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World War III

Pleas add my robot army and small fighter aircrafts for World War III :pakistan:
Both Biblical prophecy and the Illuminati plan state that Israel is the key. The Third World War is planned to begin when Israel goes to war against her Arab enemies. Then, and only then, will all the other elements begin to occur and they will do so in rapid succession. The plan is to have one disaster following another in such rapid succession that, before people can mentally and emotionally handle one disastrous news event, they will be hit with another. It is also accurate to say that until ALL of the elements for WW3 are in place, the plan will not commence.

Only commenting on the sequence of events as dictated by religion and professed in history.

1. The system of "Interest" Capitalism will be prevalent
2. The Anti-Christ, would appear ( it is common consensus now that this refers to the Capitalist system it self, or the leader of capitalist system a.k.a America)
3. A time of great tribulation, where muslims will be hunted like a hungry man attacks food.
4. The River Tigress will change course
5. Enough blood will be shed in Iraq to color the river red, and a great mountain of wealth will appear ( that be oil )
6. Tribulation will start amongst the tribes ( Muslims in general Arab tribes in specific)
7. During the Hajj, Mehdi will appear in Mecca and hide in Madina.
8. Mehdi will assemble an army to fight against the Capitalist leader.
9. An Army of infidels will be sent from western arabia to curb the mehdi, this army will be destroyed as earth will sink to eat this army.
10. Another army will then from the west who will support and fight with the Mehdi. / An Army will gather from the region central to Afghanistan + Iran + Pakistan = South Afghanistan (Qandahar) who will defeat the enemy and have black flags.
11. That army will set out to Israel and no power in between will be able to stop it.

It is common belief and practice that the army who will eventually rise will come from Pakistan + Iran + Afghanistan and later rest Muslims will join in.

It is also common understanding that before this army sets out the enemy it will crush is Pagans = India.

12. A mosque in Syria, on early morning prayer Jesus will return to earth where Mehdi will great him, and prayer will be offered under Jesus's leadership.

13. True Christians will recognize Jesus and fight along side Muslim armies

14. Israel -> Kaput ! People of Israel taught a lesson.

15. Single religion prevails and God is worshiped like he should be.

These are the steps leading to and defining the battle of Armageddon.

If you feel it is offensive specially if the indian members feels so, please hold it.
Rig Vedas them selves speak of the same sequence.

If some one has further knowledge on the issue, please do add.

I request all to be subjective !
Only commenting on the sequence of events as dictated by religion and professed in history.

1. The system of "Interest" Capitalism will be prevalent
2. The Anti-Christ, would appear ( it is common consensus now that this refers to the Capitalist system it self, or the leader of capitalist system a.k.a America)
3. A time of great tribulation, where muslims will be hunted like a hungry man attacks food.
4. The River Tigress will change course
5. Enough blood will be shed in Iraq to color the river red, and a great mountain of wealth will appear ( that be oil )
6. Tribulation will start amongst the tribes ( Muslims in general Arab tribes in specific)
7. During the Hajj, Mehdi will appear in Mecca and hide in Madina.
8. Mehdi will assemble an army to fight against the Capitalist leader.
9. An Army of infidels will be sent from western arabia to curb the mehdi, this army will be destroyed as earth will sink to eat this army.
10. Another army will then from the west who will support and fight with the Mehdi. / An Army will gather from the region central to Afghanistan + Iran + Pakistan = South Afghanistan (Qandahar) who will defeat the enemy and have black flags.
11. That army will set out to Israel and no power in between will be able to stop it.

It is common belief and practice that the army who will eventually rise will come from Pakistan + Iran + Afghanistan and later rest Muslims will join in.

It is also common understanding that before this army sets out the enemy it will crush is Pagans = India.

12. A mosque in Syria, on early morning prayer Jesus will return to earth where Mehdi will great him, and prayer will be offered under Jesus's leadership.

13. True Christians will recognize Jesus and fight along side Muslim armies

14. Israel -> Kaput ! People of Israel taught a lesson.

15. Single religion prevails and God is worshiped like he should be.

These are the steps leading to and defining the battle of Armageddon.

If you feel it is offensive specially if the indian members feels so, please hold it.
Rig Vedas them selves speak of the same sequence.

If some one has further knowledge on the issue, please do add.

I request all to be subjective !

Rig Vedas speak of "the destruction of the irreligious by the religious". So by your logic, one of the very Vedas which created Sanathan Dharma speaks of its creation as being "irreligious" :rofl:

Who knows the counter may occur and the Christian, Jew and "pagan" Hindu (Sanathan Dharma, Buddhist, Sikh and Jain) religions may rise up against Islam, which some people from the other religions sometimes wrongly condemn of being irreligious because of the actions of a few extremists, and spark off WWIII. Since you quoted the Rig Vedas, its prophecy may then be fulfilled :coffee:
If you feel it is offensive specially if the indian members feels so, please hold it.
Rig Vedas them selves speak of the same sequence.

If some one has further knowledge on the issue, please do add.

I request all to be subjective !

Can you post a link/source to support that claim you made about the Rig Veda?

Seriously :rofl: at all those religious Armageddon theories!!! Stupidity knows no bounds! All this stupidity is used by religious figureheads to scare the shyte out of people and make them submit to the wishes of the powerful religious heads!! And LOL, people like cattle, do!!!

