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World looks anew on Balochistan as China dreams big

Can we get back to "World looks anew on Balochistan as China dreams big" please?
Are you one of those who think that China will fight India for Pakistan?

If China develops Chabahar, it is great for India. What India requires is a port for trade, whether China or North Korea runs that port is less than irrelevant.

We trade directly with China - over $70 billion annually... you think China will reduce their trade with us because Pakistan does not like it?

Think things through before posting.

China will not fight for Pakistan but they will continue to supply weapons against India. Recently a Chinese General warned your country against border deployment and called Pakistan as it's 'strategic partner'. $70 billion or $100 billion, that can't stop our relations.

I don't understand how you think China's developent in Chahbahar will be great for India. Its not your state but Iran's ! The access to Iran-China trade can only be possible via Pakistan. Iran has even offered us to build an Oil refinery in Gwadar and setup a Gas Pipeline all the way to China.

35-40% of the world's Oil passes through the Straight of Hormuz and it is in China's interest to use Pakistan's Territory to cut down its transportation costs and also increase its trade relations. So whether it is access to Iranians, Arabs or Afghans, Pakistan and China share interests to build an economic corridor by
Sea, Road and Rail from Gwadar to Kashgar

Think before posting.
Considering how little those bounties are worth, compared to how much financial burden the war has caused on the PA, that's really not a valid argument to make either.

But the mindset behind such decisions is very important. PA lost a lot of face when things like that became public knowledge. This is simply indefensible, a national Army is not supposed to act in this fashion (what to say of army even police is not supposed to act like that).

Even if we ignore the lack of honor and professionalism which may have resulted in taking such decisions a far bigger problem is things like this tilt the public opinion in favor of extremist groups who are already saying that PA is working under orders of Americans. No one in top hierarchy of PA understood the implications?
To tap Balochistan's rich resources, they will be going through Government of Pakistan and it's Provincial Government in Balochistan

a policy of funding rebels and murdering pro-Pakistan Baloch will fail; the only people who will face revenge will be those who try to foment chaos and division in our country. There are enough of us in Pakistan and outside who WILL resist these designs. Even if it means taking up arms.

I'm not even kidding here.


now setting that aspect aside, Pakistan OUGHT to do what is in the best interests -- economically but also socially. Gwadar can bring billions in revenues and generate hundreds of thousands of jobs for Baloch hard-working population. We need everyone to be on the same page for that to take place. No politics, no bullshyt, no conspiracies or vendettas.

Just cooperation and understanding; but also vigilance.

We have enemies out there who want to disturb and sabotage our goals. Will we let them? Hopefully not without a fight. China is rising, and Pakistan can gain from this rise - as can the region.
To tap Balochistan's rich resources, they will be going through Government of Pakistan and it's Provincial Government in Balochistan

a policy of funding rebels and murdering pro-Pakistan Baloch will fail; the only people who will face revenge will be those who try to foment chaos and division in our country. There are enough of us in Pakistan and outside who WILL resist these designs. Even if it means taking up arms.

I'm not even kidding here.

Any political party (in Baluchistan) worth its name is already in mainstream. They are all in agreement that outside forces are financing unrest so half the battle is already won. Until these parties remain in mainstream it will be difficult for India or Afghanistan to gain a foothold in Baluchistan.
economic security and diverse human capital within Pakistan is national security
Oil city to be developed at Gwadar

KARACHI Minister for Ports and Shipping Senator Kamran Micheal said on Saturday that Sri Lanka is ready to give sea cargo to Pakistani flagships, and an oil city would be developed at Gwadar where refineries would be set up to meet China’s energy needs through oil pipeline coming from Iran.

Talking to newsmen at a luncheon meeting at a local hotel, the minister said: “when we do not want aid and talk about trade, so we have to take such steps which can help promote our trade relations with neighbouring countries, like Sri Lanka.”

He said he held a meeting with Sri Lankan ambassador in PNCS building where cooperation in shipping was discussed for promoting trade between the two countries.

