A youtube video from a muslim evangelical who calls himself "theproudmuslim"? Gee, I wonder why his "data" supports his conclusion. Let me guess - he is also a muslim, right? Surprise, surprise!
Please look at real world facts, instead of personal videos put up by people clearly advocating a specific viewpoint. Learn and understand what objectivity and neutrality mean.
Countries Compared by Crime > Total crimes per 1000. International Statistics at NationMaster.com
Saudi Arabia, even with all the advantages of being rich, populations concentrated in some urban centers etc, ranks #71. In the top ten countries with lowest crime rates, most of them are very irreligious. Heck, even the top 20 are very irreligious. Places like Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Australia, Norway, Sweden, France all stand as conspicuous counters to your notion that religion prevents crime.
You will have to resign yourself to this fact sooner or later - being religious never prevented criminality, and in fact empirically, only exacerbates it. Atheistic societies tend to be much more peaceful and tolerant and liveable.