine you can't put that sort of technology in some macmini like casing and design is something that should not be the criteria you're not gonna have sex with it or keep kissing it so design is good enough Sony emphasis design while their security is extremely poor.

I don't see strings attached your entire family can play the game that is to be installed and not read from disc and plus point if your xbox has 10 accounts everyone can play it, if you want to go to your friend's home and play the game you'll need to access your account...but wait why not make an account and share it with your friend! So I don't see what restrictions are you talking about, would you want your friend or someone take your disc and install it on their system and play it that's illegal so great decision by Microsoft.

My friend its too early i agree with most of your points but at the same time i have my opinion and some sort of a different point of view...remember xbox 360 slim came out 4GB then 250GB then 320GB...you will see initially 500GB system with cloud services then I am sure next E3 you'll get couple of flavoured orbefore 2014 Xmas larger capacity hard drive laden Xbox One..I also remember Xbox 360/Slim revision.
Xbox 360 Revision CPU GPU eDRAM
Xenon/Zephyr 90nm| 90nm|90nm
Falcon/Opus 65nm | 80nm | 80nm
Jasper 65nm | 65nm | 80nm
The Slim I believe had 32nm processor and the One will have 28 or lower and i do expect Microsoft to bring in even better hardware as an upgrade in second year of its release that is what they have done with Xbox 360 and Slim version and that is how PS3 lost but not totally it has its merits.

User switching to PS4 reason would be looks of console [pointless], free online gaming but still hugely lacking Live experience, switching knowing Sony bad security, there is nothing else special to switch to PS4 graphics might be 5% better than XOne but that is not the reason for ppl to switch atleast not for me if I can't see big different I won't ditch XOne losing many great features. Again Sony copied shamelessly Kinetic before that they introduced that dil.do like stuff on PS3 that didn't go well :lol:

People should not complain there are 101 ways to design console even I can create a hot looking external box that fit in PS3 equipment in it which would be called modding the emphasis is interaction and productivity rather than looks.

Lastly As always more and more Titles for Xbox One/Slim than PS3/PS4
I build my own PC And I am running a A$2500 Dual Graphic (2x HD-7950 in crossfire mode) card and Dual CPU 12 cores E5 work station.

Yet I don't think you can replace console gaming by PC Gaming. Some game just doesn't cut it.

Looks for me is not important, if they can do what I want. And there are some games that I want only will get published by Xbox anyway, so I will most definitely have one.

My comp and console are current running 24/7 anyway, I don't know why the internet things have been bashed by user here......
I build my own PC And I am running a A$2500 Dual Graphic (2x HD-7950 in crossfire mode) card and Dual CPU 12 cores E5 work station.

Yet I don't think you can replace console gaming by PC Gaming. Some game just doesn't cut it.

Looks for me is not important, if they can do what I want. And there are some games that I want only will get published by Xbox anyway, so I will most definitely have one.

My comp and console are current running 24/7 anyway, I don't know why the internet things have been bashed by user here......

Thanks or the info, it is the experience of Xbox One and before that Xbox 360 Slim that's important my brother has PS3 and believe me i did not find it a bit stunning. When i bought xbox 360 Elite in 2007 at the same time i bought a very powerful desktop and heavily customized it bought a game both for pc and console and enjoyed console version more than PC later sold that desktop.

Later on Sony's playstation XYZ and Microsoft's next generation consoles in coming years would get bigger not as bigger as desktops with more power inside them then there won't be much of a difference for PC gamers atleast not for 70% gamers...in my view the most professional gamers build their gamer desktops rather than buying a pre configured desktop, 70% are wannabe gamers who just buy good spec desktops and declare themselves gamers.
Nothing can beat these ever, no XBOX any version, PS any version or WII any version :partay:


and this


and this


I played Atari and "family game" Family Computer Disk System a lot and sometimes Sega mega drive I and II after that did not use any console.
I build my own PC And I am running a A$2500 Dual Graphic (2x HD-7950 in crossfire mode) card and Dual CPU 12 cores E5 work station.

Yet I don't think you can replace console gaming by PC Gaming. Some game just doesn't cut it.

Looks for me is not important, if they can do what I want. And there are some games that I want only will get published by Xbox anyway, so I will most definitely have one.

My comp and console are current running 24/7 anyway, I don't know why the internet things have been bashed by user here......

which games do you play.. apart from strategy/building games all other games are better in console... you should give it a try..
I am completely under whelmed to be perfectly honest.

This next gen console is about as next gen as my old PS3 with current update, and XBOX with kinect.