As for World War III, countries are making a concerted effort not to let any local/regional conflicts blow up. Ain't happening, too much at stake - may be even the future of humanity - and some fools talk about one religion surviving and a God being worshiped!! How about a new one getting created post armageddon with a new GOd and a new set of rules?

All this based on some predictions by someone mentally unstable/delusional in history? You ignore ground realities and desperately want to believe in fantasies?

Geez, most of us - armchair generals and joystick warriors - would shat our pants even if a piece of lead/copper whizzes past our heads!! And you want WWIII? Ask the men in uniform who serve and they will tell you how much they abhor war and violence!
Can you post a link/source to support that claim you made about the Rig Veda?

Seriously at all those religious Armageddon theories!!! Stupidity knows no bounds! All this stupidity is used by religious figureheads to scare the shyte out of people and make them submit to the wishes of the powerful religious heads!! And LOL, people like cattle, do!!!

As for World War III, countries are making a concerted effort not to let any local/regional conflicts blow up. Ain't happening, too much at stake - may be even the future of humanity - and some fools talk about one religion surviving and a God being worshiped!! How about a new one getting created post armageddon with a new GOd and a new set of rules?

All this based on some predictions by someone mentally unstable/delusional in history? You ignore ground realities and desperately want to believe in fantasies?

Geez, most of us - armchair generals and joystick warriors - would shat our pants even if a piece of lead/copper whizzes past our heads!! And you want WWIII? Ask the men in uniform who serve and they will tell you how much they abhor war and violence!

That's what i thought !

Many religions have a messiah concept, including the Jewish Messiah, the Christian Christ, the Muslim Mahdi, the Buddhist Maitreya, the Hindu Kalki and the Zoroastrian Saoshyant. In Hinduism, Kalki (Devanagari: कल्कि; also rendered by some as Kalkin and Kalaki) is the tenth and final Maha Avatara (great incarnation) of Vishnu who will come to end the present age of darkness and destruction known as Kali Yuga.

Both religions talk of and end war, between Good adn Evil, after which GOOD will prevail. You may go ahead and interpret it as however you feel, but that is the crux.

Hindu traditional prophecies, as described in the Puranas and several other texts, say that the world shall fall into chaos and degradation. There will then be a rapid influx of perversity, greed and conflict, and this state has been described as:

"Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya Glanir Bhavati Bharata, Abhyuthanam Adharmasya Tadatmanam Srijami Aham". Bhagavad Gita (Chapter IV-7)

"Whenever there is decay of righteousness O! Bharatha And a rise of unrighteousness then I manifest Myself!"

Thus whenever there is intolerable evil and chaos in the world, there is an appearance of an avatar. In the current yuga, known as the Kali (the most evil) yuga, "The Lord shall manifest Himself as the Kalki Avatar... He will establish righteousness upon the earth and the minds of the people will become as pure as crystal."

I hope I have your attention now,
You can superimpose this template on any abrahamic religion's template, and U will see that it fits.
That's what i thought !

Many religions have a messiah concept, including the Jewish Messiah, the Christian Christ, the Muslim Mahdi, the Buddhist Maitreya, the Hindu Kalki and the Zoroastrian Saoshyant. In Hinduism, Kalki (Devanagari: कल्कि; also rendered by some as Kalkin and Kalaki) is the tenth and final Maha Avatara (great incarnation) of Vishnu who will come to end the present age of darkness and destruction known as Kali Yuga.

Both religions talk of and end war, between Good adn Evil, after which GOOD will prevail. You may go ahead and interpret it as however you feel, but that is the crux.

Hindu traditional prophecies, as described in the Puranas and several other texts, say that the world shall fall into chaos and degradation. There will then be a rapid influx of perversity, greed and conflict, and this state has been described as:

"Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya Glanir Bhavati Bharata, Abhyuthanam Adharmasya Tadatmanam Srijami Aham". Bhagavad Gita (Chapter IV-7)

"Whenever there is decay of righteousness O! Bharatha And a rise of unrighteousness then I manifest Myself!"

Thus whenever there is intolerable evil and chaos in the world, there is an appearance of an avatar. In the current yuga, known as the Kali (the most evil) yuga, "The Lord shall manifest Himself as the Kalki Avatar... He will establish righteousness upon the earth and the minds of the people will become as pure as crystal."

I hope I have your attention now,
You can superimpose this template on any abrahamic religion's template, and U will see that it fits.

Now this is totally different from what you posted earlier. Yes many Hindu and other religious scholars including Muslim scholars are in agreement with what you posted here. In fact the Bhagvad Gita it is said also condones a form of "Jihad" so there are many similarities in our scriptures on the happenings of the end of the world and the fact that it will be occassioned by war instigated by the arrival of gross evil and the coming of a Prophet. An Islamic scholar also quoted verses from the Vedas which spoke of the arrival of a Prophet who fits the description of Prophet Muhammed [PBUH] and stated that the Hindus (followers of the Vedas) will eventually lead a lifestyle as prescribed by the Prophet after the followers of Islam turn to the deceitful evil personality who leads them astray and that the Prophet will return to lead the true believers in the war against evil. How far that is true remains to be seen :undecided:
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