The minister said that Pakistan National Shipping Corporation (PNSC) flotilla, consisting of seven bulk carriers and three oil-tankers, would be available to carry Sri Lankan cargo. This would help enhance PNSC revenue which could be used for expanding the fleet of the corporation.

He said soon he would be visiting Sri Lanka for singing an agreement for cooperation in ports and shipping and haulage of Sri Lankan cargo by Pakistani ships.

“This would not only expand trade relations between the two countries, but would also help create jobs,” he added.

He said that he would soon be visiting China to discuss and finalise Gwadar port concession agreement and added that if Pakistan wants to come out of economic crisis, it would have to develop closer economic links with China.

He further said that the Gwadar port concession given to China Overseas Port Holding Company is the same given to Port of Singapore, but he would like to make changes in some of the terms and conditions before finalising the agreement with China.

Responding to a question, he said, the sections related to marketing in the Gwadar port concession would be changed and Pakistan would like to retain them in the larger interest of the country.

The minister said that he paid a visit to Gwadar port and was not satisfied with the progress and feels that the work should be speeded up because the project is very important and has the potential to make economic progress in the country at large and Balochistan, in particular.

During his visit, the minister said the Dutch ambassador also accompanied him who extended assistance in expansion and upgradation of the fishing harbour which is presently being used as a playground by locals. The ambassador also offered to assist in providing PET raisin baskets for handling fish catch.

There was a time Pakistan’s ship-breaking industry at Gadani was the largest of the world, but now Bangladesh and India are leaders in this industry. Therefore, the minister said, efforts would be made to revive this industry for which a core committee had been formed.

Senator Kamran Micheal said Marine Academy would be upgraded and converted into university to cater our needs and of other countries.

He said all avenues will be explored and Ministry of Ports and Shipping and its affiliated departments would be opened up and upgraded to meet the fast changing technological as well as rapidly growing economic trade activities of the country.

He further said all corrupt elements would be removed from the ministry and its affiliated departments and an important announcement would be made in Ramadan.

To a question, the minister said presently three berths were operational at Gwadar port and soon five more would become operational and Chinese concession holders would be asked to speed up work and Pakistan has assured them of full security and proper working environment.

Referring to deteriorating law and order situation in the city which is also affecting port operations, the minister said that soon the interior minister, Chaudhary Nisar, would be visiting Karachi and hold meetings with Governor and Chief Minister of Sindh.

Oil city to be developed at Gwadar - DAWN.COM
Any political party (in Baluchistan) worth its name is already in mainstream. They are all in agreement that outside forces are financing unrest so half the battle is already won. Until these parties remain in mainstream it will be difficult for India or Afghanistan to gain a foothold in Baluchistan.

well -- despite my 2 weeks of depression after Pakistan elections -- one thing I am happy about is the great level of participation of Baloch Nationalist groups who are now part of mainstream politics.

this is a very healthy development for Pakistan and one reason why, despite illiteracy, some semblance of democracy is good for the country

i'm sad to hear that a pro-govt. Baloch tribal representative was found gunned down today with multiple bullet injuries....there always will be outside forces and enemies hell-bent to keep the situation disturbed.

we need to totally upgrade the capabilities of police forces in the province....you cant have development when law & order is bad. We cant be having suicide bombers attack Hazara or other communities; we cant have terrorist thugs on foreign payroll attacking our pipelines and making life miserable for people

a plan needs to be made to seriously confront these issues -- a good regional security plan

Iranian have done good job safe-guarding their borders -- being a police state that they are. We must try to adopt SOME of that on our side.
And what precisely have you ever done for Pakistan , you Loser ?

You have not earned the right to criticize our brave Pakistani Armed Forces you loser Internet warrior.

Tell me, I am curious to find out.

What exactly in your pathetic miserable life have you ever done for My COUNTRY PAKISTAN. A big fat Zilch.

Take off that Pakistani flag, you don't deserve to fly that flag you Pakistan Hater.

I don't think you re a true Pakistani.

China will not fight for Pakistan but they will continue to supply weapons against India. Recently a Chinese General warned your country against border deployment and called Pakistan as it's 'strategic partner'. $70 billion or $100 billion, that can't stop our relations.