Go for a gaming PC.
1000x better then any console on the market.

Xbox here have tried too hard to pursue the smartphone type plan.
The all in one, multi-purpose, toaster.

It seems to me, they have neglected it's most important feature.

Price of True Gaming PC is around 1200$.
This is 200% more expensive than Xbox360 console. :hitwall::hitwall:
Price of True Gaming PC is around 1200$.
This is 200% more expensive than Xbox360 console. :hitwall::hitwall:

Depending on gear, I can get you a true Gaming PC (with i7 3770 and either HD7950 or GTX670) for $850.

and Xbox360 does not cost more than $600, I think it's 399 with 3 games now.
Thanks or the info, it is the experience of Xbox One and before that Xbox 360 Slim that's important my brother has PS3 and believe me i did not find it a bit stunning. When i bought xbox 360 Elite in 2007 at the same time i bought a very powerful desktop and heavily customized it bought a game both for pc and console and enjoyed console version more than PC later sold that desktop.

Later on Sony's playstation XYZ and Microsoft's next generation consoles in coming years would get bigger not as bigger as desktops with more power inside them then there won't be much of a difference for PC gamers atleast not for 70% gamers...in my view the most professional gamers build their gamer desktops rather than buying a pre configured desktop, 70% are wannabe gamers who just buy good spec desktops and declare themselves gamers.

People almost always forgot one thing that is Xbox is 10 times easier to control using your computer than Playstations. If you have the latest firmware for your xbox360, what you just need to is to connect your Xbox into your network and you can ask your xbox to play almost anything from video to photo. Where you need to take heaps of step to just stream a video from your Playstation via your Computer. Bear in mind 320/500G HDD is not nearly as good as a 4TB HDD system.

which games do you play.. apart from strategy/building games all other games are better in console... you should give it a try..

I don't play much game as I used to, mostly my computer is used to do computer graphic generation. I used to play Final Fantasy 14 and an online game called eveonline.

I mostly play Racing game on my xbox, I don't play FP Shooting game at all...
The New Xbox One Will be a “Monitoring Device Under the Guise of a Gaming Console”

The Xbox One will bundle the Kinect – a device that captures motion and sound - with every console and its camera and mic will be always on by default. In fact, Xbox One will actually refuse to work if the Kinect is not connected to it. So the camera and mic will work even when the console is turned off. And the camera will even work in the dark. Yup. It will also be able to read your facial expressions and count the people in the room with you (there are also talks of charging Pay-Per-View movies PER PERSON in the room).
Furthermore, all of this data captured by the device could easily be transmitted to God knows where as the console will constantly require an internet connection to even function. This capability is rationalized because Microsoft wants to give users the ability of turning on the console by saying “Xbox On”. So, for this reason, the console needs to be listening to EVERY SINGLE word you’re saying around it in case you say “Xbox On”.

The unveiling of these capabilities no one asked for has lifted some eyebrows around the world.

Tim Vines, director at Civil Liberties Australia, told GamesFIX that Microsoft has a lot to answer for with a product that has the ability to listen and watch everything a person does.

“People should have the ability to turn off the camera or microphone, even if it limits the functionality of the machine,” he said. Vines believes privacy is “all about control”.

“Of course, if Microsoft doesn’t allow that (control), then people should vote with their wallets and skip the next Xbox.”

Vines says Microsoft should be upfront about what it does with data collected by Xbox One.

“Microsoft’s new Xbox meets the definition of a surveillance device under some Australian laws, so they need to be upfront and tell customers whether anyone else can intercept their information or remotely access their device,” Vines said.

- Games Fix, Privacy breach: Xbox One a ‘twisted nightmare’

According to Berlin’s federal data protection commissioner, Peter Schaar, the Xbox One is nothing more than a monitoring device under the guise of a gaming console.

“The Xbox One continuously records all sorts of personal information about me. My reaction rates, my learning or emotional states. These are then processed on an external server, and possibly even passed on to third parties. The fact that Microsoft could potentially spy on my living room is merely a twisted nightmare.”

Even if the Xbox One provides the option of turning off the camera and mic of the console, History shows that these options could easily be overridden remotely by any organization or creep with some technological capability. All of this ties in perfectly with my article entitled CIA Director: Web-Connected Devices in Your Home Make it Easy to Spy on You that quotes a CIA director openly stating that web connected devices are used to spy on citizens.


IMO you dont get the ultimate gaming experience on ps3's online play like xbox

xbox is what professionals use coz its got a better controller hence its easier to take control of stuff.....
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