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Wow! Journalists on Government Payroll are Tweeting Against Serving Pak Army Generals

Ahmed Noorani should be tried under Army Act for Defaming A Serving LT.Gen, This is pure Hatred towards a National Prestige Institution...
On the otherhand Lights of Talat Hussain, Ahmed Noorani & Chiri Baba would do as their masters would say... in this case its Maryam Nawaz Social Media Cell..
PS: When Gen.Raheel took all the proves & showed it to NS regarding Dawn Leaks, Maryam Nawaz Name was on the top of the list among others...
A Punjab inside India wasnt what we Muslims wanted we were barely able to get aajority to part our ways in a bloody and unjust partition

And who do you think is to be blamed for this bloody and unjust partition ?

Definitely not Khizar Hayat Tiwana
And who do you think is to be blamed for this bloody and unjust partition ?

Definitely not Khizar Hayat Tiwana
A white Idiot who had never been east of Paris but was given task of partitioning British Indian Punjab
What else to expect from Ahmad Noorani!! :blah:
A white Idiot who had never been east of Paris but was given task of partitioning British Indian Punjab

I won't blame Radcliffe .... Wavell had already "proposed" a few years ago that in case Punjab was partitioned, Gurdaspur must go to India(for geographical/religious reasons). About Zira Tehsil (and other last hour changes), the award was influenced by Mountbatten. While one can argue that preponement of Partition by Mountbatten made the situation worse, but he can't be blamed for all the bloodshed ... That was bound to happen ... The Congress and the Muslim League were equally responsible for partition, and therefore equally responsible of all that happened consequently
BTW this is not the first time I have seen these wanna be "elite" military brats stirring trouble for their fathers. (Abba jurnail banta nahi amma aur bacho ka attitude assman pur poohanch jata hay pehlay) :mad:
hahahah tell me about it....:rofl::rofl::rofl:
ISPR can do bullshit propaganda and give lifafas to anchors like Mubashir Luqman, Dr. Danish and Dr. Shahid Masood


If civilians do the same, then tattoos of the army start whining and labelling them as traitors.

Pakistan army does not deserve any respect in the light of its 70 years history. Respect is earned not demanded.
ISPR can do bullshit propaganda and give lifafas to anchors like Mubashir Luqman, Dr. Danish and Dr. Shahid Masood


If civilians do the same, then tattoos of the army start whining and labelling them as traitors.

Pakistan army does not deserve any respect in the light of its 70 years history. Respect is earned not demanded.

Altaf Hussain Murdabaad!
Altaf Hussain Murdabaad!
I respect your freedom of speech.

Now you do the same for Ahmed Noorani and let him thrash that buffoon Asim Bajwa.
Grow up kid and try to absorb reality.

نئے رنگروٹ، میں جتنا ھوں، اتنا ہی ٹھیک ھوں، تم اپنے بڑے ہوںے کی فکر کرو- شکریہ

And save your examples of other countries until we become comparable to them.

I respect your freedom of speech.

Now you do the same for Ahmed Noorani and let him thrash that buffoon Asim Bajwa.

If you thought that your respect will deter me from bashing traitors who say Pakistan murdabad, you were wrong..

Actually, the guy is not even a Pakistani.... So why shouldn't I chant Altaf murdabad, Altaf murdabad, Altaf murdabad?

Regarding Ahmad Noorani, I know this guy very well.. More than you know Altaf.. So don't teach me the lesson of freedom of speech..

BTW, Ahmad Noorani should have respected the tweet from General's son, right?
Army thinks little insects like Noorani have not much say in overall opinion making, the problem with this is if there are many such insects start chirping, they create a lot of ruckus.Pest control is very important.

The Bajwa situation was also a bit unprofessional. If you have a semi official account, Do not follow or let your kids embarass you. It is not an effing debate club.

To me Survival of Pakistan = Pak Army. Anyone who targets Pak Army with malicious intent needs to be sorted out however constructive criticism done through proper channel and manner should be welcomed and there should be a proper channel through ISPR to answer such queries and comments, to be published and acknowledged in an official capacity. ISPR needs to be two way. This will squeeze the space enjoyed by uptight self righteous bullcrap fake leftists who are in all honesty run of the mill money hungry sell outs.
RIP morality and Common sense which is not available in Pakistan. I am unable to find any propaganda but ISPR is a propaganda center where in world army run a public relation media center? Every press release should come by proper channel and ISPR should stop funding few media houses..
Where in the world does the Army run a public relations center? Did you really just ask that question?

The answer to that is everywhere. Literally everywhere in the world. The American Army has one, the British Army has one, the Russian Army has one, the Australian Army has one,

The US Army especially has been sponsoring videogames and movies for a long time.

In the modern world, to maintain a professional volunteer-based standing Army, a Public Relations branch is required.
BTW, if you think they are on payroll then i think our army is also on govt's payroll :what:. Oh i forget, our so called PAAK army has their own businesses in pakistan in every domain be it agri culture to avaiation.
The whole Ayesha Siddiqa business propaganda story has been debunked on this forum many, many, many times.

Grow up kid and try to absorb reality.
Those who call others "kid" in a patronizing and insulting manner almost always are kids themselves trying to sound mature. Clearly it is you who needs to "absorb reality".
People on government payroll tweeting against serving Lt. General of Pakistan Army. I am sure they want to create internal conflict between different Lt. Gens.

Alas! It was the last organization with some integrity left...

When NS family is caught with overseas property, he says he doesn't have any relation with his children's business. When a family member of a Lt. Gen tweets about government's corruption, government Media cell holds Lt. General responsible...

We are in a deep trouble.... May Allah save us...

@Farah Sohail @Verve @Knight Rider @Emmie @El_Swordsmen @Doordie @war&peace @PaklovesTurkiye @Moonlight @The Sandman
There is not much difference between govt paid journalists and PTI leader and it's supporters both defaming Pak Army, in another thread PTIans were taking against retired Raheel Sahib now IK carefully ( he might learn how to talk ) dragging current COAS.
These idiots should be tried for treason against the state of Pakistan and false propaganda against the army.....hand them over to KPK police and they will reveal how much they got paid and by who to tweet this crap.
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