I don't understand how you think China's developent in Chahbahar will be great for India. Its not your state but Iran's ! The access to Iran-China trade can only be possible via Pakistan. Iran has even offered us to build an Oil refinery in Gwadar and setup a Gas Pipeline all the way to China.

35-40% of the world's Oil passes through the Straight of Hormuz and it is in China's interest to use Pakistan's Territory to cut down its transportation costs and also increase its trade relations. So whether it is access to Iranians, Arabs or Afghans, Pakistan and China share interests to build an economic corridor by
Sea, Road and Rail from Gwadar to Kashgar

Think before posting.

Your thoughts are not clear to yourself. You have mentioned everything from Chinese generals warning to use of Pakistan's territory as a conduit.

How is that related in any way to India benefiting or not from Chinese developing Chabahar.

You said if the Chinese develop and operate Chabahar, it would be bad for India.
I said, India gains even if Chabahar is developed and operated by China.

Now think about what I said.
@cb4 @Argus Panoptes @muse

The question is, how is Bharat going to respond after tasting the lemon and what should we be prepared for?

they still have Chah Bahar port under construction in Iran so they arent left in the dark.

competition is good, it's healthy

I think Gwadar is in a better position -- but only if law & order situation improves -- and funds allocated towards railways and highways are used for those purposes and not stashed away in bank accounts in the Switzerland
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Listen you sectarian Bigot, when another of your Shia bigots bash Saudis and you thank them and their posts then you are as guilty as they are for Arab bashing.

The only difference is that you are a coward because you don't have the guts to say those bad things but you thank others to spew their venom.

In my books you are worst than cheetah786 because you like a coward won't say all that he is saying but you put your thanks on his post.

Secondly, If you bad mouth one more time our Brave Pakistani Armed Forces you will regret it. You hve not earned the right to criticize our valiant Armed Forces you internet warrior.

Show me one thing you have ever done for Pakistan ever in your life other than just Criticize Pakistan.

P.S. First you said I was Saudi and when I replied back to you in Urdu in Post # 56 , you quickly removed your post, because you realized that in your haste to declare me non-Pakistani, you had made a total Buffoon of yourself.....:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:


The way Bharat responded while Kargil, with China taking no sides. That was some 15 years ago. Now with a $100 Billion trade, China would never jeopardize its relations with India for Pakistan.

Why do Pakistanis forget that in international game plan only self interest matters.

infact you Indians must remember that in international game plan indeed only self interest matters and hence GWADAR serve more self-interests of China than only trade with India.

These Chinese interests NOT only include trade but also defence as well help in keep Chinese engine of economy runing with smooth supply of OIL.
Any Balochistani voice...?

Lets see how will it help Balochistan rather Pakistan..

where's the logic in that? Anything that benefits Balochistan Province will naturally benefit Pakistan Province as a whole....

if you are talking about the improvement of Baloch livelihood

--the nawab/feudals will have to be side-lined; they tend to be masters and treat regular civilians as slaves
--heavy transfusion of funds, investment and infrastructure and getting the Deep Sea Port to be operational at even 65% will ensure the jobs creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs

and beneath the scenes - it creates a security/economic pact with a rising China.

and that doesnt mean that we can't be friends with the "free world" or the "west" or whatever you want to call it. Hormuz Straights is something that for now is much more impactful than Chino-Pak and Pak-Central Asian regional economic cooperation and commerce.

25% of worlds oil passes through those straights. A lot more at stake there.
Your thoughts are not clear to yourself. You have mentioned everything from Chinese generals warning to use of Pakistan's territory as a conduit.

How is that related in any way to India benefiting or not from Chinese developing Chabahar.

You said if the Chinese develop and operate Chabahar, it would be bad for India.
I said, India gains even if Chabahar is developed and operated by China.

Now think about what I said.

Indeed but keeping in mind Indian recent collaboration with US, the Indian standing is on two decks mainly US-Iran . By going the Chinese way along with Iran, you are going to face something from US.

You have to be clear do you want to encircle China for US and gain from it or you going to remove enemy Tag from Chinese shirt and use it viz a viz Chahbahar in case China takes it.
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