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Women in Bahrain Breaks Hindu Idols

Tomorrow they will call it a overzealous Muslimist or anti-Taughutism.
Sanghis are a problem in not only in south asia but also the rest of the world.
They should be enslaved as soon as possible.
She didn't lynched anybody at least. If hindus cannot see cow meat or dont let it eat Muslims in India then why hindus are selling idols openly in muslim country where they are even not native.hindus lynched muslim for cows and she only broke some idols.didnoy touch the any hindu.
Is cow meet sacred for Muslims? Equal to Hindus God? Show me a verse of Quran where its says "It is compulsory for Muslims to eat cow meet."
Don't give a garbage logic to hide your third grade mentality.
And if Cow meet is banned in some states of India, it is banned for all communities, not only for Muslims! @Yaseen1
Some did, most didn't. Your motherland makes a grand show of destroying places of worship and giving status to those who lynch Muslims.
This lady wasn't even Pakistani.
India is the home of most numbers of mosques in the world. At least you should be thankful to Indians that the way Islam is flourished in India , it nowhere did!
Random lynching doesn't give a clue to you about India. In India, Hindus are being lynched more than Muslims.
But Hindus don't know how to play victim.
Thats the difference.
Is cow meet sacred for Muslims? Equal to Hindus God? Show me a verse of Quran where its says "It is compulsory for Muslims to eat cow meet."
Don't give a garbage logic to hide your third grade mentality.
And if Cow meet is banned in some states of India, it is banned for all communities, not only for Muslims! @Yaseen1
Get out of middle east,Indians are not welcome there.
Pai Ji, you shouldn't say that. You are a learned person, you understand the implications of your words.

Normally I would agree with you brother. However I have seen enough from this member to make an informed decision. He can choose to believe whatever he wishes, but passing judgement on each and every Muslim as terrorist and mocking Islam, Quran, Sunnah. How can such claim to be Muslim now?

It is a little too late for that. If he claimed earlier on, I would believe it.

Khair, we leave final judgement to Allah swt.

Sanghis are a problem in not only in south asia but also the rest of the world.
They should be enslaved as soon as possible.

You are generous to them brother. I say that they even do not deserve that much mercy.

Get out of middle east,Indians are not welcome there.

Both of your stories sound made up. In the US if there is a vehicular accident you are discouraged from moving the vehicles until a police officer comes to investigate. Also in your second story the police cannot ask someone to stay away from a citizen unless they file for a restraining order. Nice try bharti, but you being completely ignorant of the laws of the US have outed yourself.

And I did not issue a threat, I genuinely informed the man that it was a possibility and if he had informed the police then nothing would have happened to either of us.

Good catch. Such liars they are.
And I did not issue a threat, I genuinely informed the man that it was a possibility and if he had informed the police then nothing would have happened to either of us.

Depends on which state you are in. might want to read up. It all comes down to how much time the cop and the local prosecutor have on their hands. They might not get a conviction but can make your life miserable in particular if your "possibility" was considered arson. Matters like that become a matter of public record which current employers and future employers (atleast reputable ones anyway) check and often have employment clauses to deal with loony bins. If you happen to be in a "stand you ground state", good luck. you'll need it.
lol this actually reminds me of the early days here in Canada years ago.

I broke an idol of St.Mary in a thrift store the lady wouldn't dare point a finger at me for that since I was one of them 'oppressed' minorities.
lol this actually reminds me of the early days here in Canada years ago.

I broke an idol of St.Mary in a thrift store the lady wouldn't dare point a finger at me for that since I was one of them 'oppressed' minorities.

Canada is soft on many matters. don't try it in US.
i would do it again if i could
the worst kind of idolatry is trinitarian idolatry largely because of the intense contradictions and hypocrisy behind such worship

What do you mean if you could? what is stopping you? fear? As I said US knows how deal with criminals. In additon to penal code, they could ruin your life with civil iitigation. i'm sure you"islamist" views and opinions will play really well with a jury. Keep this in mind, civil jurys only need a majority, not an unanimous verdict.
What do you mean if you could? what is stopping you? fear? As I said US knows how deal with criminals. In additon to penal code, they could ruin your life with civil iitigation. i'm sure you"islamist" views and opinions will play really well with a jury. Keep this in mind, civil jurys only need a majority, not an unanimous verdict.
put money on the table and bet on it. I can do it again in Canada or the US or wherever
Subhan Allah. May Allah Shower Infinite Blessings upon these sisters. They are the true daughters of Abraham - the first iconoclaust who stood against idolatory. They have rekindled the Sunnah of Abraham in these times of Fitnah. This is a shining example for all Muslims. May Allah Help us all in following Islam in the manner that He Has Prescribed and His Messenger Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam has explained. Aameen.
put money on the table and bet on it. I can do it again in Canada or the US or wherever

put money on the table? Why? you said you would if you could. you could. you just don't have the testicular fortitude.
Wow, what a thread.
Religious discussion is not allowed. This thread was to discuss the act of a woman, not the respective religions and their practices.
Maybe use that moderator tools icon on your panel to enforce the regulations on the forum charter.

(Disclaimer: Just a suggestion, not offensive, not trolling, not off-topic and very simple to understand words to be not misconstrued as otherwise, FYI if offended by my post let me know before banning so I can clarify the above sentence.)
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