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I remember I watched the Youtube video when I was trying to learn to hack :ashamed:
I am actually kind of proud of these guys. Imagine the talent Pakistan could tap into in information technology sector.

I remember when the story first broke out, I was so Proud of these two Brothers.

Everyone was talking in the US about these two Pakistani Brothers who had created the World's first Virus.
which was something very new for most computer enthusiasts.

The beauty of this story is that their virus was not destructive but was designed to protect their copyrights and they put their names and phone numbers in the code.

Their whole idea was to discourage copyright infringement.
I remember when the story first broke out, I was so Proud of these two Brothers.

Everyone was talking in the US about these two Pakistani Brothers who had created the World's first Virus.
which was something very new for most computer enthusiasts.

The beauty of this story is that their virus was not destructive but was designed to protect their copyrights and they put their names and phone numbers in the code.

Their whole idea was to discourage copyright infringement.

I had heard something similar that it was a Pakistani who invented the first computer virus but i was not aware that they were two brothers.
I had heard something similar that it was a Pakistani who invented the first computer virus but i was not aware that they were two brothers.

If you watch the Youtube video in post # 5 , you will see that their company " Brain " is still housed in the same Building where they made their humble beginnings.

Fascinating stoy.
People pissed me off easily :angel:

I remember when the story first broke out, I was so Proud of these two Brothers.

Everyone was talking in the US about these two Pakistani Brothers who had created the World's first Virus.
which was something very new for most computer enthusiasts.

The beauty of this story is that their virus was not destructive but was designed to protect their copyrights and they put their names and phone numbers in the code.

Their whole idea was to discourage copyright infringement.
I wish more money was put in for further research and to improve digital security
This was the first Computer Virus in the World and my American Friends were SHOCKED that some people from Pakistan were on the cutting edge of Computer Technology.

as a Software Professional,I should clear the doubt.

Brain Virus,which was first Boot Sector Virus,wasn't First Computer Virus.Creeper Virus was claimer of that.Brain wasn't even first personal computer virus,which was Elk Cloner.all of these came in mid 70s or early 80s.its not first DOS Virus,nor it was first one which spread using Floppy,as Elk Cloner used this approach.Brain was first IBM PC virus.

some guys claimedthat Alvi Brothers was "Father of Computer Virus",which is wrong.its John von Neumann.when you guys post anything on Computer Science,you should be precise about it,as Computer Sc is based on precision.
Guys it was not the world's first virus. It was the first widespread MS-DOS virus. Apple II had lots of virus problems too.

I don't remember my laptop getting infected with anything (yes there were laptops back in 1986). I do remember the Form virus infecting stuff in 1990.

And no it didn't "make front page news all over the place" and Americans weren't "shocked". Back then PC's were a niche market. Not many people had them. I only had a laptop because my college gave me one. I was lucky since most colleges had ZER0 interest in PCs's and Macs (they still had rooms of electric type writers and if you were lucky some VT100 terminals connected to some minicomputer). If someone had a PC at home that was a rarity as they were well over $1000 back then (edit $4995 for a PC-XT!! To put that in perspective a Honda Accord costs $8400). They really didn't become "mainstream" until companies like Gateway undercut IBM and Compaq. So if something happened on a PC it wasn't making the top story on the news. It was considered something that pocket protector geeks who had the money to spend did.
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Guys it was not the world's first virus. It was the first widespread MS-DOS virus. Apple II had lots of virus problems too.

I don't remember my laptop getting infected with anything (yes there were laptops back in 1986). I do remember the Form virus infecting stuff in 1990.

And no it didn't "make the news all over the place" and Americans weren't "shocked". Back then PC's were a niche market. Not many people had them. I only had a laptop because my college gave me one. I was lucky since most colleges had ZER0 interest in PCs. If someone had a PC at home that was a rarity as they were well over $1000 back then. So if something happened on a PC it wasn't making the top story on the news. It was considered something that pocket protector geeks did.

How Pathetic are you ?

When was the last time you or your work was featured as a Cover page for Times Magazine ?
Pakistani youth has talent but unfortunately resources are not available :(
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