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World's Top Ten Militaries -A1Kaid

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Here's my list :
1. Russia andd China ( as allies)
2. USA and NATO
3. Britain
4. France
5. Pakistan
6. Germany
7. North Korea
8. Japan
9. Brazil
10. South Africa

World's # 1 cowardly military force: India

This is a disease which is called "BLIND IN HATE" You indians are so funny :pakistan::pakistan::china::sniper::guns:

no need to jump on his back it's not about hate thats from global firepower not an indian source or from him ranking that himself also it's not accurate as far as strongest militaries go it pretty much ranking only by firepower of each country so if u look at from that perspective it's quite accurate i think not ranking by strongest militaries you will see they don't rank other factors like nukes,experience,airforce,navy,training,manpower quality of equipment etc :cheers:
Only firepower ranking not strongest militaries by combat power so don't get too upset :)
Very well presented and educational for me. But the question I do want to ask you is, I am very surprise to see North Korea at 7th place on combat power. They would not be as Israelies are in terms of how much would affect there economy, and money they would have for prolong battle? My question is based on the state that North Korea is in currently. And also the factor of modern equipments that they have in there inventory.

even I am surprised to see north korea even though the economy is poor their military is strong their armed forces are the only one who get fed I guess coz they have a large armed forces and alot of artillery so what they lack in quality they make up for in quantity still personally i would rank them much lower and russia higher on the list.One things for sure according to most sources the top 4 are usually USA,Russia,China and india after that I guess the rest are debatable.:cheers:
That is incorrect about Pakistan being #10 in troop size ( that is if you are referring to active military personnel)! Because you have failed to provide one any sources, and two the truth, I will go ahead and tell everyone what the list looks like according to number of troops (Active Military Personnel)

1) China - 2,255,000
2) United States - 1,426,026
3) India - 1,325,000
4) North Korea - 1,106,000
5) Russia - 1,037,000
6) Iran - 745,000
7) South Korea - 687,000
8) Pakistan - 619,000
9) Turkey - 514,850
10) Egypt - 450,000

Remember this is a list according to "Active Military personnel" not complete Man Power a military can summon for War or whenever it needs more soldiers.

Source: Active Military Personnel

well my source was from startegypage but if u go by just size shouldn't iran be no 1 ? they claim to have 12 million strong army (basij forces)Besides it's not just size other factors matter too look at israel they've destroyed much larger arab armies coz of their superior training,strategies,quality of airforce and pilots .:cheers:
I can very well understand the mentality of some of patriotic guys here commenting on my short post , though with a source and declaring wiki as an unreliable.
There is nothing wrong in admiring ur opponents supiriority in power.
@T-rex :so u think pakistan army as the bravest of force in world which roguely captured enemy's empty posts in kargil.
We can rule them one more time for next 1000 years lmao:cheesy: Well iam pretty sure that india will never do this mistake, If she did then, It will be very ugly war. Both countries will take sevier damage from eachothers, which they can't afford, so no war. If we do go on war in next 100 years then both countries will be finished and China will rule asia lmao ahhaha:cheesy::chilli::bounce::pakistan: We will last, we will live, we Pakistanis will rule the world once. Atleast once in next 500 years.

well :cheers: they always know that pakistani can do any thing.:police:
Japan? Seriously top 10? All they have is small numbers of expensive American copies, losing even a few would take too much capital and time to replace in times of war.

I can understand why you are suprised, threads like these are difficult to rank since we need scenarios. The reason why I have ranked Japan in the top 10 is because they have a strong industrial and technological base.

Should the Japanese decide to become a "normal country" they have the capability to produce an advanced military. Some even say they Japanese have the capability to produce nuclear bombs very fast due to the strong technological and industrial base of the country.
If they ever start mass producing androids or star trek type equipment we are all cooked!

Since you brought up the subject of technology, I can't help but to wonder if the next battle frontier is space, and if the race to colonize space is a potential scenario as well. Currently there are only a few countries capable of reaching deep space and moving people/objects without hindrance, this could be the basis of real power in the future I think.
If they ever start mass producing androids or star trek type equipment we are all cooked!

You must mean Gundam. :cheesy:

Since you brought up the subject of technology, I can't help but to wonder if the next battle frontier is space, and if the race to colonize space is a potential scenario as well. Currently there are only a few countries capable of reaching deep space and moving people/objects without hindrance, this could be the basis of real power in the future I think.

I try not to get ahead of myself on this forum and topics. But I do believe that the future is in Space. Mankind will continue to get more and more advanced. The countries who have the capability to move into space be it military or civil would be the dominant players in the future world.
my list goes like this
1 usa
2 russia
3 china
4 india
5 germany
6 uk
7 france
8 south korea
9 israel
10 japan
11 italy
12 spain
13 brazil
14 turkey
15 pakistan
17 iran
18 ukraine
19 netherlands
20 greece
I can understand why you are suprised, threads like these are difficult to rank since we need scenarios. The reason why I have ranked Japan in the top 10 is because they have a strong industrial and technological base.

Should the Japanese decide to become a "normal country" they have the capability to produce an advanced military. Some even say they Japanese have the capability to produce nuclear bombs very fast due to the strong technological and industrial base of the country.

The Japanese already know how to make nuclear weapons, they have mastered Nuclear technology. It's just that it would be a controversial move for them to go Nuclear. Also due to historical precedent the Nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Japan is strongly opposed to Nuclear weapons and Nuclear proliferation, so out of ethics Japan refuses to acquire Nuclear Weapons, even though Nuclear North Korea threatens them from time to time. Japan relies on the US for protection...
my list goes like this
1 usa
2 russia
3 china
4 india
5 germany
6 uk
7 france
8 south korea
9 israel
10 japan
11 italy
12 spain
13 brazil
14 turkey
15 pakistan
17 iran
18 ukraine
19 netherlands
20 greece

Since it is difficult to estimate fighting ability unless war is actually fought; therefore most analysts rank the military forces based on numbers of men and material. IMO you missed out two very potent armies; North Korea and Taiwan. While one may argue the lack of economic resources of North Korea; it is hard to deny the economic might of Taiwan. Where would you placed these two countries in your list?
I wouldn't make a list due to my lack of knowledge about other countries and their military might.
However, it is a known fact that Pakistani troops, aswell as the Pakistani army as a whole are one of the best trained, and disciplined in the world, and i'm very proud of that.
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